A Project Human Story: A Dead One

She Won't Make It Out Alive

“So, are you going to ask his digits for me when you weasel your way back to work?” Isabel asked me over a Tupperware container full of juicy watermelon chunks.

With a hard glare against her innocent plead with her dark eyes I stabbed one of the watermelon, picking up my fork to find that piece I stabbed didn’t follow. We giggled as I continued to stab it repeatedly with no luck, leaving it for its neighbor.

“I don’t think so, Isabel.” She pouted as I told her.

“Why not?”

I sighed, “Because he’s the reason I’m stressed.”

“You don’t think he’s the one behind these nightmares, do you?” Fear was weakly hidden in her voice and I looked down in a bit of shame.

Why, when I was certain it was him?

“I can’t…be completely sure, but his eyes…they’ve haunted one nightmare of mine before the red head began to show up.” I shook my head and closed my eyes, hearing her toenails against the floor echoing through my head.

The silence surrounded us, making that sound all the more unbearable as I tried to wiggle it out of my mind. But like a really stuck sticker to glass, it took more then just hot water and elbow grease to erase it completely.

The container was later put away and she followed me to the first floor where I easily put a shield of soft, glowing white light around myself when the first hint of his energy hit me. A look towards Isabel and her dark, bouncy hair tagging behind her a thought came; she was defenseless against him, would he strike her to bring me down?

He didn’t great us, nor lift his head in recognition but his energy told me we didn’t come unknown. Isabel, with a smirk, out swayed Shikira’s hips while she walked to lean against the counter. I wanted to reach out and pull her back to attach the shield to her, but my power couldn’t reach out when his had already wrapped her body with an almost teasing glance from him towards my way.

“Well, hello there, Alex.” Her smile radiated sunshine, but that couldn’t melt his heart. I watched that icy smirk brace his features and even if she couldn’t read him, her knees wobbled at the sight.

“Hello, Isabel.” His tone smoothed out and her name rolled off his tongue in a voice so low I bet she was ready to give into him, and all I did was stand and watch. Nothing but that.

“You want to catch some sushi later, perhaps a movie after that?” She asked in a way that matched his tone, husky and flirtatious. It was making me sick.

His smirk fell into a serious reply, “No, I’m staying here tonight.”

Her shoulder’s slumped in disappointment, but inside my heart beat quickly with victory. Should I want her, my only touch left to sanity, go anywhere with him?

“Well, that’s fine. At a later date then, bye Jade.” She whisked away with a kiss blown my way and the little bell rang with her departure.

Immediately I zeroed in with a growl on my lips, “Don’t fuck with her.”

“Are you threatening me, Jade? You, the one who is left weak when I touch you?” He teased, and I stepped back.

“It’s you.”

“It’s not me. You’ll find that out soon…”

I wanted to faint.