Status: one-shot. finished :)

Trapped in a City of Fools

Their Tongues Cut Like a Blade

It felt strange for him to woke up and knowing that he’s alone without his brother playing Play Station in his room that morning which was his brother’s routine thing every morning. He yawned and blinked his eyes for a couple times, his mind kept repeating what happened yesterday, he felt awful inside, and tons kind of misery hit him in the heart. He pushed himself to stood up from the bed, but he couldn’t, he just end up sitting at the edge of the bed. He hid his face between the palms of his hands, so many things were running through his mind.
Then he decided to got up from his bed, he sighed a long exhale as he clenched his jaw holding the pain and headed to the bathroom inside his bedroom which only made the hole in his heart got even bigger. It all rewinded by itself like a broken tape, he wanted to forget it, though it’s impossible, it was only one day ago; he remembered how his brother was there with both of his eyes opened widely and he looked so light that the water could easily brought him to the top of the bath up.
He then rubbed his eyes and shook his head. The guilty feeling was still there, yes, exactly there. He thought he was that strong, but he was wrong, he was not that strong. He got out from the bathroom as he looked down to his cold feet and whispered under his breath
“time goes on.”
He nodded to himself as if it was someone else to give himself a little confidence. He grabbed his jacket and his black jeans, wore them then headed to his parents house hoping that he would feel better once he got there.
He knocked at the door as he stood up awkwardly and waiting someone to open the door.
“Chris? Come in” a woman with a long curly brunette hair, grey eyes, and a laugh on her face said.
“Amanda? What are you doing here?” Chris said with both a flat face and voice as he walked in.
Amanda didn’t answered, she just followed him behind and took a little ran to made herself lead him.
“this way” she pointed to a hall where it used to be Darryl’s room when they still live here.
Chris knotted his eyebrows in disgust which means ‘what?’ in sarcastic tone.
She didn’t give a shit, she kept walking to Darryl’s room.
Once he got in his room, there was his parents, and some of his friends, they kept commenting on Darryl’s stuffs.
“Oh Chris there you are” his mom ran to him for a hug. He gave her a tight hug back.
Everyone looked so calm as if nothing happened yesterday. He felt like he entered a wrong house. He needed to act careful and cool in front of the others. He think that keep being like what he was at his house could be dangerous, so he tried as good as he could to be like them, even though it actually cut his heart into one more thousand pieces and hurt even more than when he was all alone. It’s like no one cares.
“who are you people?” he murmured, more to himself.
“what did you say, Chris?” Amanda asked him, giggling because of a joke that Chris’ dad just gave, which is so inappropriate these days.
He followed Amanda to giggles, a fake giggle.
“what? Nah, I didn’t say anything” He laughed and closed his eyes thinking about a way to get away from this place for a moment.
He took a deep breath.
“dad, I want to go out for a couple hours, okay?” he grabbed his jacket and got up as if his dad already said ‘yes’.

“where are you going, Chris?” his dad asked sweetly.

“just searching for fresh air, and probably buy some snacks, I’m running out of food in my house, so, yeah” he gave his dad a cliché excuse.
His dad just nodded and smiled. He waved to the others, and got out of there with some heavy steps.
He hold the steering wheel thightly. He closed his eyes to hold back the tears from falling, he sniffed a couple times, but he couldn’t help it, the tears finally fell onto his thigh.
He took a deep breath and opened the door, he put his right foot onto the ground heavily as if there’s a fifty-six tons of rocks on his feet. But then he made it, he walked out of the car.
He could already see it.
He fell down to his knee and put his hand at the edge of his brother’s grave. Face down. He wanted to say so many things to his brother, but now it’s just to late.
He knee there for a quite long time until he finally spoke a word, a sentence.
“You’re lucky if you’re memory remains, Darryl.”
With that, the salt water from his brown shiny eyes crashed out and rolled down his cheek as if it was a place for the tears to dance.