

Dr. Arnon acknoledged the nurse through puffy red eyes. The patient was not doing well at all. Worse, her uncle called the hospital with some
unexpected news.
In the dark hospital office of Dr. Arnon, the ring of a phone berserkly pulsed through the air. Dr. Arnon answered the phone and couldn't believe his ears.
"Hello, Dr. Arnon, is it? I am sorry for the unconvenient call, but I am calling for my niece, Kiersten Iero." The voice said.
"Oh, yes of course. But, may I ask, you are the uncle who manages the care of this child are you not?" The concerned doctor asked.
"Yeah, I'm Frank Iero, and I'm concerned about my niece. I want to see her." He said.
Dr. Arnon cluthced his chest and almost fainted.
*End Flashback*
The uncle, Uncle Frank Iero, was to arrive in two days. Kiersten wasn't doing well and the doctor was weary to propose Mr.Iero let Kiersten "go".
Cancer. Dr. Arnon shook his head, it made the most beautiful person rot in despair and disease. He glanced at Kiersten's celery-green eyes and light brown hair. She had circles under her eyes and was pale.
He remembered when she was just a baby, slightly overweight, adored by everyone and the happiest child ever imaginable.
And then, the death of her mother, breast cancer. Her father left and had never returned. Probobly dead. No other family.
Alas, the disease had passed on and look where that happy child is now.