Status: Active, I Promise

We Didn't Start The Fire



Ben still wins in pool even though the twins pair up to try and win. Ben is just a natural at pool, he should really go to a pool hall and earn money for it. They play another few games and come to the conclusion that maybe pool is a bad game to play with Ben Kellers.

Ben laughs when he notices that Corey and Caleb make the same exact faces. He never really noticed it before, because he never paid that much attention to it. When they miss pockets they both make a pouty face and their right eyebrow raises up slightly. Also when they make pockets they say 'yess' in the same exact tone.

The younger teen keeps this information to himself because he knows for a fact both of the twins will deny any sort of twin mannerisms. They like to be individuals; and they do act totally different but they have a lot more in common than people think.

"So much for getting drunk, it's almost 11 o' clock. I completely forgot about wanted to have a few beers. Well I guess that's good then, I'll save it for tomorrow." Corey says, lying down on the couch.

Caleb smirks. "If I didn't know better I'd say you were ready for bed. You should go upstairs before you fall asleep down here. Unless you want to- completely up to you. It doesn't really matter though 'cause I'm sleeping over Ben's tonight."

Corey sits up and scratches the back of his neck. "You don't usually sleep there- what do you have the house to yourselves?"

Ben bites his lip; embarrassed. "Yeah. My parents are visiting my grandma and grandpa while my dad is still home."

Corey still has that inner asshole in him, so he decides to play around with the poor boy. "So you're obviously going to take advantage of that you know-" he nods his head insinuating they're going to have sex.

Caleb scrunches up his nose. "Corey stop, you're making Ben uncomfortable. Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself. Curiosity killed the cat you know."

"I wish curiosity would kill your cats," Corey mumbles low enough so that his brother doesn't actually hear him.

"What was that, Cor?"

"Nothing! I was just mumbling. Um- okay. ANYWAYS you guys go ahead and leave me here all by myself so you can get off- I mean go to sleep. I'll be fine. All alone. In that big old room. In the dark. For the whole night. By my-"

"Corey shut up and stop acting like you're going to miss us. You used to be so happy when you had our room to yourself."

The twin sighs. "Yeah when I wanted to bang someone. Now that Kevin isn't here why the hell would I want to be alone? Don't get me wrong, you guys nauseate me sometimes but I like it when we have sleepovers too. Alright now I'm just sounding like a sap. I'm half-joking here. I'll go upstairs with you, you need to get your shit together anyway."

Caleb feels bad for his brother. He's growing really attached to Kevin- and that's a good thing, but not when they're apart. He's starting to realize that Corey really does love Kevin a lot.

The three of them head up the stairs and into the twins' room so Caleb can pack his clothes for tomorrow, toothbrush, hairbrush and etcetera.

"Socks." Corey says matter-o-factly.

Caleb is confused. "Socks? Oh I forgot socks. What would I do without you, Cor?"

Corey laughs sarcastically. "Your feet would be cold dip-shit. You would totally be lost without me. What kind of boyfriend doesn't let you know you're forgetting socks when you're sleeping over? I don't know Ben, you're losing points right about now."

For a second Ben looks worried but then he notices Corey is just messing around. He feels bad that he sometimes can't decipher when Corey is being Corey or when he's attempting to be serious.

"Well looks like I'm all set, socks and all. So we're gonna head out. But you're blocking me in so I'm going to take your car is that okay?"

Corey pretends to contemplate. "Is it the Hummer or the Benz?"

Caleb shrugs, not remembering. "I'm not sure. Whichever one you took to the Cheesecake Factory. I think it was the Hummer. Oh fuck it I hate driving that thing I'll just take whatever is next to it."

Their driveway can fit 6 cars because it loops around in a semi-circle and there are two entrances but the way everyone parked made it so that only two cars can be driven out without having to move the others.

"You hate my Hummer? My baby? How the fuck can you hate driving that beauty? You're intimidated by how big she is aren't you."

Caleb's face holds no emotion; his brother gets so silly sometimes. "I hate having to climb in it, yes. But I also hate that whenever I drive it I always wind up putting 40 bucks worth of gas in for you. Funny how that works out isn't it?"

Corey laughs. "Not my fault she guzzles up all my gas. Well actually it is but it doesn't matter, she's worth it. But go ahead take Melissa's car, she's parked next to me I believe."

Caleb nods. "Okay I will. You have fun doing whatever you choose to do tonight. I'll text you in the morning to figure out plans for tomorrow okay? Try not to lose it while I'm gone."

Corey playfully gives Caleb the middle finger. "Bye bye. And don't forget to play safe."


And with that, Caleb and Ben exit.

Corey smiles at himself after he hears the door close. Everything in his life is finally starting to make sense. He's got an amazing family- he always did, but now he's got something else so amazing; and that's Kevin.

He gets ready for bed like he usually does; he washes his face, brushes his teeth and takes out his lip rings. He gets out of his clothes to slip into his pajama shorts and slides into his bed. He's not really tired, but he figures he should get some sleep.

He wishes that Kevin could be lying next to him now. Kevin is all he seems to think about. Corey doesn't mind, he doesn't mind at all.

He closes his eyes and puts his hand under his pillow to get more comfortable and before he knows it he's drifting into a nice peaceful sleep.

That is, until he hears an unfamiliar noise outside his window. He gets out of his bed and looks outside to see a shadowed figure throwing rocks at his house. Corey is about to yell at this person before he sees a car he recognizes.

"Trevor?" He asks himself.

Corey opens his window and calls out his best friend's name.

"Corey please let me in, I need to come in."

The younger teen doesn't like the tone of Trevor's voice- not at all. He rushes down the steps and lets his friend in, leading him up to his room.

Corey turns on his light and gasps.

Trevor's hands are shaking, and his face is all wet; only it hasn't been raining.

"S-Sorry it's so late. I didn't t-think you'd be asleep. Didn't call because I couldn't- couldn't speak."

"Trev...hey I don't care about what time it is. Tell me what's wrong?"

The tall boy breaks down, literally on his knees. He's wailing, tears streaming down his face. Corey can only assume that something is wrong with the baby; maybe Grace had a miscarriage. That would be the only reason why Trevor would be acting like this. Trevor was strong- not a crier. This is a sight Corey never thought he'd see.

"I-I can't, Corey. I can't say it. Saying it would make it real. I- fuckin' can't."

Trevor shakes his head and continues to cry. Corey sighs and brings his friend into a hug.

"Come on Trev, come and lie in my bed with me. You'll tell me what's going on and we'll handle it together okay? There's nothing that we can't take on together. You're my best friend I'm not going to let you suffer like this on your own."

Trevor kicks off his shoes and follows Corey on to his large mattress. They face each other, and Trevor's face is making Corey want to cry himself.

Corey pulls his covers over his friend. "What's going on, Trevor? You know you can tell me. It''s got something to do with the baby doesn't it?"

The older boys' lip quivers and he nods, more tears making their way down his cheeks.

"Oh god, Trevor- I'm so sorry-"

Trevor sucks in his breath. "Y-You knew?"

His eyes turn angry, and Corey doesn't understand.

"What? No! I just guessed that...the baby was...gone." He says in a low voice.

Trevor shakes his head against Corey's pillow. "No that's not it. The baby-" he starts to choke on his sob. "'s...fuck Corey the baby isn't mine. I-I trusted her. I loved her; I was going to marry her! I gave her everything! She had sex with someone else and everything's a lie- my love for her, her love for me, everything. She's been lying and cheating and my baby...isn't my baby."

Corey's heart breaks for Trevor. He can't believe what he's hearing. He must be having a nightmare or something. This can't be right.

"Oh my god, Trevor I am so sorry. did you find out did she tell you?"

Trevor shakes his head again, and Corey wipes some wetness off of his face.

"She didn't even have the decency to tell me. I found out. I found the papers. I- I thought I was going to be a father. I thought I was going to have a family with the girl I was fucking in love with and it- it doesn't make any sense Cor; we were happy. At least I thought we were. What did I do wrong? What did I do!"

Corey movd his body closer to the broken boy lying next to him. He pulls Trevor in close and just holds him.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Trevor. You were great to her and she made the biggest mistake of her life. I can't believe she did that to you. I'm sorry, Trev, really am. I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now."

Trevor buries his face in Corey's neck. "I feel like I want to die. I feel so empty. I feel like my whole world just came crashing down and I don't want to face the reality of it. I want that baby to be mine so badly, Corey. I love the baby- but it's not mine. It's not mine to love."

Corey rubs Trevor's back and tries to calm him even though he knows nothing he does will help at all.

"Shh Trev. Please stop crying I hate seeing you like this it makes me want to cry with you. Is there anything I can do? Anything at all? I want to help you I swear I'd do anything for you."

Trevor uses the back of his hand to dry his eyes. He looks at Corey and gives him the most painfully sad expression Corey has ever seen.

"Help me get her back," he whispers. He cups Corey's jaw in his hands and stares into his chocolate eyes.

Corey's heart starts to beat rapidly. He's frozen.

Trevor's lips press against his own and he is still completely frozen. Trevor isn't gay. He's hurting. He wants Corey to make the hurting stop. And the only way he knows how is to get back at Grace. He wants to do to Grace what she did to him.

In a matter of seconds Trevor is on top of his best friend, kissing his neck and behind his ear.

"Trevor this isn't what you want. You don't want this, Trevor, I know you don't. You're in pain, I get that. I can't- I can't go through with this, it's wrong. You know it is."

Trevor's tear drips on Corey's chest. "Is it wrong?" He reaches down into Corey's shorts. "Wasn't it wrong of Grace to fuck someone else? How is this any different?"

Corey grips onto Trevor's wrist and pulls his hand out of his shorts. "Trevor stop. Getting back at Grace won't solve anything. You know it won't."

"Please Corey? Please, you said you'd do anything for me! This is what I want. I'm not drunk, I'm telling you I know what I want."

Again the teen sneaks his warm hand into Corey's waistband. He grips Corey inside of his boxers and lies his stomach onto Corey's naked upper half.

"Trevor I love you, please know that. But I also love my boyfriend. And I can't do this. Not only because of Kevin, but for your sake. Trevor, even if I wanted to have sex with you it wouldn't be a good idea. You'd sleep with me and then what? Tell Grace about it...and then what? It won't change anything. It won't make you hurt less. I promise it won't."

Trevor kisses Corey again. "Can't I find that out for myself? I'm a big boy, I know what the consequences are. I want her to know how much she's torn me apart. You're the only one I trust with this, Corey. You're my best friend. You know how much I loved her. You know how I feel. You must know how much I need this."

Corey turns his face sideways, away from Trevor. He doesn't want this to be happening. He can't fathom how badly Trevor must be hurting in order to act like this. Although it isn't totally irrational. If Kevin cheated on Corey, he'd probably have the urge to cheat on Kevin right back. But not with a girl, not with someone he couldn't be sexually attracted to.

This doesn't make any sense to Corey.

"Trevor please stop. You don't want to have sex with me. You don't want to have sex with anyone. You love your girlfriend. Yes, you were with her for 4 years. Yes, you fell in love with her. Yes, she destroyed everything by cheating on you but Trevor you're better than that. You're so much fucking better than her. You wouldn't ever cheat on Grace. Not even now. You're not in your right mind. And it's okay. I understand. Just...just stop what your doing. Please."

Trevor removes his hand from Corey's pants and snakes his arms around his best friend's body. He lies his cheek on Corey's chest and sobs again.

"I'm so sorry Corey. I'm sorry! Oh my god I can't believe myself. You hate me. You think I'm disgusting. I feel like I'm gonna puke-"

Corey lifts Trevor's head up. "Look at me. I could never hate you Trevor. Never. Like I said, I love you. You're my best friend. Just relax, Trev. I know it seems like you're falling apart but you're right here. Everything is going to be okay. Try to close your eyes. I know sleeping sounds out of the question but it's really what you need right now."

Trevor sniffs and hugs his friend tighter. "I know I don't have the right to ask but...can I still hold you?"

Corey half smiles. "Of course, Trevor. And I'm gonna hold you right back. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere."

The younger teen puts one hand on Trevor's back and the other threads it's way through his unruly hair.

Corey cannot believe he almost had sex with Trevor. He wants to murder Grace right about now. How could she do this? Trevor is right; he did give her everything. He kissed her ass every second of every day. How dare she cheat on him? And how dare she think she could lie to him about being the father of her child? Trevor does not deserve that kind of punishment. He did nothing wrong. All he ever did was love her.

Corey knew he hated her for a reason. But as much as he did loathe her he never thought she'd be capable of cheating on him. Corey is sorry he ever gave her more credit than that.

He looks up at his ceiling and tries to mute the sound of Trevor's sadness. He keeps playing with his hair until he cries himself to sleep.


Elliot drops the needle that was in his arm on the floor. His hand can't be steady, but he loves it. At 3 in the morning he is high as a kite, scheming about how he's going to make Corey's life a living hell.

"Well it's simple," he says to himself. "I'll just go to the park. He goes to the park. He'll be there- at...the park. I'll just bring the truck. Shove him in the truck."

If only someone was there to see the crazed look he's got on his face. They'd probably lock him up in an insane asylum.

"Just grab some tape on my way out. Tape and rope. I'm bigger than him. Don't need anybody to help me. Can do it all on my own. 'Cause I can. Got the drive."

He taps his temple. "Got the brains. Just 'cause I didn't graduate don't mean I don't got brains. I can do this. And it'll be so god damn worth it."

He laughs and clenches a fist two or three times. "Don't matter; I'll never get caught. I'll just- yeah. I can...yeah. It will work. Got the perfect plan. Tomorrow. Or the next day. I'll just keep showing up 'til he comes. He'll come."

He nods his head and takes off his shirt; because he's sweating profusely. "Oh he'll come."
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