‹ Prequel: My Number One Fan
Status: Just the summary

Keep You

Chapter 20

Kylie and I headed back to the house after that. It was getting colder and I couldn’t stay out very much longer. As soon as Kylie got in the house she ran upstairs to her bedroom.

“You know, we haven’t had a night alone in a long time,” I said to Jeff, who was sitting in the living room. “I say we send the kids somewhere so we can have some time alone. Away from pregnant sisters and teenagers.”

“You know what, that’s possibly the best idea you’ve had, well, beside marrying me of course.” Jeff replied with a smile.

“Keep telling yourself that Jeffrey, you know I could have just as easily ended up with Matt or Shannon.” Jeff growled as he wrapped his arms around my waist, taking me down to the floor, pinning my arms over my head and straddling my waist.

“So, where we sending them?”

“My aunt and uncle haven’t had them for a while,” I pointed out. Jeff looked thoughtful before getting off of me and walking into the kitchen to use the phone.

“They said it was fine with them.” he said as he walked back in a few minutes later.

“Hey Kylie, William!” I called up to the kids. When they both ran down the stairs and entered the living room, Jeff walked out toward his office. “I was just thinking, you two haven’t been with Paul and Mary for a while. You two want to go stay with them overnight?”

“I do!” Will exclaimed automatically. He loved anytime he got to spend with family, so I knew he would agree to it.

“Be sure to use protection, I don’t want another brother or a little sister,” Kylie replied.

“Kylie!” I exclaimed as she ran back upstairs to pack.

“What did she say?” Jeff asked, walking back into the room.

“To use protection,” I informed him. He laughed and shook his head.

“Are you driving them or letting them walk?”

“I’ll drive them.” Jeff replied. I nodded, smiling to myself. I had a perfect idea for a surprise for him when he got back, but I had to start getting ready for it as soon as he left because drives like a bat out of hell most of the time.

The minute the front door shut, I ran upstairs and into my closet, straight to the spot that held my most personal items.

“Thanks Paul, thanks Marilyn,” I said as I started leaving Riley’s childhood home. Her aunt and uncle nodded and waved, turning their attentions to the great niece and great nephew. I watched the four of them for a long moment before sighing. I knew that Paul and Mary was getting up there in years, and Paul was really starting to show it. He wasn’t able to move around like he used to. They still loved their families, however, so they would have eventually asked to have the kids over anyway.

Shaking my head, I walked from the house, throwing a quick “be good,” to the kids before shutting the door. It didn’t take that long to get back to the house, considering I just had to drive down the path. When I walked into the house, I noticed it was quiet.

“Riley?” I called out, looking in the kitchen at first. When I didn’t find her there, I checked the office, but she wasn’t there either.

“Riley?” I called again.

“Upstairs,” she called from the bedroom. I walked into the room, but didn’t see her.

“Where are you?” I asked, looking around.

“In the bathroom, lay on the bed,” she said from our bathroom. My eyebrow raised, but I did what she said. Music started playing out of nowhere, and Riley walked into the bedroom, wearing nothing but a trench coat. She smirked and removed the coat, revealing a lace camisole top, black lace tutu that didn’t cover anything, and six inch heel boots that went all the way to her thighs. I perked up, looking her over with amazement and pure attraction.

“Now, little lady, you better cut that out or I won’t be responsible for my actions,” I said in thick southern drawl. Riley smirked even more as she crawled across the bed toward me, the cleavage of her breasts revealing as much as if she wasn’t wearing a top at all. I felt my body tighten in response as she straddle my waist, revealing she was wearing nothing under the tutu. I could feel her heat through my jeans, and it just made me that much more aware of what was about to happen.

“Maybe,” she whispered, her lips lightly trailing against the side of my neck. “I don’t want you to be responsible at all. Just let loose, have fun, and enjoy the ride.”

“Oh, I will enjoy the ride,” I said, grabbing her waist and laying her on her back. She giggled as my lips crashed on hers. She groaned as my lips trailed down to her breasts, leaving tiny ghost kisses on the skin, something I knew drove her crazy with need.

And like I promised, I enjoyed every second of the ride.

I smiled as I woke up a few hours later, my naked body snuggled up against Jeff’s. It had been way too long since we’ve had a night like that. With the kids here, we had to be quick and quiet. It was a good feeling to take our time, and to be able to moan and groan and even scream when I wanted to.

I stretched, feeling the tenderness that was the result of our passion. Jeff stirred and opened his eyes, smiling at me as he moved himself overtop of me again.

“Again?” I asked as he started kissing my neck. I felt the heat pool in the pit of my stomach again as his hands ran up and down my body. I shivered with need and anticipation, knowing that if he didn’t stop now, there was no going back for us.

Jeff cursed as a phone started ringing. I was half tempted to tell him to just let it ring, but with the kids being away, I didn’t want to take the chance. I ran, completely naked, into the bathroom and grabbed my phone from the sink. I cursed when I realized it was my dad.

“Hey Dad,” I said as Jeff walked into the bathroom with me.

“Ri, we need you over here, Chase is freaking out,” Dad said in an almost panic. “There’s something she’s not telling us.”

“Okay,” I said with a sigh. “I’m on my way I guess.” Jeff cursed under his breath again, muttering something about my father being the biggest block on the planet.

“You know, I can probably spare a few minutes, and I do need to shower before I go over there,” I smirked to Jeff as I walked toward the very large shower. He smiled and shook his head, joining me in an instant. After a little playing around which involved me getting sent into another world of bliss, we cleaned each other off and got out. I didn’t dress too nicely, just a shirt and pair of jeans and sneakers.

“You coming over with me?” I asked Jeff as I pulled my jacket over my body.

“Nah, I just might wrap a ribbon around my neck and give myself to you as a present when you get back,” Jeff replied, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I love you,” he muttered. “Be safe getting over there.”

“I love you too, and I will be.” I said back before walking out of his grip. I could feel his gaze watching me from the door, and I couldn’t help but smile, but as I got closer to Dad and Sara’s house, the good feeling was replaced by a sense of foreboding, and that all wasn’t well in the Calaway household.
♠ ♠ ♠
Update again! I missed these two so much, I had to do something special for them. This was important for their marriage too, because think about it. In between Kylie's attitude, Riley getting sick and everything else, they never had time for each other, so this had to be done.
Don't really know what the big emergency is with Chasey yet, but I'll work on it.
Thanks ShadowsFiction and RKOsgirl4ever92. They've been my biggest supporters of Jeff and Riley's relationship since My Number One Fan, the prequel. You two rock, and people need to check out ShadowsFiction stuff as well. She writes Randy Orton, John Cena and Avenged Sevenfold.
Well, thanky you all
More will be out soon. :D