Reverse This Curse

Don't Get Swallowed By The Flames

"Anna, are you going back stage?!" Bubbles screamed, as Escape The Fate bid their good-byes. Anna shrugged. "Oh come on!" Bubbles yelled dragging her towards the walk way to back stage.

A big bald guy, with a black shirt and "Security" written in large white letters, stopped them. Anna could see Ronnie from where they were standing. "Please, he-" Bubbles started, but Anna saw Ronnie gesture something to Max, who came over. "Fang, is there a problem?" Max asked seriously, but winked at the girls. "These two girls think they're getting backstage without a pass." Fang said coldly. "Ah, can they come back.. with my permission?" Fang looked at Max for a long time. "I suppose," He stepped to the right and let the girls through.

The girls quickly followed Max. "So, Anna, who's your friend?" Max asked. "Oh, this is Bubbles... I mean, Bellatrix."

"Bellatrix huh?" A hoarse voice said, as a dark figure strolled up to meet them. "Ah, Ronnie," Max said smoothly. "Bellatrix and Anna. Girls, this is Ronnie." Anna was about to die. She's waited so long to even go to an Escape The Fate concert. "Bellatrix," Ronnie said again. He had eyes for no one but Bubbles.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short,
I just kind of.. ran out.