‹ Prequel: My Number One Fan
Status: Just the summary

Keep You

Chapter 27


“C’mon guys, we’re running late!” I called to Riley and Kylie as Will and I waited by the front door.

“Where are we going?” Riley asked, walking down in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Her boots clicked on the hardwood floor. Kylie was in a pair of Capri pants with a mid-riff revealing top. She had converse sneakers on her feet and her hair was pulled into a simple ponytail.

“You’re getting there,” I told her as Kylie looked at me nervously. “I’ll allow the shirt tonight, but not any other nights.” Kylie nodded and walked out the door, William following her.

“Where are we going Jeff, really?” Riley asked as I shut the door behind us.

“It’s a surprise,” I replied, knowing how much she hated it. She scowled at me and got into the car. The drive wasn’t too long. We were heading to Charlotte, which is a place we frequented constantly.

Riley’s eyebrows raised as I pulled up to the arena, a smirk on my face as she turned to look at me.

“Jeffrey Nero Hardy what are we doing?” She asked as “Welcome to Monday Night Raw.” flashed across the billboard of the arena. “Why are we here?”

“I had this set up a long time ago. Thought it would be nice to come and see the newbies.” I replied as I headed toward the parking garage.

“Hardy,” I said to the guard holding a list. The guy checked off the name and allowed us through.

“It’s actually something Stephanie had an idea of doing too,” I admitted as I watched two guys walk into the arena. “She’s reuniting most of the attitude era wrestlers.”

“She’s what!?” Riley exclaimed, looking around. Her eyes grew wide as she saw Adam Copeland walking toward the door. I just parked when she jumped out of the car.

“Adam!” She called, running up to him.

“Riley!” Adam called back, wrapping his arms around her. Will, Kylie and I walked up to them as they started catching up.

“Jeffrey, why am I not surprised you two are still together?” Adam asked, shaking my hand.

“Don’t know why anyone would be,” I replied as someone jumped on my back. I knew it was Matt because I saw Savanna standing beside Riley.

“Jeez Matt,” I said. “I’m getting old man.”

“I’m older than you,” Matt reminded him.

“By three years,” Riley added. I sent her a playful glare as we walked into the arena. Right away we saw many people we hadn’t seen in years. Not only was it the attitude era she was reuniting, but some of the biggest names from back in our day. John Cena was standing talking to Randy Orton. Jason Reso, who was known as Christian, was talking with the former tag team the Dudleys.

Riley squealed so suddenly, it scared me half to death. I knew it startled the kids as well because Kylie held her chest and Will snuggled into my side. I heard another squeal, one that sent shivers down my spine, and knew who she saw right away.

“Riley Michelle Hardy,” Melina said, crushing Riley in a hug.

“Melina, it’s been too long.” Riley said.

“I know, I came by your house with John not to long ago. Jeff said you were sick, are you okay now?”

“I haven’t felt better in years,” Riley replied.

“Glad to see you guys could make it,” a female voice behind us said. I smiled as I turned to face Stephanie McMahon.

“It’s great to be here again,” I replied honestly. “Steph, I want you to meet Kylie and William, mine and Riley’s kids.”

“Oh, they look just like the two of you.” Stephanie pointed out. “I’m Stephanie McMahon, I was somewhat your father and mother’s boss while they were here with us.”

“You knew everyone here?” Will asked, looking around with a stunned face.

“You and Riley better be getting ready,” Stephanie said suddenly. “We’re having you two go to the ring since it’s been so long. Give the fans a little blast from the past.”

“Sounds great, I’ll go grab her and get her going,” I said, looking around to where my wife had disappeared to. I found her talking to Cena and Orton, and shook my head with a smile.

“Oh, here he is,” Riley said as I walked up to them.

“Jeffro, man, you’re looking great.” Randy commented.

“I’ll take that as an extreme compliment considering everything we’ve been through the past few years,” I replied. “You haven’t changed at all Viper, you either Cena.”

“I’m getting old, that’s how I’m changing.” John replied with a laugh.

“So, Steph is having us go out to the ring Ri,” I told Riley. Her eyes brightened even more, and I knew she missed being here as much as I do in that look.

“Hell yeah!” she shouted.

“Mom, you’re starting to scare me a little,” Kylie said suddenly.

“This isn’t your daughter is it?” Cena asked, staring at Kylie with wide eyes.

“Yep, this is our little girl,” I replied, wrapping my arm around her neck. She is now fifteen years old.”

“This is our son William,” Riley added, bringing Will to her side. “He’s eight years old.”

“That’s around the time that Mark died wasn’t it?” Randy asked. It hit me just then, nobody around here knows that Mark was alive. They all thought he was still dead. Only everyone around us knows he’s still alive and well. I looked down at Riley, who was looking up at me, neither of us sure how to answer the question. A scream broke out from someone behind us, and we turned around. Cena and Orton cursed as Riley and I felt relief. Mark was walking into the arena, Sara, Gunny, Chasey and Gracie behind him.

“Wait, he’s alive? H-how?” Cena asked.

“Long story,” Riley replied. “But yes, William was born the day after the funeral.”

“This is amazing, I come here, expecting to see everyone again, but I get the surprise of the decade by learning that Mark is really alive. That man just never dies does he?”

“I am the Dead Man aren’t I?” Mark said with a laugh, causing Cena and Orton to jump.

“Glad you could make it Dad,” Riley said, hugging him tightly. She looked over at her sister Chase and smiled. “How you doing?”

“Much better, thanks to that talk we had a couple weeks ago.” Chasey replied.

“We better go get ready honey,” I told Riley. She nodded and grabbed Kylie’s hand, dragging her toward a hallway.


“You actually wore that?” Kylie asked as I worked on my hair a couple hours later. I ran a hand over my body suit that Stephanie had ready for me. She knew my style, and knew how to make it ten times better.

“Absolutely,” I replied, sliding a clip into my hair.

“You look beautiful,” my daughter breathed suddenly. I glanced over at her and smiled.

“Thank you, but you know, you’re more beautiful then me.” I told her. I looked her over for a few seconds before grabbing her hand. “Sit on the stool,” I told her. She sat as I started playing around with her hair, then adding makeup. Someone knocked on the door just as I was finishing up.

“Come in!” I called. Melina walked into the room, followed by a lot of other people I never thought I’d see again. The Garcia twins, Maria, Layla El, and Amy Dumas, who was also known as Lita.

“Amy!” I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around her.

“You two sure came a long way from your feud didn’t you?” Maria asked, looking over at Kylie. “Hi, I’m Maria,” she said to my daughter.

“I’m Kylie,” she replied with a smile.

“She looks just like you Riles,” Brie commented with an approving smile.

“I see some of her father in her as well,” Amy spoke up. “Is he here?”

“Probably in the locker room, changing.” I replied as I started clearing up the make up mess.

“You’re still with him?” Nikki asked, her eyebrow raised.

“Uhm, I did marry him and have two kids with him, so yeah, I’m still with him. I don’t go into friendships or relationships lightly.” I said, looking up at her.

“I think it’s sweet,” Layla spoke up.

“If you like rugged tattooed douch bags,” Brie muttered, causing her sister to giggle.

“Hey, that’s my father you’re talking about,” Kylie snapped, jumping down from the stool. “You have no idea what he’s done for his family, so shut up about what you don’t know.” The Garcia twins laughed at Kylie, causing my blood to boil.

“You know what,” Amy snapped suddenly. “This was the way I heard you two acting before. So if Riley’s up to it, because I know I am. Why don’t we do this. Tag match, you two against us.”

“Name the time and spot, and we’ll see you there,” Nikki replied. The twins left the locker room as I stared at Amy.

“Amy, it’s been fifteen years since I’ve been in the ring, and the most amount of exercise I’ve done in that time is running around after kids. I’m not in shape enough to have a match.”

“We’ll get you back in shape, that is if they’ll allow it.”

“I can’t do this Amy…” I started, but I was cut off by something I never expected.

“I’ll do it,” Kylie spoke up.
♠ ♠ ♠
update, and the POV changes I'm doing the way they are from now on. I like it. :) haha
Thank you RKOsgirl4ever93 and ShadowsFiction *as always XD* for showing love. Makes me one happy pumpkin. XD
More will be coming up soon, so stay tuned!