Status: Finished (;

Carry Me

Chap 1.

“You can’t ca—” I yelled as I ran into the supervisor, Xavier Ortan, of Charter’s Orphanage. Well that’s the cover up anyways, this is a private boarding school in a way, this is meant for all the musically talented kids whose parents wanted to rid themselves of. He just smiled and shrugged it off. “Hey X how’s it going?” I asked looking up at the gorgeous 27 year old, he had 10 years on me, but it’s not like I cared, he looks delicious.
“Just the kid I was looking for” Xavier said smiling down at me, damn he loved reminding me I was just a kid in his eyes. “So Alex, we have a new boy, he’s your age and honestly, he looks defeated and needs to make new friends and get to know this place” he knowing I was one of the friendliest people here, and that I knew everything about this place. “And he has your exact schedule surprisingly enough and something else” he said, and I knew not to press it further.
“X, I’d love to show him around, who is he?” I asked walking with Xavier to his office. I was wondering if this guy was a major hottie, and of course Xavier knew what I was thinking.
“You’ll absolutely adore him, if he even talks to you…” said X as he opened the door to his office. As I walked in I spotted the loveliest person I have ever come across in my entire life. I mean, sure I’ve met so many hot, sexy, cute, adorable, bad ass guys, but none of them could compare to him, even with a tear stained face, he was still the most beautiful thing I had set my eyes upon, no one seemed worthy of his presence, WHO could ever leave this priceless artifact at an orphanage? My heart tore in two as he sniffled quietly, showing me he still wasn’t done grieving. I walked up to him and squeezed his hand gently.
“Hey there cutie, I’m Alex, Alex Gaskarth, I’ll be showing you around, telling you all about this place, and hopefully I’ll also be your first friend here. Let’s get you to your room, they magically transport your things there, somehow, before you even enter it for the first time. Key please?” I asked Xavier. He smiled at me. And shook his head.
“You know how most people share a room?” He asked. I nodded and raised an eyebrow, “Everything is already set up, you two are going to be roomies” he smiled. How did that even happen… I was just in my room less than 15 minutes ago. I shook my head and smirked.
“Sounds perfect. Come with me honey, I’ll show you to our room, and once your ready you’ll get a tour of this fascinating place” I said while reaching for his hand and leading him out of the office. He stopped suddenly and his hand fell out of my grip, I looked back at him but he just stopped to pick up his case, with what I assumed was his guitar, he then looked up at me, a blush tinted on his flawless face, and reconnected his hand with mine, signaling me to continue leading the way to our room. I continue to hear sniffles emitting from the beauty that walks behind me, and every time I do, I squeeze his hand, just slightly, so that he knows I’m here for him in his time of need.
“Thank you” I heard, barely, come from the wonderful boy who I had just learned would now share this room with me, “I’m Jared… Jared Followill” he said quietly as I closed the door. I lead him to his bed and sat across from him.
“Honey, I know it’s still brand new, and like a flesh wound to your heart that just won’t close… But would you like to tell me what happened and why you, of all people, are here at this orphanage?” I asked him, concerned and curious to know why he is so torn about this.
“Well… my parents have always loved my older siblings more then me, they would never pay me any mind, and so I just wanted their attention… I started doing bad things… I got involved with all the wrong people, and my parents just couldn’t handle me anymore. They told me I was worthless and a mistake, they told me I could never be as great as my brothers. They always loved rubbing that in. As they left, they looked at me sneered and said in an acidic tone ‘We should have done this long ago, you piece of shit’” agony filled his feature and I just held him tight.
“Don’t worry honey, we’ll be your new family, we’ll care for you, we wont put any of those ridiculous lies in your head, you’re beautiful and so friendly, don’t worry about what they said, we all make mistakes, and theirs was practically throwing you out” I cooed, he stiffened once I said beautiful. I ignored it and just kept rocking him and cooing into his ear. Soon his erratic breathing had calmed and had a now deep and rhythmic tone to it, he was asleep. I heard my stomach growl, it was time for dinner. I lay him down in his bed and cover him like a mother does her young son. I left a note on his nightstand ‘Dear Jared, Tummy go to rumbling and it’s dinner time. Don’t worry or anything I’ll be back soon. XO Alex.’ I hope that doesn’t scare him or anything… I’ll just hope he doesn’t awake to find it. I walked down to the first floor to the cafeteria. They were serving pizza. Mmm delicious. I grabbed a slice of cheese pizza and sat down next to Jack, Zack, Robert aka Rain, Brendon, Ryan, Martin, Bryan, and Pete.
“Where have you been like all of this afternoon?” asked Jack. I just gave him a hug. I took a slice of my pizza before I was asked again.
“Well, if you must know, I got assigned the most exquisite room mate. I’m trying to make him feel better, and soon, once he’s ready, I’ll show him around and make him feel at home, hopefully” I told everyone. Thy all looked to each other and smiled, I frowned.
“Not yet. He has an emotional battle right now that hopefully I’m helping. He’s not in the condition to meet you guys yet. Tomorrow, I promise.” I told them, they all frowned but looked and nodded. They understood, we have all gone through that newbie point where it hurts like hell.
“Just let him know that he’s already got 8 more friends to count on” said Bryan. I smiled.
“Thanks you guys” I told them finishing the last of my pizza. I got up to grab 2 pieces of chocolate cake. I looked over at the lunch lady. “Excuse me, I know it not being served today, but my roommate is brand new here, and he needs a comfort food, can I get him a scoop of Cookies ‘N Cream ice cream?” I asked politely yet with pleading eyes. She just smiled.
“If only all boys were as considerate as you, of course honey” she said. She looked around and stepped over to the freezer no take out the container of ice cream, she brought it over and served 2 balls of ice cream onto his desert plate. She winked.
“Thank you so much, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it a lot, so much that he’ll come and thank you in person, once he’s better” I said. She nodded as she walked away. I waved goodbye to my friends as I walked back up to my room. I walked inside to notice Jared missing, well from his bed anyways. Confusion shook through me as I called his name. “Jared!” I called out numerous times, I set down the plates of desert so I could look for him better. It was until a feeling of dread had washed over me that I notice the bathroom light on. I walked over to find him crying in front of the mirror a razor near his wrist, luckily, he hadn’t done anything stupid yet. I grabbed the razor, it cut a small gash into my hand but I could care less right now. Out of shock he let go, that’s when I took the razor as shoved it down the drain.
“What the hell were you thinking!?” I asked thinking he had gone insane.
“I’m a worthless piece of shit, I don’t deserve all your pity, or anyone’s pity, I’m just a fuck up, they wanted me dead, so why not finish the job for them? I can't move on. I can't live on. Carry me?” he asked crumbling to the ground. I wrapped a small towelette across the small gash on my hand before sitting next to him and pulling him onto my lap.
“Jared, you really aren’t any of that. So what if you made a few mistakes? It was for all the right reasons, it was a cry for help that your parents just didn’t understand. Your parents do love you, they just don’t really realize it. You aren’t worthless, or else you wouldn’t have come into existence. You aren’t a piece of crap because if you were I wouldn’t have told my friends about you, and you wouldn’t have 8 amazing people waiting to be your friend. I see something that I guess your parents don’t see. I see someone amazing, adorable, and someone with a lot of love to give, and for that, you’re every bit deserving to live as I, or anyone, to live” I told him. He looked at me, he tearstain cheeks glistened beautifully, his eyes were scared, tortured, but instead of broken like they were not only hours ago, they had hope, a hope that radiated throughout him, a hope to be loved. “If your heart wears thin I will hold you up, and I will hide you when it gets too much. I'll be right beside you,” I said to him.
He flung his arms around my neck and cried a little bit more, yet thanking me none the less. I just cooed some more pleasantries into his ear as he relaxed. I got up, quite easily, with Jared still clinging to me. I smiled and walked over to his bed and sat him down.
“I brought you cake and ice cream… Although it’s mainly a drowned cake now.” I said looking at the practically non existent ice cream that had been replaced by a pool of liquid. He laughed and patted the spot next to him. I sat down next to him, and he looked at me, I looked back at him. He blushed and kissed my cheek. That one little kiss meant everything, I smiled at him. “Just trust in me, I won’t let you down” I told him. He nodded as we sat on his bed and finished our deserts.
“Carry me?” I nodded and held him tight till once more, he fell asleep in my arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments = Love.
Word count: 1782 words.