‹ Prequel: My Number One Fan
Status: Just the summary

Keep You

Chapter 29


“Jeff!” Riley shouted from beside me. I couldn’t stop myself from cursing out loud as Jeff struggled to make the cover. He should have known better than to do the fucking Swanton.

“C’mon Jeff!” Shane shouted.

“What the hell happened?” Shannon asked. I was too caught up in watching my brother that I didn’t realize he had climbed back up to the apron.

“Jeff did the fucking Swanton!” Shane shouted as Shannon looked over at him. Jeff threw his arm over the guy laying in the middle of the ring. Cartski kicked out, and an evil smirk showed up on his face as he looked at Jeff.

“Come on Jeff, get out of there,” Riley shouted, smacking her hand on the turnbuckle. Shane, Shannon and I stomped out feet against the ground, trying to get his adrenaline pumping again. Jeff looked up at us and it was obvious he was gasping for breath.

“What is Cartski doing?” Cole asked, watching the man grab Jeff by his hair. The younger man put Jeff in one corner and smirked toward our corner.

“We need to get him out of there,” Riley muttered, tears filling her eyes. I knew she was trying to fight them back, but she was genuinely worried for her husband, and I didn’t blame her. Jeff didn’t land into the Swanton the way he used to, so he might of hurt himself really badly.

“Come on Jeff,” I shouted, bouncing on the ropes. Shane was thrashing around the best he could considering he was at the very corner. Shannon was still worn out, but I could tell his energy was coming back up.

Riley, however, was thinking, and I could see the gears turning.

Out of nowhere, Jeff ended up kicking Cartski in the stomach, causing the younger man to double over.

“Don’t tag him,” Riley demanded. “I’m going in,”

“Are you sure?” Shane asked. She nodded, so when Jeff reached our corner with his hand outstretched, she connected her palm to his. The ref indicated the tag was made, meaning Cartski had to get out of the ring.

“Now it’s Riley going against Asia Miles,” Marvin announced as the ref forced Cartski from the ring. I bent over to check on Jeff, knowing that he was still banged up from the Swanton from before.

“What the hell is she doing?” Jeff gasped as he held his mid-section.

“She knew that if she didn’t get in there, one of us would end up hurt, or worse,” I replied to him as Riley circled the ring with Miles. The younger woman was way faster than Riley, but I knew my sister-in-law could still hold her own.

“Why did you do that Jeff, you’re not fucking 30 years old anymore.”

“Just leave it Matt, we have to keep our eyes out for Riley.” he snapped in reply, forcing himself to stand up.

“What the hell were they thinking bringing us in like this?” Shane asked. “These people in this damn business now are way to unstable.”

“I know,” Shannon muttered, watching as Riley was planted on her back.

“Come on Ri!” Shane shouted as the Miles chick picked her up by her hair. Riley kicked her in the stomach, and quickly twisted her arm and took her to the turnbuckle.

“If she tries that she’s stupider than you Jeff,” I muttered, but Riley didn’t attempt the rope walking her father was known for. Instead she climbed to the middle turnbuckle, jumped and rammed her elbow in the other woman’s spine.

“Nice one Riles!” Jeff shouted, clapping his hands together, then wincing as he held his back.

“That’s what you get,” I muttered to him. He just shot me a glare and turned back to watch as Riley did something we haven’t seen in a long time. It was originated by Spike Dudley, but a number of people use it now. Riley grabbed the other woman’s head and using the turnbuckle like a set of stairs, planted her face into the mat. Riley went for the pin, but Miles kicked out.

“Nice try Riley!” Shannon shouted to her. Riley did an Irish whip on Miles to Asia toward the ropes, but Asia countered and sent Riley straight into the younger wrestlers corner.

“No!” I shouted as one of the men sneaked a blow on her. I looked to see if anyone else noticed, but apparently they didn’t.

“He just fucking hit her!” I shouted.

“What?” Jeff asked.

“Riley, get me in!” I shouted toward her. She nodded that she heard me, but I knew she couldn’t get to me unless she got the upper hand.

“Come on Riley!” Shane shouted. Riley pulled a mule kick on Asia, and jumped and connected with my waiting hand. I got into the ring and pointed to the guy I saw hit my sister from behind.

“Looks like Matt is wanting a piece of Anderson,” the younger announcer said. Anderson smirked and got in the ring. He towered over me, but I wasn’t going to let him get away with attacking anyone from behind, especially my little sister.

“Got a problem with me?” the younger man asked.

“Yeah, hitting my sister-in-law, a woman, anyone for that matter, behind their back you fucking coward.” I growled at him. He smirked and looked back toward his corner before reeling his hand back and slapping me across the cheek. I glared at him before locking up with him. He quickly got the upper hand and smashed me onto the mat, knocking the wind out of me.

“Hardy, Hardy, Hardy,” was now being chanted through out the crowd.

“This is wrestling in it’s finest,” Michael Cole commented. “And there you actually see their families gathered at a monitor, cheering them on.” I looked up at the titantron at the same time Jeff, Riley, Shane, and Shannon did. Sure enough, everyone was standing around a screen, watching us watch the big screen. I looked at Savanna and Mitchell, then at Amanda, and somehow, it gave me a boost I needed.


Standing beside Mark, I was amazed that he was standing beside me, but I knew it there was more important things to worry about at the moment.

“Still getting their asses handed to them?” I asked Mark.

“Not really, Riley got that one asshole out of there,” he replied, moving close to his wife so I could see the screen better. I was thankful to see that Jeff was okay and Riley survived her time with nothing more than a bump to the head.

“Come on Uncle Matt!” Kylie screamed suddenly, causing many to jump.

“She’s intense into this isn’t she?” I asked Mark.

“Appears so,” he muttered, watching his granddaughter with fascination. “Not too sure how her mother feels about that though.”

“I’m sure Riley’s okay with it, she just doesn’t want to see her daughter get hurt which would most likely happen. Think about how you felt when Riley had that tear in her elbow.”

“Yeah that’s true,” Mark sighed. “Finish him off Matt,” Mark said suddenly. I turned back to the screen to see that Matt had Anderson in a headlock. Matt threw up his other hand, twisted his arm around the other man, and drove him into the mat. He covered him and got the full three count. Shane didn’t get a chance to get into the match, and he was slightly disappointed from what I could tell, but I knew he was thankful they had survived.

“And your winners, Neverending Corruptions!” the ring announcer called. We all waited and watched as the five of them came backstage again, Jeff and Riley practically leaning against each other for support.

“Dad, are you okay?” Kylie asked automatically.

“Never felt better,” Jeff smiled, ruffling the teenager’s hair.

“You are some crazy people,” one of the wrestlers from the other team said, walking up to them. “But also my inspirations. Kurt Andrews, Bulldozer as a ring name.”

“Hi, I would introduce you, but you appear to know us,” Mark said, indicating our group. “Well, a few of us at least.”

“Jeff and Riley Hardy,” Kurt smiled, looking toward the two of them. You know Riley, you inspired my sister as well. She’s a lot like you in a way, except her father isn’t one of the biggest names in sports entertainment.”

“I’m glad I could help, even if I didn’t realize I was,” Riley smiled up at him.

“You guys go change and what not,” Mark said to the two of them.

“Shawn Michaels,” Andrews said, looking over at me. “You are a legend.”

“Nope, I’m just a man who made a living doing what he loved,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

“You had the best stable of all time with DX, think we can get a little joke or two?”

“Sorry, but DX retired along with us,” Paul’s voice said, his arm wrapping around my shoulders. “If you want some comedy, I’m afraid you’re going to have to look elsewhere.”

“Triple H, this is so amazing. I know I should be as star struck as I am now, but just, wow.”

“Want to know something? When Riley Hardy first showed up here to sit in the audience to watch her father’s match, she got to meet me backstage, froze up completely she did. Now look at her, I heard she met her favorite music group, and sat and talked like it was nothing.”

“She had a freak out afterward if I remember Matt right,” Amanda spoke up. “But I know, not the point.”

“She was as calm as can be. Hell, I get star struck from time to time, all part of being human.” I finished.
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short update, but it's there. :)
Thank you ShadowsFiction and RKOsgirl4ever92 for commenting, as usual, heart you two to pieces. :)
Another update coming as soon as I get to it. XD *sorry, kinda have mojo for one story at the moment.* check it out if you're an Avenged Sevenfold fan. It's called Stay Awake Forever and it's a Mr. Sex god lead guitarist Brian Haner story. ;)