Status: Active, I Promise

We Didn't Start The Fire

Lucky Charm


The twins realize that they haven't thrown a party in a really long time. Caleb is so busy hanging out with Ben all the time and Corey wouldn't even think of throwing a party without Caleb there. That would have disaster written all over it. Corey is not responsible enough to have a party without his brother. So they decide to have one; everyone at school had been questioning if there was going to be one so the twins think they should give them what they want. The twins sort of miss it as well.

Corey has a brilliant idea to play beer pong. He respectfully lets other people play first, because he truthfully would be a table-hog. He may be an asshole but not too much of an asshole to act like he's the shit in his own house with a bunch of his friends. Total different kind of asshole.

Caleb seems to be feeling quite competitive so he decides that he wants to verse Corey and Kevin in a game. So of course Corey accepts; since when does Corey not accept a challenge? Ben doesn't want to drink, and Caleb knows why. He doesn't want to be like his mom. He is afraid that with one drink he'll turn into her at her worst. But Caleb wants him on his team anyway, so he'll just drink for him. He doesn't mind, he's a good drinker, he can usually hold his beer pretty well. Liquor? No. Beer, yes.

"You guys are going down, I got a good feeling about this," Corey says with a bottle of his own beer in his hand from earlier. He squints one eye and aims his best, getting his ball into one of his brother's cups.

"Lucky shot, Cor," Caleb mumbles taking the ball out of the cup and chugging the liquid.

Ben never really played before and he's nervous about making him and Caleb lose, but he tries to think of it like he did with pool. He's sure that there is some sort of mathematical technique that will help him with this game. Ben's mind works that way- trying to find an educated solution to anything. He hates it and loves it at the same time. He could probably be good at any game, that doesn't involve a controller that is. Math doesn't really work for COD or Modern Warfare 2...

"Looks like this game will be closer than you think!" Ben gets his ball in as well. "Ben is my lucky charm," Caleb gives his boyfriend a peck on the cheek, smiling.

"Well Corey is my lucky charm," Kevin looks into Corey's eyes and plants a huge kiss on him, which quickly turns into a heavy make out session.

Everyone who is watching the game is shocked. Everyone knows that Corey would never let anyone do that- not unless he was with them. And Corey would never be with anyone. No one says anything though, they don't want Corey to flip out on them or something. Because they know he would.

Caleb and Ben win the first game, but then Corey of course wants a rematch. Then Corey and Kevin win. And of course there needs to be a tie breaker. When the game is all over and done- Caleb and Ben lose by one cup. It's much more disappointing to lose by a cup than to lose by a lot. Especially with Corey gloating his ass off. Caleb doesn't really care, he's pretty much too sloshed to care at this point.

Trevor comes out of the woodwork and pulls his friend aside, politely excising himself for taking him away from Kevin in the middle of their victory embrace.

"Corey... are you dating Kevin? Like, you, Mr. I-will-never-have-a-boyfriend-ever-in-my-life... Because I saw a kiss; a really really convincing kiss over there and you did not punch his lights out." Trevor says with an astonished look on his face. He already knows the answer to his question but he just wants to hear it from Corey.

"Yeah, Trev. I really like Kevin. I know it's crazy. But maybe you were right. I mean...I don't love him or anything and I don't think we'll ever be like you and Grace but, I really care for him. There's just something about him. I won't go into too much detail, but we just have this strong connection...I can't really even describe it."

Corey looks over to Grace and for the first time since...forever, he smiles at her. Maybe she isn't so bad. She is pregnant with his best friends baby after all...and she's not going anywhere. He might as well get used to her. She hasn't bothered him lately, probably because she's concentrated on her baby. He's assuming he's going to be the babies' godfather which is a thought that is scary as hell. He is in no way shape or form dad material. If god forbid Grace and Trevor die in a freak accident, that poor child is screwed.

"Well I'm happy for you, man. Really. I'm sorry for pulling you away I just had to know..." Trevor looks toward his girlfriend and beams at her. Corey hopes that maybe one day he'll look at Kevin that way. He's actually excited to see where his relationship goes.

"Thanks. And don't think that I left you in the dark, this just happened yesterday. You know I would tell you anything."

The last thing Corey wants is for Trevor to think he's hiding stuff from him. They've always been honest with each other, and that's why Corey allowed himself to get close to Trevor. He could never be friends with a liar or someone who hides things. Corey is very picky on who he gets close to. It must have something to do with his dad abandoning him and Caleb when they were infants.

"I know, Corey, don't worry. I'll let you go and maybe have some 'victory' fun with Kevin...I'm gonna go check on Gracie."

Corey loves Trevor because of his great ideas. Of course he should have some victory fun with Kevin. He's a little tipsy, and he's no stranger to drunken sex, so it's perfect. He slowly creeps up behind his boyfriend and wraps his hands over Kevin's eyes. "Guess who?"

Kevin giggles and makes up a silly name. "Nope, guess again? If you're right I'll give you a prize." And with that being said of course Kevin replies the correct name.

Corey spins him around and grabs his neck, pressing his lips against Kevin's. "Ohh I like that prize," Kevin says and kisses Corey again.

Corey should hate the feeling he has inside right now. He would have hated it if this were months ago. But he's now welcoming the feeling- the amazing feeling that Kevin makes him feel.

"How about," he bites down on his lip rings. "...we go upstairs and celebrate our win, huh? How's that sound?"

Kevin smirks and puts his can of beer down, he's probably had enough anyway. "That sounds great. Let's go."

Corey takes Kevin by the hand and leads him up to his bedroom. His head is spinning, but it's not enough to stop him from ravishing his boyfriend. He never thought having a boyfriend would be this fun. He thought boyfriends meant the death of him. Having to do 'coupley' things and call each other babe, and say stuff like, 'you hang up first, 'no you hang up first!' but being Kevin's boyfriend is not torturous at all. It's only been a day, but Corey knows that his relationship with Kevin will cause nothing but happiness.

The older boy takes off his shirt and goes for the youngers' quickly after.

"Kevin, you're so fucking hot, my god," Corey mumbles, eyes staring at Kevin's tattooed torso. He never really noticed how much tattoos enticed him. Until now.

"Stop, no I'm not," Kevin blushes and hides his face in Corey's neck. Who knew anyone could be 'cute' during sex...

"Yes you are. So don't even tell me no," Corey says with a smirk, tugging at Kevin's pants. He's having trouble because he's rushing and intoxicated, so Kevin helps him out and removes his pants and boxers all in one go. "Go in my draw and grab a condom, please, while I get these off," he nods towards his night table and starts to slide his skinny jeans off. Good thing he is a whore today and chose not to wear any underwear. Saves some time.

Kevin searches and searches and can't find one. He's hard as a rock and would really hate it if they couldn't finish what they started. "You don't have any, Corey." Well it's not that they couldn't finish, it would be less exciting if all they did was jerk each other off. Kevin is a man and he has needs, and he wants his sex.

Corey sighs and gets off of his bed, naked in all his glory and walks a couple feet over to his brothers' night table. He digs around and finally finds what he's looking for. He only feels slightly bad that he's taking his brothers last condom. They'd buy more over the weekend.

He waves the condom in front of Kevin's face and smiles. "Thank god, right?" He kisses his boyfriend and tears the foil, and in one quick maneuver, slides the condom onto his erection. He looks into Kevin's eyes, and sees nothing but lust. He moves his boyfriends hair out of his face and kisses him again. He could never get tired of kissing Kevin. "Ready?"

Kevin nods and opens up his legs for Corey; which has always been a turn on for the teen. Corey guides himself slowly inside Kevin and braces his left hand onto Kevin's chest and with his right, he grabs a hold of Kevin's own erection. He begins to move swiftly, and slowly, but not too slow. He never looks down at what's going on, he only watches his boyfriends face.

Corey loves watching Kevin, he's so attractive. Some people make really weird sex faces that are actually sort of ugly but not Kevin. He looks like a sex god in every sense of the meaning. Corey can't help but stare. He strokes Kevin faster and thrusts in deep inside Kevin.

"Oh shit!" Kevin's eyes squeeze tight and he laughs a bit, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Found your spot?" Corey doesn't want Kevin to feel ashamed or embarrassed for letting him know he's making him feel good. He wants Kevin to embrace their sexual encounter.


Corey hits his boyfriends spot again and leans down to kiss him while doing so. Corey has plenty of experience with sex, so he knows exactly what to do and he knows exactly what to say in almost any situation.

Kevin moves his hips a bit to be in sync with his boyfriend. He's moaning and grunting and breathing incredibly heavy; but he loves every second of it.

"Cor- Corey," he pushes Corey's hand away from his length. "If you keep going I'll come," he warns. He doesn't want to be the asshole who makes a potential 15 minute fuck into a 5 minute fuck. Even though it's not really a fuck, the same rules apply.

"That's what I want, Kev. It's okay," he creeps his hand back to where it was and continues what he was doing. "I'm close too," he admits. "It's okay, we're drunk.."

Kevin likes that Corey shortened his name; it's cute. He didn't think Corey would be the type to do that.

In a short while they finish, and Corey doesn't kick Kevin out of his bed this time, which is a relief to the older teen.

"I never really did this before, you know like...cuddling after sex," he says, wrapping his arms around Kevin and scooting in closer to him. "But I kinda like it."

Kevin smiles and kisses Corey's forehead. "You better."


Ben feels sad that he made him and Caleb lose, but Caleb is in a good enough mood so it makes Ben feel a little better. Caleb doesn't mind, it was just a game. He'd rather be a good sport than a sore loser.

"Ben, dance with me, c'mon," Caleb drags his boyfriend into his living room and starts to grind with him.

Ben giggles at his tipsy-ness. He loves how Caleb acts like a totally different person while he's got a few beers in him. He acts nothing like his mother- Caleb is a fun and cute drunk.

"I think you should lie down, honestly, Caleb. You're gonna puke or pass out or puke and then pass out, or worse...pass out and then puke."

Caleb laughs and drapes his arm over Ben. "You're so cute, Ben. I love how cute you are. Your little hair. And your little face. Your little body. So cute. And and you are so freaking [i[nice. Your like Santa only in cute little Ben form, you know?"

Ben doesn't really know. But he nods. He never got compared to Santa before. But it's a nice compliment.

"Lets sit on the couch, okay? And I'll get you a bottle of water..."

"Okay," Caleb skips over to his couch and plops down on it. He's way more drunk then his brother or Kevin, because he had twice as many cups of beer than them. He's been piss drunk before, and now it's safe to say he's not, but he's pretty damn close.

He doesn't like to get this drunk usually, but it's okay. Ben is being a terrific boyfriend and he's looking after him just fine.

Ben hurries back with water and hands it to Caleb.

"But I don't know how to open it..." Caleb whines and Ben takes the cap off for him. "You're amazing. I don't know how you do it."

Ben likes drunk Caleb, he's so damn adorable.

"Could you like, stop the room from spinning? Please and thanks." Caleb closes his eyes for a moment and it feels so good. He should maybe start to kick people out of his house soon, but it's early yet. Maybe he'll hold out for another hour or two.

"No can do, sorry. But I can rub your head? Have you got a headache?" Ben sits down next to his boyfriend and places his head on his lap.

"Not yet, but you can rub it anyway, I'm sure it'll KILL in the morning..." Caleb looks up at Ben and laughs because he can see up his nose. Ben just shakes his head and massages Caleb's temples.

"I hope your brother takes good care of you, cause I won't be able to."

Caleb furrows his eyebrows. "What? can sleep over? I slept over your house for a whole weekend. Remember? I mean, my parents don't care. Corey and I have sleepovers all the time. I mean...we don't have to 'do it' or anything, I sleep in the same room as my brother, it'd be kinda gross if you think about it. You don't even have to sleep in my bed with me if you don't want. But I'd love it if you stayed over. I'll bribe you with delicious pancakes? And waffles? Or whatever you want. Double chocolate chip muffins?"

Ben scrunches up his face in the cutest way possible. "I'll stay- but not because of the breakfast promised to me, but because I want to."



Trevor wraps his long arms around Grace, with a humongous smile plastered on his face. He thinks that she gets more and more beautiful with each second that goes by. And she's glowing because she's pregnant. More of a glow than she normally has. Trevor just can't get enough of his amazing and beautiful girlfriend.

"Hey gorgeous Grace, hows my girl?" He runs his hands through her long black hair. "And yes I'm talking about the baby as if it were a girl, 'cause I got a real good feeling about it. I really think it's a girl. Like, so much of a good feeling I'd put money on it."

Grace chuckles and messes up her boyfriends hair. "Well it's a girl...or a boy. So you've got a fifty fifty shot."

Trevor nods, knowing that what she's saying is true. He wouldn't mind if it were a boy, but he'd love to spoil a little girl. He'd love to put bows in her hair and buy her pretty dresses and dolls and watch her and Grace put on fashion shows and stuff. He's beyond excited for his baby. More excited than Grace thought he'd be.

"Sweet baby angle, you are the prettiest girl in the room, that's why all the boys stare at you. You're lucky I'm not the jealous type or else all these boys would have no teeth and busted lips."

Grace looks behind her and sees no one staring at her. "Trev, you're crazy. Crazy crazy. No one is even looking in this direction."

Trevor shakes his head. "Oh no, you've always got tons of boys looking at you. But I don't blame them. Not uh. But don't worry, once you got a big baby belly they'll stop looking. Or not- but that would just be weird. Not gonna try to lie. Sorry Gracie. But you'll always be beautiful to me, even with a very large belly. Wanna know why? Cause I'm in love with you and I always will be."

Grace 'awws' and kisses Trevor lightly on his lips. "And I love you too, Trevor, even though you're making fun of my pregnant belly already. I have a couple months yet before I start showing."

She's not looking forward to getting fat, being tired, and cranky, and possible swollen ankles. Not at all. But she knows that Trevor will make her as comfortable as possible. She's so happy that he's being so great about all of this. If he wasn't then she probably would have got rid of her baby...and she already loves it, she can't even imagine it not being there. She just hopes that everything goes okay. She would never pick up a book that was titled, 'What Can Go Wrong With Your Pregnancy.' She'd rather not be paranoid.
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I love everyone who is reading this =] here is a list of all the main characters and their info <3 Click here.

Thank you to the following people so much for commenting! You don't know how much I appreciate it!

Ann Silex