Status: Active, I Promise

We Didn't Start The Fire



The twin younger by only a few minutes shakes the older awake gently. Corey's alarm has gone off several times but he has pressed the snooze button to shut his clock up for five more minutes. Caleb on the other hand has been up for almost an hour. He wakes up at six in the morning every day so he can take his time to get ready.

"Corey, come on, get up. We have to leave in ten," Caleb warns, shaking his brother with both hands.

Corey whines and stretches, opening his eyes. He searches on his night-table for his lip rings. He used to wear them while he slept but lately he's been biting them in his sleep and it's been painful so he now takes them out. Sometimes he forgets and wakes up with a swollen lip, but that doesn't bother him enough to remove the piercings completely.

Corey finally emerges from his gigantic bed and makes his way over to his walk-in closet. It's so messy he can't even find where his clothes are sometimes. Usually he just pulls whatever out and wears that, but on days like today he feels like being picky.

"What to wear... what to wear. Caleb what should I wear?" he turns his head to look at his brother.

"What about your white skinny jeans and your Static Lullaby t-shirt. Or you can match me if you want."

Corey laughs. "Caleb you know we haven't matched once since we were 5 years old. I'll go with option number one minus the skinnys. I found out the hard way that they are really see through and that's not cool. We need to go shopping again, I'm running out of clothes."

After Corey figures out what he's wearing they both head down the stairs and sit at the table.

"Morning boys, want some breakfast?" Even though they have maids and stuff their mother always cooks them food. She loves to cook and she's really good at it too.

Her sons nod but then Caleb remembers they're kind of in a rush thanks to Corey. "Actually I think we'll just grab a granola bar or something because we're already late. But thanks anyway mom."

"Okay, but make sure you have time tomorrow, I like eating with my boys!" she smiles at her children and waves them goodbye as they leave the house.

They don't usually take the Mercedes to school, but the Hummer was blocked in so they had to. Not like they would complain, it's just that it's easier for Corey to see out of the Hummer and when he drives the Mercedes it's a pain in the butt. Besides, the Hummer is Corey's car, and he likes it better. Caleb is more traditional and just has a Mustang. Because that's what every boy wants- maybe not every single boy, but it seems like it. It doesn't take much to make Caleb happy though.

The twins walk into the school and are immediately greeted by their friends. It's normal for them to be bombarded every day. They've got a lot of friends.

"Grace, you look super nice today, what's going on?" Caleb asks, referring to her red top. She never wears red. She looks pretty though, Grace always looks pretty. The twins like to be around pretty people. Not like they are shallow or anything- we'll, Corey sometimes is, but not Caleb. He accepts everyone the way they are.

"Trevor and I have a date tonight. A special date. I hope he remembers, he's usually good with it but who knows. He's full of surprises." Grace and Trevor have been dating since the eighth grade. This special date she speaks of is their fourth year anniversary. No one one thought they would last. Everyone said she was too good for him and that he wouldn't ever make anything of himself. But they're still going strong four years later, proving everyone wrong. They are the cutest couple ever.

"Aww, you two are adorable! Congrats," Caleb says with a huge smile on his face. Corey nods his head to agree. But he doesn't. Grace is Caleb's best friend and Trevor is Corey's...Corey has jealousy issues he'll never admit to. He's not jealous of Grace in the sense of wanting to be with Trevor, it's not that at all. Really it's just that he doesn't like her. He never did, not even four years ago. She just rubs him the wrong way.

The bell rings and they all part their ways. Unfortunately for Caleb, he runs right into Elliot as soon as he turns the corner. Elliot has been bad news since he exited the womb. That isn't an understatement either.

"Watch where you're going you fucking fag." Elliot hates him for no reason. Caleb did nothing to him, and his sexuality shouldn't bother him because he doesn't eye-fuck him or flirt with him ever. He wouldn't ever want to.

Elliot is just jealous because they've got money and friends and he doesn't.

"Elliot just leave me alone, you know I didn't bump into you on purpose. I didn't even see you coming."

"You must be so scared because your equally as homo brother isn't here to tell me to fuck off." If Caleb had any bad bones in his body he'd punch him in the face- like Corey would. But he doesn't. That personality trait was transferred 100% to Corey.

"I don't need Corey to tell you. I can tell you myself. Fuck off."

Elliot claps his hands sarcastically.

"Wow, I'm impressed. Good job, fag, good job." he advances closer to Caleb, and for a second Caleb fears he'll be hit.

But then Jeremy comes and saves him unintentionally. "Elliot come on, I was waiting for you for ten minutes, now we're both gonna be late."

"You're lucky I'm failing Chemistry because if I wasn't I'd fuck up your queer little face." he shouts, getting pulled away by his friend.

"Close one," Caleb murmurs to himself, making his way to his own class.

'I really want to fuck Mr. Langhan. So badly.' Corey's text makes Caleb shiver with disgust. Corey has been in lust with his math teacher since the first day of school. Personally he's not Caleb's type. Too old. He's probably only in his mid thirties but still. His eyes are nice but that's all he's got going for him. Corey thinks otherwise and would sell his soul to the devil just to have one night with him.

'Just beautiful, Corey. That brightened up my day. Really.'

'I'm serious. I think I might y'know. Try. One day.'

Caleb's eyes nearly bulge out of his head when he reads this.

'Are you stupid???? You could not only get turned down but you could get him fired and bothered with all sorts of legal crap. Corey- no. Just fuck some guy in our school, you know you can.'

Caleb and Corey kind of maybe but not really sleep around. Corey is not looking for a boyfriend, he just wants to fuck. Caleb wants a boyfriend and he doesn't care so much about fucking. They do have rules.
The Rules: 1. They won't fuck just anyone 2. They don't fuck the same person twice.(Unless they're dating of course.) 3. They don't fuck the same person period...meaning that Caleb can't/won't fuck who Corey fucked and vise versa. 4. They don't fuck virgins. Funny part is everybody knows about their rules. One would think it would embarrass them but it actually makes life easier for them.

'Yeah, I guess. But I've been flirting with this teacher for months, he's shown minimal interest but I think he's scared to let me know he wants me. Understandable. But I'll try to forget about it for now. You're right. But he looks so good right now, you have no idea...'

Caleb doesn't respond mainly because he's not sure how.

His first period goes by quickly for once, and when the bell rings he's happy to go to his second class. He likes band even though the music they play is sometimes boring.

"Hey Caleb are you having a party at your house this Friday?"

He loves when this happens. Apparently he's having a party. He hates when Corey doesn't tell him first. But they have parties all the time so he guesses it's assumed to everyone.

"Are we?" he laughs, tucking his hair back behind his ear. "Corey doesn't even let me know anymore."

"I'm planning on going but I was wondering if I could bring a friend, he's not new or anything but he's never been to one of your parties before and I just thought he'd like to come out for once."

The more the merrier. People always just show up anyway once they know when the party is at. The twins don't mind though, they pretty much welcome everyone. Everyone who isn't Elliot or associated with Elliot.

"What's his name? Maybe I know him."

"Benjamin Kellers, he's in a grade below us."

Caleb shakes his head. "Don't know him, that's weird. But that's okay, he can still come."

"Yay, thanks! See you tomorrow Caleb," she says picking up her flute.

"Bye Cassie." he sees her walk away and lock hands with her boyfriend. It seems everyone has someone except him. Corey doesn't count. It's not the same.

Caleb is hoping to find a boyfriend soon. Maybe he'll find someone at the party but he doesn't really like meeting potential boyfriends while he's drunk. Corey is super overprotective of him anyway and doesn't let him get too 'friendly' with anyone. Even though Corey is a bad-ass he loves his brother and treats him as if he were years younger. It's kind of annoying because they are the same exact age, but it lets Caleb know that Corey does have a heart somewhere. He's just the only one who sees it ever. Shame, he could actually be happy with someone but he chooses not to.

His pocket vibrates about eight times and all of the text messages pretty much say the same thing.

'Party on Friday, awesome! What time should I be there?'

He smiles to himself and responds back. 'Whenever, just not too early. See you there. -Caleb'
♠ ♠ ♠
I love everyone who is reading this =] here is a list of all the main characters and their info <3
Caleb, Corey, Grace, Ben, Kevin, Trevor, Elliot, and Kimi