Reverse This Curse

As You Wait, Like The Drug, Like The Change In The

“How can you fucking do this to me?!” A loud scream erupted from the Concert Hall’s lobby. Anna fastened her pace as she realized it was Bubbles.

Anna walked into a scene of Bubbles, her boyfriend Eric, and another girl whom Anna had never seen before. Anna ran to Bubbles, who was now on the floor, crying. “Bubbles, what happened?” She asked gently. “I don’t fucking know, why don’t you ask Mr. Fucking Man Whore over there!” Bubbles yelled. Anna threw a vicious glare towards Eric. “What the hell?!” Anna yelled. “Please, Anna, you have to understand, she-“ He gestured to the unknown girl. Anna patted Bubbles hair, whispering words of comfort to her.


“I’m not going,” Bubbles stated. Both her and Anna were sitting on Bubbles porch, smoking. Anna knew she was talking of the Escape The Fate concert. “Oh hun, don’t let stupid Eric,” Anna spoke his name with venom. “Ruin your time. We’re going and we’re gonna have a good time. Understand?” Bubbles took a long drag off her cigarette, then flicked it over the railing. “You know what?” She asked, but not as a question. “You’re right. I’m going, we’re going.” Anna nodded in approval as she also flicked her butt over the railing.


“I can’t believe we’re here!” Anna yelled. Bubbles nodded, her short blonde hair shimmered with the glitter they had put in it earlier. Her soft blue eyes swam with wonder, and her smooth, pale skin ran with goose bumps.

They had gotten there a couple hours early. There were a few dozen people, but it wasn’t crowded. “Come on Anna! If we get in early, we might be able to watch their sound check!” Bubbles rushed towards the doors to the theater. Anna eagerly ran behind her.

Check, check, one two. Check.” A beautiful voice rang out through the building. Bubbles looked behind her towards Anna, who smiled and squealed. They entered the ‘General Admission’ part of the stage floor.

Anna looked up to see the most talented, beautiful band in the world, her in opinion anyway. “Bubbles, Oh. My. God.” She whispered. The guitarist, known by the name of Max Green, who had the most gorgeous face and short black hair that came over his face with his lip pierced, saw them-Yes Anna and Bubbles!-, and whispered something to the lead singer, Ronnie Radke, who was just as gorgeous.

“Damn, damn, damn. Got to love these Chicago girls.” Ronnie said through the microphone, looking directly at Anna and Bubbles, who giggled. The girls who were at the front of the stage, drooling over the band, looked back and gave them dirty looks.

Anna and Bubbles walked towards the stage, snaking their way around various people. They got to the very front, and held on to the railing. “Oh my god, I can’t believe he thinks we’re hot!” Bubbles giggled. Anna rolled her eyes, but smiled. After all, he didn’t directly say that they were hot.

Anna and Bubbles laughed and giggled and talked until the show started in half an hour. It was getting crowded, and they held on to the railing for dear life, there was no way they were giving up their good spots.

Anna hated to admit it, but she kept getting the feeling that Max was looking at her, throwing her flirtatious glances. She would smile and look the other way, just in case he wasn’t looking at her.

“Hey there.” A wonderful, delicious voice said from her right. She had been talking to Bubbles about her date with Dylan the night before, and about what else had happened. Anna slowly turned, out of all the people it was Max fucking Green.

“Oh, Uh.. Hi.” Anna said slowly. Oh great, now he thinks I’m a slow retard or something, Anna thought. She smiled at him, he smiled back. “So does a pretty girl like you have a name?” He asked. She smiled bigger, “Anna.” He thought for a moment, “Anna.. Anna.. Kind of.. Rolls off the tongue huh?” Anna raised her eyebrow slightly, but kept smiling. “I suppose so.” She replied. “So do you have any requests for us tonight?” Anna got the slight feeling he was nervous, she had no idea why. “How about... 'Cellar Door'?” Max laughed. His laugh was musically enchanting. “That’s one of my favorites. I’ll talk to Ronnie about it.” By this time, Anna realized, they had attracted a lot of attention. Max leaned in real close to Anna, “How about after the show you come back stage?” He asked innocently. Anna grinned, “I’ll think about it.” Keep ‘em hanging, Anna’s mother always said. Max winked at her and walked back on stage, now it was time for the show to begin.

“And now presenting,” An old guy, the owner of the theater perhaps, said, “Escape... The... Fate!” The crowd exploded, Anna and Bubbles along with them.

“Now, we had a, uh.. Special request,” Ronnie said, shooting a glance towards Max. “For the song ‘Cellar Door’ for Anna.” Anna’s face went red but clapped and hollered. Max grinned towards Anna, and Ronnie shook his head with a smile, as did the other guitarist, Bryan.

We walked through the door way... Heard you calling from the hall..
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so the beginning goes kind of fast, I don't really like this chapter that much... Tell me what you think.

Oh and I know absolutely nothing about Chicago lol.. I just like the sound of the name.. Hehe..

Comments please!