Status: May take time due to basketball, volleyball, and soccer. They might take a while depending on in my computer will let me write for the story.

Ouran High School Host club: Shooting Stars.

The New Students!

I wasn't fully aware of my surrounding as usually, but was worst than usual. I haven't had sleep for about a week. To top it all off I forgot to eat breakfast, which I didn't eat much in the first place, and forgot to grab my lunch off the table. A double strike for me, and the fact that I didn't get any sleep like the past few days made it the third strike. Three strikes your out? Apparently not at this school.

I stood in front of the class next to the teacher. My short brown hair was spike in the front and my usually bright golden eyes were dull and tired looking. The school uniform was was a little big being a blue blazer with with a black tie and white dress shirt. The blue dress pants were a little baggy, not much, but the black shoes fit perfectly. I was raging to about 5'5 to 5'7' in height so I was short for a boy my age in my opinion.

" Class, this is Roni Suzuki." The teacher flatly announced. " He just moved her from France with his mother and hasn't learned Japanese all that well."

" I think I learned well enough for it being the first day here." I smiledwearily.

" So if you please help him with the language and show him around that will be very helpful." The teacher added ignoring my comment causing me to frown. " If you have any questions for him ask him now before class."

" Suzuki-san, is it true you're the new captain of the soccer team even though your probably only going to stay a month?" One of the boys, who I assume, was on the soccer asked.

" Yes, it's true. Reason being is to see if I could handle a big school as this, since I only went to public schools." I explained grinning a goofy grin. " That and I will probably get lost here a lot cause I have nosenseof direction."

Some of the class laughed at my comment as I scratched the back of my head nervously. It was true I got lost in the simplest of schools.

" Sorry I'm late! I was....." The door slid open quickly and there was silence.

A boy that looked exactly like me stood there. The only difference was his eyes were a emerald green. His eyes turned from confusion quickly to anger. The class looked back and forth at us. Comparing how much we were alike I guess.

" Hey bro. What's up?" I pulled up my hand and waved a little. My face blank and confused. " Man you look a mess Ron."

" So you're the reason why I'm late?" He sighed straightening up and walking over to me with a glare.

" Yeah probably. Couldn't find your uniforms and stink bombs in your room?" I raised my eyebrow as a blond hair girl walked in tiredly. " Hey Hanabi."

" OK, these are the other two new students: Hanabi Suzuki and Ron Suzuki." The teacher sighed, annoyed that there was aninterruption. " Roni-san, you maybe seated next to Kaoru Hitachiin, Ron-san can sit behind Fujioka and Hanabi-san can sit by Roni-san."

" Okay." I yawned coolly walking to my seat with Hanabi right behind me.

" It's good to have you back, Roni-sama." Hanabi smiled as we seated ourselves.

" Hey, call me Roni, Hana-chan." I smiled patting her head. " We are family, so no need for the -Sama."

" So you three are siblings?"I turned to looked next to me to see Kaoru studying me. I nodded. " But you and Hanabi-chan look nothing alike."

" Oh, she's my step sister, cousin really, but my dad remarried making her my sister." I explained smiling. " Even though I'd prefer her than mytacoolder brother." I snickered as Ron gave me.

" It's idiot, idiot." Ron corrected me in a harsh whisper.

" Sorry, I was thinking of tacos while I was talking." I chuckled and so did Kaoru. " So you have a twin?"

" Yeah, his name is Hikaru." He nodded smiling.

I sighed before being overly dramatic as the teacher left the room. " If only I can smile when saying my brothers name. But if I did the taco would hit me calling me a pervert."

" Because you are and you said TACO again." He said taco inEnglish rolling his eyes.

" I'm not a pervert. You're thinking of my friend Hilary and I'm hungry for tacos what do you expect?" I shrugged. " Besides I was studying all last night for Japanese and to catch up on all the classes."

" So you pretty much crammed the Japanese language all last night for an hour." Ron sighed smacking his forehead. " Irresponsible Roni for ya."

" Nooo." I smirked resting my elbow on the table and my chin on my palm amused. " I studied it for fifteen to a half an hour."

He smacked his forehead again as I laughed.

" Ron-sama. Please stop doing that." Hanabi sighed rubbing hertemples. " You're going to get brain damage."

" I'm already going to get brain damage for being in the same class as him." He hissed pointing at me.

" That's pretty cold." I sighed. " And I was just thinking of not pulling a prank on you at lunch, but you kinda ruined the moment."




" Roni!" The sound of my name made me turn towards the voice. " You forgot your lunch this morning." Hanabi extended a boxed lunch.

" Hana-chan! Thank you!" I hugged her twirling her around a little before releasing. "Your the best little sister ever!"

" Even though I act way older." She giggled rolling her eyes playfully.

" Where's Ron-san?" I asked looking around for him.

" He's eating in the classroom with Fujioka-san." She sighed. " He didn't want you making his lunch explode in his face again."

" Aw. that's no fun." I pouted playfully before grabbing her hand. " You want to sit with me then?" My eyes sparkled.

" Why wouldn't I? I mean I don't know anyone at this school yet so I can't ditch you yet."

" That's cold." I was in the corner sulking. " You've been hanging around with Ron to much."

" I was just kidding Roni-sama." She sweat dropped holding a bag of strawberries. " If you stop sulking I'll give you these strawberries."

I slide next to her and grabbed them and dragged her to an empty table smiling.

" So how was dad since I left?" I took a lazy bite out of a strawberry.

" He had a whole rant and sulking section like five times a week." She chuckled taking a small bite out of her rice ball.

" That taco needs to grow up." I rolled my eyes.

" You probably mean idiot, right?"

I looked behind me to see Hikaru and Kaoru grinning at me with a group of boys behind him.

" Oh, no. I meant taco this time." I grinned back taking another bite of a strawberry. " I think it sounds funnier. You guys want any strawberries?"

" I do!" A small little blond boy looking about eight smiled skipping over.

" Here. You can have the rest." I handed him the bag of strawberries. " So what cha guys need?"

" we wanted to bring Tono over to meet you." They said in unison as a tall blond guy a year olderapproachedus.

" Yo, you must be Tamaki Suoh. Nice to meet cha." I grinned. " I'm Roni Suzuki and this is my sister Hanabi Suzuki."

The boy looked shocked as her glittered. " How may you know me?"

" Well, I do my research on top clubs at the schools I'm attending. Host club was at the top." Hanabi and I said at the same time. " So that's how we found you guys."

" Though it's pretty interesting." I said as Hanabi nodded in agreement. " That you have a girl in the club."

They froze in shock and confusion.

" Please have a seat if you want to discuss it further." I smiled kindly pulling out my lunch box key.

" Whats up with the key?" Kaoru asked sitting next to me.

" It's so my brother doesn't put a trap in it." I smiled unlocking the box.

" So how did you figure it out?" Kyouya asked starting to eat his lunch that he bought.

" She's a pretty girl. I can't believe someone didn't figure her secret out already." I laced my fingers together and rest my head on them smiling. " That and after seeing her in class I lookedup her file."

" I see. Clever minded boy I can see." Kyouya gave a fake smile.

" Not really. If I was then...." I opened my lunch box.

Black smoke hit face and got in my mouth. My eyes wide. After it cleared I could tell my face was black from the smoke cause everyones eyes at the table stared at me. I coughed up the smoke and fell backwards onto the ground.

" Roni-sama?" Hanabi looked down at me with concern.

" Roni, are you OK?" Kaoru looked down at me.

" He switched lunch boxes." I said in a daze looking at the ceilings. A evil smirk appeared on my lips.

I quickly got up and dusted myself off. Hanabi handed me a wet washcloth.

" I can't believe he would do that." I wiped my face to get the black stuff off my face.

" So he switched you lunches?" She asked questionably.

" yes, he indeed did." I glared at the lunch box for a moment before I fake cried tears of joy. " My brother finally had the nerve to prank me back!" I calmed myselfsitting down again laughing nervously. " Sorry about that. So as we were saying."

" Well, as the host club we were wondering." Tamaki had a dramatic pause. " We were wonder if you, Roni Suzuki, would join the Host Club."

" Sure."

" Please I.... wait want?"Tamaki begged but noticed that I said sure.

" I don't see why not." I smiled. " I mean my brother might decline, but I have no intention to be like him. Beside I'm in no rush to go home anytime soon after school."


(After School.)

" So Roni-san...."

" Please just call me Roni." I smiled kindly. " -San seems to formal for my liking."

" Um..." She blushed as the other girls giggled. " I was wondering what are some of your hobbies."

" Hm?" I placed a finger on my chin and looked at the ceiling thinking. I clicked my tongue and replied, " well, I play piano, guitar, and violin when I have free time form soccer, basketball, volleyball, and tennis lessons. I enjoy writing poetry andstoriesand some times music, but only if my sisters help me."

" You play instruments?" They seemed shocked.

" I know, I know," I chuckled rubbing the back of my head nervously, " lame right? I really doesn't fit my character well does it?"

" No, its just that we think that...." she trailed off losing courage.

" We'd thought maybe you'd play it for us sometime." Another girl whispered.

" Really?" I smiled resting my chin on my hand. " Maybe, but only if you'd listen to them."

" You seem so different here than in class." One of them smiled. " I think both of the characters you have are wonderful."

" Sorry. I haven't had much sleep." I explained sweat dropping. " I was so nervous going back to a private school since I've been going to public schools lately. I haven't had a good nights rest for about a week now. Plus I've been trying to get on my brother's good side."

" Good side?"

" I was wondering why you two fought so much. Can you tell us?"

" Well, I guess it's my fault." I sighed looking out the window carefully. " I did something that upsetted him and he can't forgive me for it. Not yet anyways." I blinked twice and then put on a goofy grin. " Sorry, this must be boring."

" No, no. We had a great time." One of the shook her head quickly. " It seems our times up and you guys are closing. May we request you again?"

" I'd love to spend more time with you lovely ladies." I winked at them getting up.

They all blushed rushing out of the room. I was soon surrounded by the hosts.

" I'm surprised Suzuki-san." Kyouya walked over with his notebook in hand. " You had the most customers today."

" Just call me Roni." I smiled yawning. " And I thought it was fun."

" Roni-Sama!" A voice called behind me. " Are you ready to leave?"

" I told you to call me Roni, taco!" I turned to face Hanabi who was smiling like always. " When don't you smile?"

" I don't know." She shrugged, she was now wearing black fitting jeans and a blue tank top. She jumped on my back. " It seems like when I smile you smile Roni-Sama."

I smiled gently twirling her around. " I guess your right." I nodded and turned to the host club. " Gotta go. I have a doctor's appointment." With that I jogged out of the room with her on my back.

" You have another doctors appointment today?" She frowned.

" Yeah, they have to make sure this is a good place for my health." I smiled. " Don't frown, you'll make me feel bad."

" Fine, but on one condition." She held one finger up in front of us.

" And would that condition be for me to teach you how to play guitar?" I raised an eyebrow.

" You know me so well." She grinned hugging my neck tighter. " So when you get back you'll teach me right?"

" Yeah," I smiled stopping, " but how about you go a head of me. I'll be home in about an hour. More or less. I forgot something." I put down in front of the limo.

" But how are you going to get home?" She protested crossing her arms.

" I'll walk. I'll be fine. The house isn't that far and beside, I haven't exercised properly for the past two weeks." I patted her on the back shoving her into the car. " I think it that it would be unhealthier if I didn't exercise."

" Fine, but call me in a half hour to check in." She shut the door and drove off.

I waved goodbye and walked into the building. I had to know if she was here. I ran towards the stairs.

I tripped on a couple of steps, but regained my balance carefully and kept going. After a few hallways I heard a beautiful elegant sound. It drifted around me causing me to smile, she just started. I walked down the hall to music room 1.

I opened the door to see Ron playing the piano. A flat note came from the piano.

" Dammit!" Ron growled to herself.

Yes I said herself. She had her brown hair out of the wig and was in regular clothes.A black hooded jacket and black fitting jeans.

" Why can that moron get this so easily, but not me?!" I could tell she was on the edge of tears.

" You're trying to hard." I smiled walking in. I shut the door quietly behind me. " Listen to the music."

" What do you mean?" she shot a glare at me.

" Music speaks." I stated simply taking off my wig. My hair fell to my mid back. " You just have to listen."

" Like you know anything!" She screamed stomping out. She slammed the door behind her.

" What a shame." I stared blankly at the door smiling sadly. " I think I just made things worst between us."

I took off my jacket and pulled out my blue jacket and put it on. I slide my baggy camouflage over my dress pants. I pulled my long brown hair into a ponytail with a blue ribbon. I scanned the piano with tempting eyes.

" I haven't done this for so long." I whispered, pausing to pondering the thought. " Should I?"

I stroked a key carefully several times before my hands glided across. Before I knew it I was playing 'Lullaby For a Stormy Night'.

I started to sing after the introduction.

'little child, be not afraid
though rain pounds harshly against the glass
like an unwanted stranger, there is no danger
I am here tonight
little child, be not afraid
though thunder explodes and lightning flash
illuminates your tear-stained face
I am here tonight'

I closed my eyes smiling then continued.

'and someday you'll know
that nature is so
the same rain that draws you near me
falls on rivers and land
on forests and sand
makes the beautiful world that you'll see
in the morning
little child, be not afraid
though storm clouds mask your beloved moon
and its candlelight beams, still keep pleasant dreams
I am here tonight
little child, be not afraid
though wind makes creatures of our trees
and their branches to hands, they're not real, understand
and I am here tonight
for you know, once even I was a
little child, and I was afraid
but a gentle someone always came
to dry all my tears, trade sweet sleep for fears
and to give a kiss goodnight
well now I am grown
and these years have shown
that rain's a part of how life goes
but it's dark and it's late
so I'll hold you and wait
'til your frightened eyes do close
and I hope that you'll know...
everything's fine in the morning
the rain'll be gone in the morning
but I'll still be here in the morning'

" Wow that was beautiful."

My eyes shot opened to see the Hitachiin twins were leaning against the piano on each side, eyes closed.

" Thanks." I smiled getting to my feet. " I think it was a little off though. I usually do it as a duet."

" With who?" Kaoru opened on eyes studying me.

" My sister." I grabbed my bag getting a little nervous about the situation.

" Where is she?" Hikaru opened one eyes doing as Kaoru did.

I looked sadly at the door before giving another sad smile. " I guess she's not coming back. I kinda got her angry at me again."

My phone rang before anymore questions could be given. The screen read Hanabi.

" Shit. I'm late." I mumbled answering. " Hello?"

" Roni! Where the hell are you?!" Hanabi yelled on the other side of the phone. " You're going to be late!"

" You're scary when you're mad." I sighed in French. " I'm heading home right now."

" Why are you speaking French?!"

" Because people from the host club are here and I'm not a boy at the moment." I rolled my eyes. "Gotta go!"

" Don't you dare...." I hung up the phone.

" She's going to kill me later." I sighed walking towards the door." Maybe I'll see you around. I have a......." I caught myself.

" A what?" They questioned growing near.

" A....a.... pet appointment for my pet crocodile."

" Crocodile?" Hikaru questioned raising an eyebrow.

" Dammit! I did it again! I mean flamingo."

" The pink bird?" Kaoru asked this time.

" Not shark, harp is an instrument...."

" Dog?" They both questioned.

" That's it!" I shouted happily. " Dog. Wow I suck a Japanese. Well, Buh-byes!"

I ran out of the room and down the hallway. A limo waited outside the school which Hanabi waiting patiently by the door.

" Yo, Hanabi!" I dove into the car and we were off.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK. This is like the second time I written this and I can't write this on the sight I was originally going to put on because I need to have the Microsoft word but mine isn't work. with the Shugo chara story if you've been wondering about it. I had it done... twice but my brother deleted..... twice. So yeah. Blame him. So I'm going to try and get it up again. And my computer has been out of wack which is why i couldn't rewrite it. So yeah. Hope you like it. Chapter 2 coming soon.