‹ Prequel: My Number One Fan
Status: Just the summary

Keep You

Chapter 4

~POV: Kylie~
“Hey look, it’s Christian, he’s such a dork.” Tracey muttered behind her hand as she eyed Christian Helms behind his back. I watched him walk down the hallway, not replying. He was the son of my mom and dad’s friend, so I decided to give him an easy day.

“So where’s that loser of a cousin that ratted you out?” Tracey asked, getting into her locker which was right beside mine.

“I have no idea, and I couldn’t care less,” I replied, grabbing out my books even though I would be skipping most of my classes in the afternoon.

“Dude, he ratted you out to your parents that you smoked and skipped class, that deserves a good pounding in my books.”

“Yeah, but if I do he’ll just go whine to his aunt and uncle again, and I’ll be in trouble again and I don’t want to live without my phone for another two weeks,” I replied, slamming the locker door shut. Tracey did the same thing as my cousin walked around the corner. “Ooo fun,” Tracey muttered. She walked up to him and knocked his books out of his hands.

“Trace, just leave him alone,” I said quickly.

“Why, this is fun?” Tracey asked, turning back to Mitch. “Do you like getting your family in trouble?” she asked him as he stooped down to pick his books up. I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him, but then I would remind myself that he told my mother he saw me smoking behind the bleachers when I wasn’t doing anything of the sort. I was holding the cigarette for Tracey while she was tying her shoe. The bag my aunt Mandy found wasn’t even mine either. It was, again, Tracey’s, but being the good friend I am, I was hiding it at my house for a little while.

Not that I could of told my parents that. They wouldn’t of believed me over Mitchell anyway. I’m just the fuck up they’re done with.

“Answer me now loser or I’ll beat your ass.” Tracey said. A small crowd started forming in the hallway, and two people pushed past everyone. Chris and my “aunt” Gracie. Apparently grandpa still knew how to get down before he died.

“Kylie, what are you doing?” Grace asked, walking up to my cousin. She helped him with his books as Christian helped Mitch up. I noticed my cousin glance at me with tear filled eyes, and it hurt a little to see him in pain.

“Your parents are going to hear about this,” Grace muttered to me as she helped Mitch through the crowd.

“I didn’t do anything!” I called back to her.

“That’s exactly my point Kylie!” She yelled back, turning to face me. “You stood there and let your cousin be harassed.”

“Kylie Hardy, please follow me. I turned to see who was talking and groaned when I saw it was the principal. I followed him to his office, where he sat me down and offered me some water.

“Just get my punishment on, what is it? Lunch detention? After school? Just give it to me so I can get out of here.” I muttered to him.

“Kylie, I was principal when your mother and father went here,” he started. “I’m not going to punish you, but I am going to give you a little story.” With great effort I avoided rolling my eyes. A story from Mr. Carter is punishment in itself.

“Kylie, when your mother was around your age, she, your father, and your uncle Matt all three came into my office. Matt and Jeff was extremely upset and your mother was crying.” My heart jolted at the thought of my mother crying. She never cried, she just got tired a lot and sick a lot as well.

“Your mother is Bi-Polar Kylie,” Carter said.

“I know,” I replied, not knowing what that had to do with anything.

“She has very bad mood swings, and it’s genetic. Her mother, your grandmother, had it.”

“So what, are you saying you want me to get myself tested for it?” I asked, trying to catch his point.

“Kylie, when your mother was your age, she was harassed by a student she thought was a really good friend of hers.

“Harassed how?” I asked, honestly curious.

“I’ll leave that to them to tell you, but what I’m saying is, I’ve seen what harassment does to a kid, so that’s why I don’t mess around with it. I’m going to have to suspend your friend, she’s already on her way in, and Kylie, for just standing by and letting this happen, I’m afraid you’re going to have to be suspended as well.” And there is was, the ulterior motive. He claimed he wasn’t doing anything, and wham, suspension.

My heart went into overdrive as I thought of what my parents would do when they found out I was suspended, or what my aunt and uncle would do since it was their son getting harassed.

“Please go sit in the front, when your parents get here, you’ll go get work from your teachers, and you’re suspended for 5 days.”

“For just standing there?” I asked, shocked.

“I’m sorry Kylie, I hate to do this, but I know your acting out at home and here, and we all just want you to do better than this.” I didn’t reply. I just grabbed my book bag from the floor and stormed out of the office.

I waited for about twenty minutes staring at my shoes when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up to see it was my Dad, my mom standing behind him with a stern look on her face.

“Don’t think these five days are going to be easy for you,” Dad said. “Let’s go get your stuff so we can go.” I nodded and followed them out of the office, straight to my locker.

“Go get your homework,” My mother said.

“Riley, Jeff,” Ms. Carmichael, the secretary said.

“Melody,” Mom replied. “I didn’t know you was working for the school.”

“Just started,” Carmichael admitted. “So, I see the two of you lived up to your votes.”

“That was just high school crap,” Jeff replied. I rolled my eyes and waited for them to finish talking.

“Uhm hello, I’m attached to your hip right now,” I reminded them.

“Sorry Lee,” Mom replied. “It was good seeing you,” she told the secretary. We went to my classes, and of course since the population for this place as probably 10, they knew all the teachers. In the car, I sat in the backseat, and Mom was staring blindly at the parking lot.

“What’s wrong Ri?” Dad asked Mom.

“I can’t help but stare over there whenever I’m over here,” she muttered to him.

“Riley, that was over thirty years ago, we have a restraining order against him and your uncle is a retired sergeant of the police, he won’t be stupid enough to try anything.” He grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. Most would of seen that as cute, I just thought they should get a room.

“I know,” Mom replied. “I just can’t help it.” It must have been when Mom was harassed that makes her do that. If Mom’s still feeling the affect of what her friend did thirty years ago today, then it must have been a big betrayal.

“Mom, Carter told me that you were harassed,” I said quickly.

“Right over there,” she pointed to where she had been staring, a sigh in her voice.

“He didn’t tell me what happened,” I tried to press.

“Kylie, not everyone tries to make your life better, some people get so wrapped up in their own emotions, it alters what they think if reality and what’s fantasy,” Dad explained. “One of our friends was that way. He touched your mother in an inappropriate manner, and as you can see it still affecting her.”

“How, it was thirty years ago,” I replied.

“True, but that’s only half of it.” Mom replied. “A few years after that, he attacked the car we were driving in. Your grandfathers and great uncle chased after him, and they got him, but not before we heard a gunshot.”

“He shot someone?” I was horrified to think someone in my family could of gotten shot.

“No, but he could of.” Dad replied.

“Now I see why it sticking with you.” I muttered.

“That’s not the best part,” Dad muttered. “You know we have the Imag-I-Nation right? Well there’s a trailer that was back there that was your Mom’s trailer. It was her space to do whatever she wanted in. She was out there one day, and somehow the guy got in. She was trapped with him for a long time, and he nearly strangled her to death.”

“He almost killed Mom?” I asked, my horror returning full force. Dad nodded gravely as he started the car.

“You see Kylie, that’s why harassment is very serious. All this happened thirty years ago, but I still have nightmares from it.”

“She has a way with coping with the nightmares, but that only does so much,” Dad added.

“I didn’t do anything though,” I said.

“We know, but that’s exactly why Carter had to suspend you, you didn’t help Tracey, but you didn’t stop her either.”

“I don’t want you hanging around that Tracey girl,” Dad said suddenly as he drive through town. “She’s a bad influence.”

“She’s the most popular girl in school though,” I said, shocked. “Why don’t you want me to be happy?”

“We do baby, that’s the whole thing,” Mom said, turning to face me. “We do ant you to be happy, but we know your so much better than this.” She stopped and took a deep breath, her hand over her chest.

“Riley?” Dad said, glancing her way. She held a finger up to him, as she took even breaths. Finally she coughed a few times and seemed to be better after that.

“Are you still sick Ri?” Dad asked Mom.

“I’m fine,” she replied. They decided to keep the rest of the car ride silent. When we got home, I was sent into the kitchen while Dad took Mom to go rest. When Dad walked into the kitchen, he sat down next to me at the counter.

“You know, you could save yourself the stress of punishing me by skipping it this time,” I said. He gave me a look that all but told me that wasn’t happening.

“Kylie, you watched your cousin get picked on, not only am I doing something about it, you know your uncle’s going to want a say in it when he hears.”

“Already did, you just told me little bro.” My uncle’s voice said from behind us. I winced and looked at him, seeing the anger and disappointment in his eyes. “Do you mind if I have a word alone with my niece?”

“Not at all,” Dad replied, walking out of the room. I looked up at my uncle, who was staring at me. I knew this was not going to go well.
♠ ♠ ♠
update two of the day. this ones going kind of slow, hopefully it picks up soon.
As of right now all chapters will be completely fresh as in, as soon as I finish, it will be up.
so nothing really to say except thanks for commenting/reading
and more will be coming soon.