
Just Shut Up.

You're right; you're the most selfish, horrible person on the planet. I couldn't agree more after seeing all the unnecessary havoc you've brought into the lives of the people around you. It's like we get secondhand pain rather than a secondhand drunk.

Admittedly, I liked you in the beginning. I really felt like we related to each other when we could just talk about anything and everything, but those days have come and gone. Now I can barely be near you without feeling some kind of nausea. I don't know how you live with yourself at this point, after hurting so many people who've done nothing but love you and look after you. You sicken me to the core.

The worst of it all is that you're so centered around a guy who doesn't love you the way the other does, you never even noticed or cared how much it hurt your best friend when you led him on like that. You don't realize how horribly you've broken him. But I've seen it. I was there when you weren't; I was a friend when you were too busy gallavanting across the globe to save someone who was entirely capable of saving himself. And when you finally came back, you had the nerve to run back into those strong arms as if you belonged there. You continued to string him along until his ring, that ugly ring was on your finger. Then you really demolished the best person you've ever known. You heard him cry out in pain, didn't you? Or were you too busy with the leech?

I can't properly express in words how disappointed and angry I am with you, nor can I express how badly you've damaged him. All he did was care, and all you did was tear away any hope the boy had left in him that you two could somehow change things, be together. I expected more from you, though now, I realize I was foolish for doing so.

You're a waste of space; and believe me, I don't just say that to anyone I don't agree with. You're an exception. Not many people would rather turn their backs on the ones who've loved them all their lives just to be with a few people they hardly know. You'd rather break them all than love them back. That makes you a coward. A coward and a fool. And I don't think I can ever forgive you for any of it.