‹ Prequel: My Number One Fan
Status: Just the summary

Keep You

Chapter 28

A knock on the door brought me from my shocked trance.

“Riley, five minutes,” the person said.

“We’ll talk about it later,” I told Kylie. She nodded and followed me out of the locker room and to the entrance curtain. Mark was waiting with Jeff and Will off to the side. My breath hitched when I saw Jeff dressed in a spandex shirt and his former cargo pants and boots. His hair was slicked back, but it wasn’t as it used to be. When he was wrestling, his hair was purple, green, black, white, and that was at one time. Now he kept his hair one color, maybe adding a subtle color to it.

“This is almost the Jeffrey I remember,” I said, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his waist.

“What do you mean ‘almost?’” he asked, his eyes holding confusion.

“The Jeff Hardy I remember was the ‘Rainbow Haired Warrior.’ Not one toned blond.”

“Oh,” he said, smiling sheepishly. “I guess I grew out of that name huh?”

“Nope, we just have to add some red, purple, green, whatever you want when we get home.” I shrugged as Stephanie passed us up.

“You dyed your hair purple?” Kylie asked, her eyes oddly holding hopefulness. “Can I do my hair purple?”

“We’ll let you do your tips I guess. That wouldn’t hurt,” Jeff answered, looking down at me. I shrugged as Shane walked past us.

“Jeff, Riley, good to see you guys again,” he said as he rushed through the curtain.

“I wonder what music they’re playing for us,” Jeff said as Amanda appeared beside us. We looked around and our jaws dropped as we saw Matt, Shannon and Shane walking up to us, dressed in their former ring gear from our time as NeverEnding Corruptions.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked, looking around at everyone.

“You left so suddenly, we were never able to give the fans a final match,” Shane Helms replied with a smirk. “So we’re giving it to them tonight.”

“What?” I asked, looking horrorstruck as I backed into Jeff. “Do you guys know how out of shape I am?”

“I wouldn’t say you’re out of shape,” Jeff replied, his hands on my hips. His thumbs ran over the frilly fabric of my mini skirt that was over a pair of black leggings.

“So didn’t need to hear that bro,” Matt winced. “It’s not that big a thing.” he added toward me, crossing his arms. “We go out, beat a few punks up to show we still have it, and we leave.”

“I don’t know if I do still have it though Matt, that’s the thing. I haven’t wrestled since Jeff and I decided to try to get pregnant with Kylie! You guys stayed longer than I did…”

“But not by much, I was home from tour for good when you were just starting your second trimester Rile.” Jeff reminded me. “Matt retired, what, a year after the induction ceremony?”

“Yep,” Matt replied.

“The difference is though, Matt’s a trainer now, you go help him every so often, I haven’t done a single thing wrestling wise for the full fifteen years.”

“Are you going to do that…” Kylie started asking, but I shot her a look that told her to not say anything about it right now.”

“Do what?” Jeff asked, looking from our daughter to me and back.

“The Garcia twins started trash talking, and Amy Dumas thought it would be a good idea to challenge them to a match.” I answered him.

“Are you doing it?” Matt asked.

“I don’t know…” my voice trailed off.

“I offered to fill in for her,” Kylie spoke up.

“You want to wrestle?” Jeff asked, obviously surprised.

“You and Uncle Matt taught me how, and I really like what I was doing. I felt free.” Kylie replied. I smirked as I looked at my husband and brother-in-law.

“You taught her how to wrestle?” I asked Jeff and Matt. Matt scratched the back of his head while Jeff stared at his boots.

“Like I told our daughter, we’ll talk about this later,” I told Jeff as we heard Shane McMahon and Stephanie’s arguing getting more heated.

“How about this, my team against yours?” Stephanie asked. Young superstars passed us to a newer song, announced as Shane’s team.

“And here is mine,” Stephanie announced. Sound of Madness started playing, and there was a lot more cheers than I thought there would be. I linked arms with Jeff and Matt like I did before as we walked out onto the stage. Shannon, Shane, Jeff and Matt ran down the ramp as I did a powerful walk. When I got to the ring, Jeff, waiting on the apron, reached down and brought me up beside him, holding the ropes for me while I slid through them. I jumped and sat on the top turnbuckle of one corner, Jeff standing behind me.

This was one of the parts I was dreading. I knew I had to attempt the backflip, but I didn’t know if my body would allow it.

Standing on the turnbuckle after Jeff moved into position, I jumped and forced my body to flip mid-air, landing unsteadily and forcing Jeff to catch me, which was actually part of the entrance to begin with.

“You okay?” Jeff asked quickly. I nodded as we turned to face Stephanie.

“Good luck,” she said before leaving the ring. I sighed as I looked at the diva. She wasn’t that big, about Mickey James’s size. That meant she would have a lot of speed though, and considering my age, I wouldn’t have a chance of keeping up with her. That only meant I would have to use my ring experience against her, and throw everything I had.

The bell rang, and it was Shannon starting against someone else.

“This is Marvin Green commentating along with veteran ring announcer, Michael Cole, now Cole, you knew these legends when they were in top form right?”

“Absolutely,” Michael replied.

“Tell us a little about them.” Marvin prompted as Shannon got into a lock up.

“Well, you have Shannon Moore in the ring now. Shane Helms was known as the masked figure The Hurricane back in the late 1990s.” Michael explained. “Matt, Jeff, and Riley are the interesting ones. Matt and Jeff are brothers, they lived next door to Riley for their entire lives, and Jeff and Riley have been married for about twenty years now.”

“This is amazing, we’re watching legends against the biggest names in the industry today. But, there was a lot of stuff said that Riley is the daughter of, possibly the biggest name in the company, The Undertaker.”

“It’s true, it’s all true.” Michael confirmed. Shannon was running out of breath, so digging back to my manager time when I was a teenager, I cheered Shannon on, trying to get his adrenaline flowing.

“Looks like Moore is getting a little winded. There goes Cartski with the Irish Whip and, oh, down goes Shannon Moore.” Marvin said. Cartski smirked, and I noticed something in his eyes I’m sure the others didn’t. Jeff, who was standing next to me, cursed as Cartski dropped Shannon in a scoop slam.

“Jeff, we have to get Shan out of there,” I whispered to him.

“I know, he’s running out of steam,” Jeff replied.

“No, it’s not because of that, look in Cartski’s eyes.” I glanced over at Jeff as he squinted toward the younger wrestler, and I was pretty sure he saw the wild and out of control look I saw as well.

“Come on Shannon!” Jeff yelled, pounding his hand on the turnbuckle beside him. Cartski looked up, and straight at me before smiling even more wider. I knew what he was planning right away.

“Get ready to tag Shannon!” I shouted to Jeff as Cartski stood Shannon up. Jeff watched and realized what was going on right away. I jumped to the floor as Jeff and Matt moved around. Jeff slapped Shannon’s back, making sure the ref saw it to indicate the tag was made as Matt caught Shannon before he could go across to the other side of the ring.

“Check him!” Matt shouted at me as I ran up to Shannon.

“Shan, are you okay?” I asked him, forcing his eye open.

“I’m fine, keep going,” he groaned. He slid onto the floor, most likely to catch his breath, as I looked up with enough time to dodge a pair of legs from kicking me in the skull. Matt jumped from the corner and grabbed Cartski’s legs as I helped Shannon move out of the way. Matt forced Cartski to drop onto his back on the floor, stunning him for a good amount of time.

“He get you?” Shane asked as I jumped to stand beside him.

“Just barely missed,” I replied with a huff. “We have to end this soon, these guys don’t want a wrestling match, they’re attacking for the kill.”


I winced as I watched my mother nearly get her head kicked off. Uncle Shannon hasn’t been shown in a while, and I was starting to worry about him.

“Is Shannon okay?” I asked Julie.

“He’s fine,” she tried to assure me. It didn’t work out to well.

“Riley looks worried, this isn’t good,” Grandpa Mark muttered. “Your mother always had a sense when something wasn’t supposed to be going a way in this company, and it’s more than obvious things are not going right with this.”

“It looked like she said something to Shane,” Christy spoke up, wringing her hands as Dad did a kick.

“How are they doing?” One of the people asked.

“Not good Oscar,” my grandfather admitted. “Shannon’s out, Jeff’s in the ring, but that person is way too out of control.”

“Jeff, Jeff, what are you doing!?” Another voice shouted behind us. We turned back to the tv we were watching the match from and I saw the mean person on his back, Dad standing on the very top of a corner.

“No, Jeff NO!” My grandpa shouted at the same time my mother and uncle did. Dad jumped from the corner, did a flip in mid air, and landed on the guy, but I knew something was wrong with Dad the minute he landed.
♠ ♠ ♠
update. Surprise match!! XD Completely fell in LOVE with Raw again last night.
UNDERTAKE AND TRIPLE H HAS RETURNED!!!! XD *sorry a little excited. haha*
anywho, thank you ShadowsFiction and RKOsgirl4ever92 for the comments.
More will be coming as soon as I get it, so stay tuned!