‹ Prequel: My Number One Fan
Status: Just the summary

Keep You

Chapter 9

~POV: Kylie~
Two weeks after Dad caught me sneaking out of school, I was in history class, bored out of my mind.

“So, since we’re coming up to the birthday of our wonderful town, we’re going to do a little project. I want you to interview anyone in your family, father, mother, aunt, uncle, whatever. I want you to interview anyone in your family, on how the town has changed over the years. You’re going to write a paper on it, and it’ll be due in two months, on the actual birthday of the town.” The bell rang as the teacher finished. I rushed into the hallway, glad it was the end of the day.

After the bell rang, I rushed out to the parking lot and to the bus. I just wanted to get home and into my room. At the bus, however, a sudden urge came over me. A longing of some kind.

I pulled out my cell phone and went through the recent calls, stopping at a number I never thought I would call.

“Hello?” my mothers weak voice answered.

“Hi Mom,” I said, sitting on a seat.

“Hey baby,” Mom muttered. “Where are you?”

“On the bus, heading home from school,” I replied.

“How are things there?” she asked, coughing slightly.

“We miss you Mom,” I said finally, a few tears leaking from my eyes. I was in the very back where no one would see me. “We want you home.”

“I know sweetie, but you,” she paused to take a breath. “You need to stay strong honey. I know you can do that, you’re just like your father that way.”

“From what I heard, you was a pretty strong chick as well.” I said, smiling even though she couldn’t see it.

“I guess so, just stay strong baby. I’ll be home before you know it.” she started going into a coughing fit, and it scared me more than anything. “Honey, I’m sorry, but I have to go.” she said. “I love you all and I’ll be home when I can.”

“I love you too,” I whispered. I heard the line click, and struggled with tears as I rode home. When it got to the stop at our driveway, Uncle Matt’s car was about to pull in. I kept my head down as I passed him.

“Kylie,” he said, pulling up beside me. I glanced up, hoping it wasn’t long enough for him to see my crying.

“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” he asked, still driving beside me. After fighting for so long, it finally happened. I broke down completely, stopping and collapsing on my knees.

“I’m sorry Uncle Matt!” I shouted at him. “I should of stopped her, I should of done something.”

“Kylie, everything with Mitch was settled,” Matt said, getting out of his car and rushing toward me.

“You kicked me out of your house,” I muttered. “I miss Mitch, and Jason, and Anna. I miss Aunt Mandy and you. I want my mom back!” Matt wrapped his arms around my head, bringing me closer to him. I didn’t pay attention that I was ruining his shirt, I just wanted to get all the pain out of my heart.

“Come on,” he said gently after I started calming down. He helped me up and into his car, but instead of driving me home, he drove to his house. “I wanted to talk to you,” he answered my unasked question. “Besides, there’s someone here who really wants to see you.”

“Who?” I asked, walking into the house behind him. I looked up at saw a strange man standing in front of me. He looked way older than my uncle and father, maybe around the age my grandfather would have been if he survived the accident.

“Jeff in the kitchen still?” Matt asked the man. The old man nodded, looking me up and down.

“Looks just like her mother,” he commented. I looked up as Dad walked into the room.

“Mike, let me introduce you to mine and Riley’s daughter, Kylie. Kylie, this is Mike Hickenbottom. He was a really good friend of everyone’s from years ago.”

“I haven’t seen you since you was about this high,” Mike said, holding his hand near his waist.

“You was at my grandpa’s funeral,” I remembered.

“Worked with your family for years,” He added. “Your mom was like a daughter to me, even though I didn’t get to meet her until she was your age.”

“What time is it?” Dad asked suddenly, looking at the clock on the wall beside him. “Damn it, the doctor’s supposed to call the house. I’ll be right back,” he rushed from the house, leaving me alone with my uncle and Mike.

“Where was Mitch today?” I asked my uncle, realizing my cousin wasn’t in school.

“He’s got a flu bug,” he replied just as someone walked down the stairs.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite girl cousin,” Jason said when he saw me.

“Jay-Jay!” I shouted, rushing up to him. “What do you mean your ‘favorite girl cousin,’ I’m the only one you have.” I pointed out.

“True, but you’re still my favorite,” he said, hugging me again. “Do you mind if I steal her?” he asked his father. Matt just shrugged, so I was lead upstairs to Jason’s bedroom. “So, I came down when Aunt Riley went into the hospital, but Dad told me everything you’ve been doing. What’s going through your head when you’re doing this Ky? You’re way to smart for most of that.”

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I guess I just wanted to fit in.”

“Kylie, we’re Hardys, we’re not meant to fit in,” Jason replied with a smirk. “Have you seen your Dad when he was younger?”

“During some videos,” I said. Jason stood up and walked to his TV set, putting a DVD into the player.

“Dad gave this to me a few years ago,” he explained. “It’s an old pay-per-view. Jeff Hardy against Matt Hardy in an extreme rules match. About halfway through the match, I stared with wide eyes as Dad put Uncle Matt on table. He then put another table over his brother, and a chair was laying on Uncle Matt’s chest. I squeaked when Dad jumped from the top corner and landed on my uncle, breaking through the tables in the process.

“How high is that ladder?” I asked my cousin as Dad started climbing one.

“I think that’s a fifteen foot ladder,” Jason replied. I watched as Dad vaulted over the ladder, but Uncle Matt moved just in time, so Dad ended up landing on his backside. Uncle Matt won the match, but it just showed how my father really was.

“Both our fathers are risk takers, but they know where to draw the line.” Jason said, shutting the TV off. “They stood out, they never fit in, like we’ll never fit in. We were born to stand out.”

“Wait, isn’t Uncle Matt only your step-father?” I asked.

“He’s been my father since I was four years old Ky,” Jason replied. “Sure, I had my rough phase, but I didn’t go as extreme with it as I’ve heard about you. Did you really let someone tease Mitchell in front of you?” I didn’t reply, but he knew me well enough to know that when I didn’t reply, it meant it was true.

“Kylie,” Jason started saying, but he was cut off by a knock on his door.

“Hey, come downstairs,” Dad said as he opened the door. I looked at Jason, who stood up and started following him. I was terrified, I knew it was news about Mom, and I didn’t want to hear anything bad. I wanted to hear she was finally coming home, even though I knew she wasn’t.

Jason had his arm around my shoulder as we sat on the steps. Savanna and Will was on the step below us while Mitchell stood with his parents. Mike was standing just off of the crowd, but Dad had him get closer.

“She’s getting worse,” Dad announced, grief in his eyes and voice. “T-the pneumonia is spreading more. It’s just barely touching her heart now, but it’s also spreading downward as well. They’re trying everything they can to contain it, but it’s spreading to fast for the medicine to work.”

“What can they do then?” Mike asked.

“Exactly what they’ve been doing, except they’re changing the medication she’s on.” Dad answered him. He looked over to Will and me. Will had moved to sit in between my legs, my arms wrapped around his shoulders and my chin on his head. “I’m sorry, you two. I know you wanted good news.”

“I just want Mommy back,” William whispered, a crack in his voice. For the first time, I knew just how he felt.
♠ ♠ ♠
update, in more ways than one
so, nothing really to say right now.
just thank you for commenting
and more story will come soon