Status: Active, I Promise

We Didn't Start The Fire

Maybe A Mistake


Ben thinks that he's in love with Caleb. He doesn't voice this, because he's smart enough to know better. That telling Caleb that he loves him would ruin everything. But Ben is on cloud 9, really. He lost his virginity to an amazing hot guy that actually has feelings for him. Ben always thought that he'd end up with a guy sort of like him. Nerdy but decent. Maybe be a science major or something. Ben thinks he is awkward and awkward looking so he figured his options for a boyfriend wouldn't have high standards looks-wise.

Caleb slept over Ben's house last night, because Ben insisted. Ben doesn't want to be away from Caleb. He likes having him close to him. He likes the way he smells and he likes to feel the warmth of his body against his.

Ben nudges his boyfriend awake, loving how he looks so adorable when he first wakes up. He looks so groggy and confused. Ben giggles and kisses his nose. "Morning sleepy head. Come on, it's ten thirty, time to get up."

Caleb smiles and wraps Ben in his arms. "You were awesome last night, Ben. I used to think you were such a shy boy. But now I see who you really are," he says in a playful tone.

Ben smirks and sits up in his bed. He is debating on trying the whole thing again, but he's pretty sure that Caleb is too tired to go again. There would be plenty of time to make love, Ben plans on being with Caleb for the rest of his life. As long as Caleb wants him.

"It's too bad that I only had one condom, because if I had another one I'd so want to return the favor," Caleb says, rolling on top of his boyfriend and kissing his neck. "Unless you have one?"

Ben gulps and looks up at his ceiling. He can't even imagine Caleb being inside of him...he loves Caleb but he's terrified of what it would feel like. Ben never played with himself so to speak and he never thought he'd need to. He realizes that it wouldn't be fair to be on top all the time but he would want it that way, at least for a while. So he could have time to come up with some sort of plan of action.

"N-Nope, too bad..." Ben mutters and turns away slightly. "Why um...why don't we get dressed now. You can borrow my clothes, I know you've probably never worn the same outfit twice in a row so...yeah. I hope my jeans fit you I'm a little short."

Caleb doesn't think anything of Ben's behavior because he has no reason to. In Caleb's mind, Ben is an experienced lover and would have no reason to be scared of having Caleb make love to him.

Caleb can't wait to, because just looking at Ben's naked body makes him want to take him right then and there. Ben is so attractive to Caleb, and it's strange because Ben isn't really Caleb's type. Caleb never really liked blonds to begin with, and he always liked washboard abs or muscular backs of his potential lovers. And he always liked guys that were confident. But for some reason he is totally crazy about Benjamin Kellers, the cutest, hottest, sexiest nerd of them all.

'Where are you?' Corey is so nosy sometimes. He's just trying to look out for his twin but usually he's all up in his business. Caleb doesn't mind, in fact, he really appreciates it.

'Still at Ben's. Don't worry I'll be home later. How are you this morning?' Caleb has twin sense- he can feel when Corey is feeling a strong emotion when they are apart. It's strange, but very real.

Corey could be mad, happy, scared, or embarrassed and Caleb can sense it even though Corey would rather him not.

'All right I guess. I um. I kind of needed to talk to you. But it can wait. Tell Ben I say hi and...don't fuck too much.'

Caleb knows that Corey has issues with talking about his problems, so it's nice to know that he actually does want to talk. He knows it's about Kevin. He pretty much knows what Corey is going to say and ask. Caleb wants to be there for his brother but he also wants him to make choices for himself. If Caleb tells him to do something, and he does it, and then it blows up in his face he'd be mad at Caleb. But if he does it because he wants to do it then it's all on him. Caleb knows how stubborn his twin is, so he'd probably be forced to give his opinion on the matter anyway.

'Talk to Kevin, Cor. Tell him exactly what you're thinking. Don't hold back and don't leave anything out that's important. Don't think about the worst that could happen. Okay?'

Caleb knows that Corey is most likely cursing him out at the moment for knowing him way too well.

'I don't do shit like that, Cale. I can't. Look, I can't fucking do this over a text message. I'll talk to you later.'

Caleb feels bad for his brother. He doesn't feel guilty that he's with Ben, though. He likes spending time with his boyfriend. Corey is a big boy, and he can wait. There is a little voice in Caleb's head telling him that Corey will be just fine, because he always is.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Caleb asks Ben, who is currently running a brush through his blond locks.

Ben puts his brush down and looks at his boyfriend with a worried expression. "You know, I was just thinking. I mean, sorry to be random but. You're graduating. And I'm not. You''re not going away are you? We're still going to be together right?"

Caleb furrows his eyebrows and puts his hand on Ben's shoulder. "Don't worry, Ben. I'm not going anywhere. Corey and I are going to C.W Post for our first year. We might go away after that but...that's in the way future. Don't think so far ahead, silly. And even if we are still together by that point, which I hope we are, then you'd be in college too and we could maybe go somewhere together?"

Ben's eyes light up. Going to college with Caleb- getting to live with Caleb sounds awesome. He just has to wait another year. It seems so far away but Ben can't help but hope for it.

"I'd absolutely love that. That would be so cool!"

Caleb loves how Ben's mood completely changes just from his idea. He's glad that Ben wants to stay together for a long time. But something about Ben's behavior seems off. Caleb starts to notice that Ben is acting different, and maybe that's because he feels more comfortable around him. He just hopes Ben doesn't get too worried about the future...because that would freak Caleb out.

Caleb lives for the moment, and the future can wait. He had this one ex boyfriend who was obsessed with him, and planned out EVERYTHING. Yeah, that didn't last more than a week or two. Caleb may seem like a pushover but he knows how to stand up for himself when it comes to relationships.

"So what do you say how about we go see a movie or something? Or no it's way too beautiful out to be inside. Actually I have an idea. Have you ever been GoKarting?"

Ben shakes his head. "No, never. I've always wanted to, though."

Caleb grabs Ben's hand and practically drags him out of his front door. "Oh my god I can't believe you've never been! Ahh we're gonna have so much fun!"


Grace leans back so her back is against Trevors' stomach. He moves her hair to one side and starts to rub at her shoulders. She is going to stay at his house for a while, until things cool off with her parents. She'll probably call them in a few days.

She breathes in deep and lets her breath out slowly. "You okay, baby? I know you're stressed but everything will work out. Just relax and concentrate on me, okay? And our baby boy or girl. Got a feeling or anything...of what it might be?"

Grace smiles even though she knows he can't see. "I can't quite feel it yet. But I'm hoping for a girl. I wouldn't mind either way but...I always wanted a little girl."

Trevor squeezes but not too hard, hands traveling down to her lower back. He plans on treating her like gold throughout her pregnancy. He'll take the best care of her and make sure she's as comfortable as she can be. She couldn't be luckier.

"Me too. I wouldn't mind a son, either. Wow, this is so exciting. I can't wait until you start to show. Hey can we think of names? Or is it too soon?"

Grace half-smiles and shrugs. "Sure. I've already brainstormed a few. I mean, girls names. Haven't really thought about boys names yet. I'll tell you my top five and then you tell me yours, okay?"

They always played the 'top five' game. Especially when they first started dating, they played it to get to know each other better. Trevor would randomly say 'hey Grace give me your top five movies' then she would and then say 'hey Trevor give me your top five favorite candies' and so on. It's a great game to play.

"For girls I like: Wendy, Rose, Olivia, Samantha, and Kaylee. And for boys I like: Max, Zack, Liam, Justin, and Forest."

Trevor is so mad because so many of them were his ideas. Now he has to think of new ones because then she's just going to think he copied her.

"Totally stole some of mine but that's good- that means we agree and then it'll be easier to name the baby. Keep an open mind by the way. Girls: Natalie, Ezra, Hailey, Norah, Hannah. And boys: Trevor Jr, Parker, Avi; it's Celtic, Oliver, and Quinn."

Grace nearly squeals. "Trevor- Norah. I love that name...Norah Gregory...sounds so good!"

Trevor frowns. "It would be...Norah Burrows though, right? Or Norah Gregory-Burrows at least..."

Grace freezes. Oh yeah, she's marrying Trevor. She had almost forgot. He never really proposed- she's thinking he's waiting until the right time. She feels so stupid.

"O-Of course- I don't know why I said that. Norah Burrows sounds even better..."


Corey is currently struggling. He never struggles. He hates that Kevin is causing him to have problems within himself. Kevin should have nothing to do with him...but Kevin is the reason why Corey is so distraught.

Should he call him? Should he not? Should he call up someone to have sex with him? Would he be able to go through with it, knowing that he has feelings for Kevin?

So many questions are running through Corey's mind he just can't take it. At this point he would even talk to Melissa but of course when he actually wants to talk, nobody is around to help him.

Corey is in the process of a meltdown when the doorbell rings. He didn't order a pizza- even though if it is the pizza girl he'd love a slice right now; maybe eating will ease his anxiety.

"Karen I didn't know I ordered a piz-" Corey stands still at his front door. Kevin is not Karen, the pizza girl. Doesn't even remotely look like her. "You are not my pizza girl."

"Corey, I know you didn't invite me here, and I know I might be out of line but-" Kevin closes the door behind him and takes a breath. "...I can't get you out of my head. I'm going crazy-"

"Me too," Corey admits. "...I wanted to call. I just, didn't. I'm glad you came though, really, I-" Corey shuts himself up by kissing Kevin, hard on the mouth.

They both know why Kevin is here; and they both know what is about to happen. Neither of them wants to stop it.

Kevin takes off his own shirt as they kiss their way up the stairs; leaving a nice little clothes trail behind them. It's perfect because when they reach Corey's bed they are nearly naked. Corey doesn't want to think about anything, just about what's happening right now.

Kevin holds onto Corey's face with one hand and with the other he reaches down into Corey's boxers. Corey moans and lolls his head back, reaching down and doing the same to Kevin.

They both had so much sexual tension between them...this feels so good in more than one way. They are both getting exactly what they want from this. It's been a long time since Corey had this sort of fun while fooling around. Corey usually takes charge and fucks his 'trick' against the wall or something, but this time it's different. Kevin has just as much control as Corey does, and he loves it.

While Kevin slides his boxers down and off, Corey reaches into his night-table for a condom and rips it open with his teeth. He gets his boxers off finally and smirks at Kevin. He takes in the hot image- Kevin sweaty and breathless, waiting to get fucked. Corey loves how Kevin's dark blue eyes shine when they look at him.

Kevin at first turns over on his belly, but Corey doesn't want to look at his back, he has such a striking face, he'd rather see it. He pushes on Kevin's shoulder so he turns. Kevin looks at him confused, but then realizes what it is that Corey wants.
The younger teen kisses the older, keeping their lips locked while he gently pushes inside. Kevin winces just a little, and tries to accommodate Corey's length.

In only a short while Kevin is a moaning mess, nails scraping at the skin on Corey's back, legs wrapping tightly around his waist. Corey can't keep his eyes off of Kevin, unless he's kissing him. "Oh fuck," Kevin breathes, after Corey finds his sweet spot. "C-Corey..." He keeps a steady rhythm, not wanting to break the flow of Kevin's pleasure.

Corey takes a hold of Kevin's erection and starts to stroke him; which is something that Corey has never done before. He never cared enough to help someone out while he fucked them. It was their own problem if they never got off- even though that never happened. Corey may be an asshole, but he would never fuck anyone so selfishly that they didn't even come.

He looks at Kevin's body, glistening with sweat in the best possible way. Then he looks at his face, and it is a beautiful sight to see. Kevin's hair stuck to his forehead and cheeks so perfectly, jaw loose, and eyes shut tight. So beautiful.

"Close," the blue eyed boy says quietly, opening his eyes just to see Corey's reaction.

Corey nods and keeps doing what he is doing. "Me too," he whispers, feeling his own climax getting closer and closer.

Seeing Kevin come all over his chest is enough for Corey to come as well; it's really hot for him to physically see what he does to people.

But as soon as it's all over Corey's attitude changes. He doesn't like the feeling he's feeling. He doesn't want Kevin near him anymore. He does...but he doesn't at the same time. He...has absolutely no idea what he wants right now. He just needs to think.

"Get out." No explanation, just those two words.


"I said get the fuck out. Find your clothes, put them on, and get out.."

Corey doesn't want to like Kevin anymore. He's had him- he should be over him, but he's not. He doesn't want to feel like this anymore. He wants Kevin to go away. They can't fuck again, it would be against his rules, so what's the point? He doesn't need him anymore.

"Fuck you, Corey," Kevin says coldly, getting out of Corey's bed and gathering his clothes. "I should have known you would do this to me. Fuck you."

After Corey hears his front door slam shut, he buries his head into his pillow and screams into it to muffle the sound.

What has he done?
♠ ♠ ♠
I love everyone who is reading this =] here is a list of all the main characters and their info <3
Click here.

Thank you to the following people so much for commenting! You don't know how much I appreciate it!

Ann Silex