Status: Finished

Locked Away


I was now six months pregnant. It was time to go see what gender my baby would be. My gynecologist appointment was in about a half hour, and I was hauling ass down the road. Valerie gave me her old car and she got a new one. She was now my best friend and so was her son, Will.

"I didn't know her car could zoom this fast," I mumbled as I ran to the doctor's office.

I checked in and sat in the waiting room. A teen girl, about 14 years old, sat in the chair across from me. She looked brave, as brave as I wished I was.

"Hannah?" the nurse called out.

The girl stood and followed her. Her mom didn't even seem to be here!


I stood up and clutched my stomach. I hobbled down to the Ultrasound room, where I was told to go. Dr. Straughn was already in there, waiting for me.

"Hello Lisa," he welcomed.


"I'm going to have you crawl up here and put your feet in the stirrups," he instructed.

I did as I was told and lifted my shirt. He poured cold gel on my belly and put the probe on my lower stomach.

"Ready?' he asked.

I nodded and bit my lower lip. He turned the machine on and glided the probe around. He squinted at the blurry image and leaned closer to it. I was so ready for the baby that I didn't care what sex it was.

"Got a name for it yet?" he asked.

"I'm thinking Lillian Amelia Celeste Walker for a girl, and Adam David Walker for a boy," I told him.

"Pick the girl's name. Congratulations, Lisa, it's a girl!"

I started screaming in happiness. The tears came next and I squealed for a long time. Dr. Straughn laughed and shared my excitement. Ryan would love her, but she was all mine. A child...a living breathing child. One that Ryan simply wouldn't fuck up.