Status: Active, I Promise

We Didn't Start The Fire



Corey loves his dog. He loves him because he doesn't have a care in the world; this dog lives and breathes for food, water, toys, and a pat on the head every once in a while. He doesn't need much to be happy and doesn't need to do much to make Corey happy. Sparta is not like Caleb's cats, he does not want to cuddle and he does not like to lick his fur until he's tired. Corey could do without; not that he's mean to Zeus and Zoey...he just doesn't go near them.

"Sparta, c'mere boy! Come on, bring me that toy!" He wags his tail as he brings a squeaky toy over to his owner. Corey throws it again and waits for his dog to return.

"Sweetie, could I talk to you for a moment?" Melissa walks out from their back porch and folds her arms.

"Sure, Mel. What's up?"

Corey hopes he didn't forget someones birthday or something- he's done it before and he felt awful. He just has a terrible memory. He hates his terrible memory because he knows it's one of those things that won't really go away no matter what.

Or maybe he left the oven on. He forgets sometimes that after he's done heating up leftover lasagna that the oven doesn't shut itself off. This is probably due to his lack of memory that this happens so often.

"Do you want to tell me why your brother has been trying to cover up a black eye with my make-up for a week? Look, I'm not mad hun. I just want to know why you felt it necessary to hide it from me?"

Corey feels bad. He never wants to disappoint Melissa. She's done so much for him, she doesn't deserve to be betrayed by her sons. She loves them more than anything she's ever loved. Besides her husband, she loves all three of them the same.

"Meliss...I'm sorry. I- well. Cale got roughed up a bit in school I...I didn't want to admit that I wasn't there to protect him. It was my idea. I'm sorry we lied." The sweet little innocent Corey that came into her life when he was 10 is resurfacing right now.

"Cor, I'm not angry with you, honest. Caleb seems to be over it, whatever happened. He's fine. And... you can't be with your brother 24/7 looking over your shoulder to protect him all the time. I get that," she smiles warmly at her son. "I'm glad you came clean, sweetie. I hope next time you can talk to me- or to Robert. I know we're not home that often but you could always text us or call. We love you, and we just want to help."

She pats Corey on the shoulder and starts to walk away. "Why don't you take him for a walk in the park, love? It's a beautiful day."

"Good idea Mel, think I will." he smiles at her before she walks away. He's so lucky to have such an awesome adoptive mom. And even though he can't actually call her mom like Caleb does- he still loves her and views her as one.

"Come on boy, come on over. We're gonna go for a ride. Where's your collar?" The dogs ears perk up when he hears the word 'ride.' He loves the car.

It's been a while since Corey has walked his dog. They own many acres of land so their backyard is plenty big for Sparta. Corey walks him from time to time so he gets interaction with other dogs and other people. When people look at him, all they see is a scary pit bull, and it upsets Corey. He's not all pit, and even if he was he'd still be the same dog who doesn't even realize how 'dangerous' he could be.

He loves it when Sparta has one ear flopped over and the other straight up. He's the cutest dog ever. Not like the word 'cute' would ever come out of Corey's mouth, but still. It's a cute dog.

Sparta jumps out of the car when Corey opens up the door to the Hummer, the dog running away before he could catch him. He calls out for him but as dogs do, they run and run and pretend they can't hear a thing. He gives up running after him once he can't see the white canine anymore.

He whistles for Sparta but he still doesn't come. Corey knows exactly what has happened- Sparta has found a friend. The only way his puppy would ever ignore him would be if he found someone else to get attention from.

When Corey finally finds Sparta he smirks to himself on the inside. Corey never really believed in fate until this moment. Sparta is currently on his back, mouth open, leg going in the air from getting his belly rubbed. From none other than the sexy math teacher that has the teens attention.

"Mr. Langhan, I'm so sorry," he says trying to sound the least bit sarcastic. "He ran away from me before I could put his leash on. I hope he didn't bother you..."

He's having too much fun with this. Way way too much fun.

"Oh no, not at all. He came right over and laid down, I was just giving him a little rub. He's very friendly." Corey wishes Mr. Langhan was giving him a rub. But that's besides the point.

"His name is Sparta. He's a rescue," Corey smiles and latches on the dogs' green leash. "Um...I- it's weird seeing you here, not gonna try to lie. If I may ask, what are you doing here?"

Usually parks are for little children. Not math teachers.

"I was just about to go for a run, actually. It's gorgeous out and I needed to stretch my legs. Come to think of it, I'm glad I've run into you. I have a burning question I'd like to ask."

Corey's eyebrows raise- if Langhan is going to ask him to have sex right here in the park Corey's answer is yes- in fact, any answer to this mans questions would be yes.

"Shoot," Corey says, ready to accept the fact that his teacher finally wants a piece of him.

"Either I'm an extremely good teacher, or somethings up. You came for extra for a few days only. And you've scored really good on your exams. I don't understand, you never do your homework because you 'don't get it' but you've just gotten a 93 on your quiz. I graded it this morning. Care to share?"

Getting busted has never felt so incredibly good. Corey loves the little burning in his chest for being caught in a lie. Absolutely loves it.

"Bryce- if I may call you that; I do happen to think you are an amazing teacher. I don't get the work while I'm at home but once you explain it to me everything is so clear. I guess...I just absorb information quickly when I get some one on one time with you. Can't really describe it."

The older man shrugs his shoulders, content with Corey's answer. If only he knew the truth.

"I suppose you could call me by my first name while we aren't in school. But, whatever works for you, Corey. I'm glad I'm helping at least." His smile is totally and completely contagious. "...Well, I should get back to my run. You enjoy this nice day, we're supposed to get rain these next couple of days."

"See you tomorrow, Bryce. You enjoy today as well."

He likes the way his name sounds coming out of his mouth. Maybe a little bit too much.


Kevin arrives home to find his youngest sister crying on their living room couch. He'd never say he had a 'favorite' sister, but he and Ali had always gotten along the best. She never tried to steal a boy from him and he knew she never would. She is his only younger sister, and that makes her special. They all have special things about them, which is why he loves them all so much, but Ali is a different kind of special. She's the innocent, shy, soft spoken sister who really does not deserve to be crying.

"Alison, hey, what's wrong?" he sits down next to her and puts a comforting hand on her back.

"Kevin...Wes, he- he broke up with me! I- I know you never really liked him anyway b-but he was real sweet to me and I thought...thought we'd go good together. But h-he didn't see it that way. He'd rather be with...with Heather G. That girl who...who does 'it' on the first date."

Kevin frowns and hugs his baby sister. Even though they're only a year apart he likes to think of her as a baby sis.

"Oh, Ali, I'm so sorry. You know you'll find better than that. If he wants to leave you for a skank that's his problem, not yours. You need to try and forget about him. Okay?"

The small girl nods and hugs her big brother back. "You're right. He's stupid. I...I should try to just stay single for a while. I don't need a boy to be happy right? I have my friends."

He smiles and nods. He loves her attitude towards things. Two seconds ago she was hysterical and now she's calm and composed. If only every girl had a mentality like hers.

"Hey, and not only do you have friends but you have me as well. And I happen to have a brilliant idea."

"What's your brilliant idea?" she asks, pushing her blond bangs out of her eyes.

"We could go for a bike ride. At the park. And then we can play on the monkey bars like we used to as kids. How about that?"

She hasn't been to the park in forever, so she accepts. And when they arrive to the park Kevin sees Corey, who is about to leave. He turns his head so he knows he won't be seen by the twin.

"Kevin? What are you doing?" Ali asks, giggling as she sees her brother cover his face. Like that is really discrete. NOT.

"Um. Hiding from Corey Sordino. Is he gone?" he's afraid to look back. The last thing he wants is for Corey to think he's stalking him. That would not be good. Corey is the type to punch out a creepy stalker, and Kevin does not want to get punched out by Corey. As most don't.

"Yeah, why? Oh," she smiles that smile that Kevin knows all too well. "You like him don't you? You're into the bad boys eh? Think he's too good for you huh? Well you're my big brother and if you want him all you have to do is go get him. Serious. Kevin do not look at me like I have 7 heads. Just go for it."

He would squish her (lovingly) if he could, because she is so genuine it hurts.

"Can't, Al. It's not any of my control. Corey could be with anyone. He chooses to be alone. He wants to be alone. I have no chance. But thanks, I appreciate-"

"No," she politely interrupts. "No, Kevin, you deserve to be happy. Get all the bull out of your head and just go. for. it. What's the worst that could happen?" she puts her hand on the door handle. "In the meantime, lets go for that bike ride. Forget about our boy problems for now and just have fun."


Caleb and Ben get hot and heavy- in Caleb's daydream. Caleb often finds himself thinking of he and Ben getting it on. He's never even really made out with his boyfriend. He didn't think that much into it- until now. He fears that Ben is most likely a virgin. An untouchable. He couldn't's against he and Corey's rules.

It wouldn't be fair to Ben if Caleb kept stringing him along knowing of his innocence and then break it off as soon as they are about to have sex. But it's also not fair to Caleb. He likes Ben a lot, and he wishes that he didn't believe in his own rules. But his rules make sense if they are properly understood.

Corey actually made up the rule about virgins. Surprise, right? Corey believes that virgins have a strong chance of becoming attached- and Corey doesn't do attachment. He also believes that virgins are more often than not, crazy. Not crazy like loony bin crazy, just crazy in the sense that they act differently after they give their self to someone for the first time. And they've all been there- but the twins are far passed that point in their lives so they don't want to deal with it again or worse, hurt the person they are with. Corey actually cares if he's taking someone's virginity, for more reasons than he lets on.

"Ben, um. Can I ask you a serious question? You...don't have to feel uncomfortable about it. And please, please don't be offended but I have to know. do know about the rules I have for dating right?"

Ben swallows and nods. "Yes, I do." he looks so small, and scared. But Caleb needs to know the truth.

"I know you never slept with my brother for a fact but...have you uh... slept with anyone at all?"

There is a silence for a while, and it makes Caleb scared. But when Ben opens his mouth to speak, for some reason his nerves are calmed.

"Of course. I've slept with lots of people- I mean I'm not a whore- I mean not like sleeping with a lot of people makes you a whore I'm just saying. I didn't mean to insult you- not like I know how many people-" he cuts himself off to save some embarrassment. "But to answer your question, yes. Don't worry. It's safe."

Caleb kisses his boyfriend like it'll be the last time he ever gets to. This new information makes it okay for them to still date.

But what Caleb doesn't know? Is that Ben is a really really good liar.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love everyone who is reading this =] here is a list of all the main characters and their info <3
Click here.

What I imagine Ali to look like.

Thank you to the following people so much for commenting! You don't know how much I appreciate it!
