A Project Human Story: A Dead One

In it

Like most days, the clouds filtered through the sky, leaving spots of sunshine and spots of shade that painted the ground with it’s fine colors. I would, like most days, only have a few mere minutes of fresh air to ponder these clouds and the sun that shaped the landscape with light. I’d fight for those few minutes every day, fight being confined up in the bookshop like a vampire. And, like most days, when those minutes were up I would find myself drifting back into the bookshop ready to face every person who came through the front door.

However, this wasn’t like most days. The clouds didn’t filter, instead there was just plain, blue sky that looked heavy as the sun stood straight above me and I didn’t have a few mere minutes…I only had seconds before I staggered across a stranger, stranger then fiction to be honest, with a destination set in his really odd red eyes.

“Can I help you?” I asked, bewildered and finding no time for the smile that cashiers are suppose to give you.

“You work here?” He narrowed his eyes, sizing me over and when the judgment crossed his face I wanted to scoff. Who did he think he was?

“I do…” I trailed off. I wouldn't ask if I didn’t, his ‘politeness’ for asking-if I could call it that-was misplaced.

He sighed, hesitant with his shifty, red fucking eyes he spoke, “You hiring?”

Mr. Red Eyes wasn’t pleased when I nodded my head yes and lead him inside the shop. Where I was standing just outside the door, my back keeping the door from closing, it wasn’t much to go around the counter to pull out an application from a drawer underneath where the register sat. I handed it to him and he took it, no, snatched it from my hand with disapproval on his face.

After the small bell rang on top of the door, I released the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. There was no one in the store as I looked around, finding that there was no one to turn to and say, “Did you feel that?”

And what I mean by that is the large amount of energy that just rolled off his person in waves, like when someone adds dry ice to lets say, fruit punch? It rolled off him and wrapped around me, suffocating me like his energy knew I could feel it. Now as he’s gone and disappeared, I let that sink in.

Someone with that kind of energy shouldn’t be here, because the last person who was ruined my life.