Each Days A Number


Kennedy laughed loudly as he brought the upper half of his body back into the van as Garrett drove back to the hotel they were staying at in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The van smelt of the Taco Bell they were bringing back for the rest of the guys and Dessie, and they were airing out the vehicle. Garrett slapped Kennedy as he tried to regain composure before Kenny popped back out of the van, letting the cool night air wisp against his face.

"Dude, if I get pulled over because of you, you're so paying the ticket," Garrett laughed, clutching his stomach and halted at a red light.

"What, by all the police around?" Kennedy laughed at his sarcastic remark. "Oh, stop being a vag, man! You're not going to get pulled over." The laughter died down moments later and Kenny stopped leaning out the window and played with his fingers as Garrett stepped on the accelerator, pulling through the intersection. "So, Gary," he scratched the back of his neck uneasily.

"Yes, Kenny," he smirked, looking at Kennedy before back at the road in front of him.

"Are you and, um, Dessie really together?"

A heavy sigh slipped from Garrett's lips and he ran his hand through his shaggy hair. "No, we're not."

"But Alex said-"

He cut Kennedy off. "I know what Alex said, but I only told him that because he basically forced himself on Des. And I won't have that."

"He's backed off so much, it's insane! He's totally not the same Alex we all know; it's hilarious!" Kenny slapped his knee, getting a kick out of Alex's reaction of not getting what he wanted.

"It's not funny when you're friend cries over something like that!" Garrett snapped, gazing at his friend before letting his blue eyes stare harshly at the road, and allowing his speed to increase.

"Whoa, dude. Sorry," he apologized. "I didn't mean to- wait a minute!" Kenny adjusted in himself so his body was facing Garrett and his left leg was in front of him on the seat. "You like Dessie, don't you! Don't you!" A smirk was plastered on his face.

Garrett's head shot towards Kennedy with a shocked expression. "What? No!" he quickly covered up his butterflies. "No, dude, we're just friends."

"C'mon, Gary, I know you all too well. And I know when you're into a girl. Just admit it!" Kenny laughed, crossing his arms over his chest.

He sighed heavily again. "Okay, fine. I do like Dessie, no big deal. But all we're going to be is friends."

"You're not okay with that," he sang, flipping his hair over his forehead.

"I am, too, okay with that!" Garrett defended. "I want her to be comfortable with being on this tour, because word has it, she'll be managing the next tour. And if she doesn't feel comfortable, I'm afraid she won't want to do the next one."

Kenny continued to smirk and raised an eyebrow. "Afraid?" he chuckled.

"What? No! That's not what I meant! What I meant to say was-" he was cut off as he stopped at a stop sign, and went forward again.

"Oh man! Dude, you're so in love with her!" Kennedy pointed and laughed, earning yet another sigh from Garrett.

"Is it that obvious?" Garrett asked quietly; Kenny nodded his head vigorously. "Fuck," he dragged out the "u". "Do you think the guys know?"

"Okay, it's not that obvious to stupid people like them," he replied as they pulled into an empty parking space of the hotel, right in front of their door.

Getting out, Garrett grabbed one of the Taco Bell bags while Kennedy grabbed the rest. They strolled up to the door and Gary pulled out the card key he had in his pocket and turned to Kenny with a pointed finger and a glare.

"This conversation never leaves your mouth again, got it?" Garrett warned, except it didn't come out as serious as he intended.

"Ay, ay, captain!" he saluted and Garrett opened the door.

"Food's here!" Pat yelled out, climbing over the two beds and snatching the bags from the guys.

The rest of the boys huddled around, taking the food out of the bags and acting as if they hadn't eaten in months. Dessie lifted herself from the bed and walked over to Garrett, bumping his side with her shoulder. He smiled down at her and bumped his hip with her. She giggled and covered her mouth, jerking her head towards the guys who sat in a circle around the food while shoveling it into their mouths.

They sat next to each other and grabbed whatever was left. Garrett and Dessie shared another smile as they unwrapped the wrappers and took a bite of their taco and burrito, never once breaking their stare.

She laughed as they walked side by side into the venue in Albuquerque; roadies were setting up the stage in the back of the room as guys from bands roamed everywhere. Dessie felt Garrett's hand graze hers before he laced their fingers together. Looking around, she noticed some of the guys were staring at them and figured that's why he did it.

A smile graced her features and she stepped closer to him; his grip tightened when Alex appeared in front of them, giving the pair a quick stare before heading off in the opposite direction. His grip loosened when they saw Kennedy, John, and Jimmie talking in a group as he led the way to the guys. Garrett let go of her hand completely and snaked his arm around her shoulders, blowing in her ear because he felt like hearing her giggle.

“Stop that, would you?” Dessie’s smile widened and her stomach did flips when he laughed at her.

“What, this?” he blew in her ear again softly, sending shivers throughout her body that he felt as she giggled again and nodded. “Oh, sorry,” he wrapped his other arm around her, pulling her closer to his body in a hug with his temple against hers as they reached the guys.

“Oh, no! Love birds comin’ through!” Jimmie announced, circling his hands over his mouth; John raised an eyebrow.

“Shut up!” Garrett shoved Jimmie; Dessie blushed and looked away.

“I didn’t know you two were-“

“They’re sickening, aren’t they?” Kennedy smirked, looking at Garrett as he interrupted John.

“Totally!” Jimmie agreed.

Dessie looked from Garrett to Kenny, back to Garrett and then to Kennedy again, studying the looks they were giving each other. “What’s going on?”

“Oh nothing,” Kennedy beat Garrett to the punch. “Just, I know something you don’t know!” he sang, causing Dessie, John, and Jimmie to become confused and causing Garrett to glare.

“Kennedy is just stupid; please ignore him,” Garrett looked down into Dessie’s brown eyes; his bright blues staring deep into hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Jack Barakat;
Craig Owens;
Zack Merrick;
Alex Gaskarth;
William Beckett;
John O'Callaghan.
David Blaise.