Behind Closed Curtains

Love. Brooklyn has been having trouble in that department. And not the 'fall in love' love. The love everyone should feel, forever. The kind of love a parent is supposed to have for their child. That's the kind of love Brooklyn is missing in her life.
Brooklyn's mother left Brooklyn and her father two years ago, tearing the family apart. Brooklyn's father resorts to smoking, drinking, and beating Brooklyn in order to get over the fact that his wife left him. Brooklyn quietly takes the punishments and lessons her father delievers to her, and covers up the bruises and marks on her skin, all the while keeping her mouth shut about what really happens behind her closed curtains.
But when one of Brooklyn's close friends notices a change in Brooklyn and confronts her about it, will Brooklyn be able to tell the truth and explain everything that happened after her mother left?
  1. Behind Closed Curtains- Prologue
    Prologue for Behind Closed Curtains