Reverse This Curse

They Seek Destruction And Kill The Functions

A slender, thin body of a sixteen year old girl was bent over double, digging through her closet. Her long flaming red hair was pulled back as she dug through the clothes, throwing behind her the ones she wouldn’t use.

"God damn phone," The girl muttered, pulling her body out of the closet and went to the phone.

"Hello?" She answered in a bored voice. "Anna! Guess what?" An excited girl exclaimed through the phone. The girl named Anna rolled her eyes, "Yes?"
"I've got concert tickets to Escape The Fate!" Anna gasped, Escape The Fate was her favorite band, ever. "Can you come?" Asked the girl on the phone. "When is it?" Anna asked. "Tomorrow night."
"Oh my god, Bubbles, that's perfect. I have a date with.. Dylan tonight." Anna told Bubbles. "Ohhoo, I'll let you go then. Later chica." "Bye Bubbles."

Anna hung up the phone, and sighed. She really wanted to go to that concert, but didn't know if her parents would go for it.


“God damn, have I told you how beautiful you’ve been lately?” Dylan asked as Anna walked out to his car. Anna smiled, showing off brilliant white teeth.

Dylan isn’t the type of guy who’d win “Best Body Award”. He was rather chubby and intimidating. He had long, thick blonde hair that looked like a lion’s mane. He had bright blue eyes, which was what Anna first fell in love with. She loved his eyes more than she loved her own emerald green ones. Both Anna and Dylan were the goth type.

“You tell me everyday,” Anna replied, and bent down through his window and gave him a kiss. “Well babe, can’t keep the gang waiting.” Anna withdrew from the window and rolled her eyes. They were always hanging out with ‘The gang’. Anna got into the passenger side of the car, her face grew hot with her skirt slowly raising up. She pulled it down the best she could as they drove off, speeding out into the night.

“So where are we hanging out at tonight?” Anna asked as they turned a right at the stop light. Heading closer to down town. “There’s a local show tonight, thought it might be cool to check out.” He said with a grin. That triggered Anna’s memory. “Oh my god! I haven’t told you, Bubbles got tickets to Escape The Fate!” She exclaimed to her boyfriend. He rolled his eyes, Anna didn’t expect a huge reaction out of him, he never really like that band much, and always complained when it was the first thing playing in her car’s stereo.

There was silence for a little while, then Dylan sighed. A sigh that told Anna something was wrong. “What is it, baby?” She asked. “I don’t know. Just feels like something is going to go wrong tonight.” Anna furrowed her eyebrows together, but didn’t say anything, just reached over to Dylan’s thigh and laid her hand on it. He reached down and took her hand, as they pulled into the Concert House.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is my first chapter. Much, much more to come (:

My policy is - No comments, no story.