Status: Active, I Promise

We Didn't Start The Fire

Fruity Pebbles

Ben and Caleb spent the whole night fooling around; well...most of the night. Caleb couldn't keep his hands off of his beautiful boyfriend. Just one look at the blond's crystal blue eyes made the brunette's head spin.

They fell asleep in each others arms so happy. They both dreamed of one another, even though they remained attached during the night.

Ben's skin is warm against Caleb's; very warm, and this causes the older teen to wake up. He smiles at Ben's bed hair and kisses his cheek, but light even so it doesn't wake him up.

As much as he feels like a stalker, he watches Ben sleep. He's done it before, and he'll do it again. He doesn't want to stop looking at him, so he refuses to. It's simple.

In a matter of minutes Ben's eyes slowly open. "Watching me dream? Creeper." Ben laughs, pulling his boyfriend in for a kiss.

"No! I was uh- just uh- yeah you're right I was watching you. But how could I not you're so cute?" He chuckles, kissing Ben.

"Well can't argue with you there...nah just kidding. Anyway, since we're both up how about we discuss breakfast options? I can cook pretty much anything breakfast related. Pancakes, waffles, omelets, crepes, and I make a mean bowl of cereal. Just saying."

Caleb ruffles up his boyfriend's hair. "A mean bowl of cereal huh? How can a man refuse? But for real um...whatever you want. I'm not picky, you know me. I'll eat what ever is in front of me."

Ben stretches and yawns. "That's your brother, not you. Corey sure can eat. At the restaurant yesterday I swear he ate every crumb on his plate. I almost puked FOR him, he ate so fast. Has he always been like that?"

Caleb wraps his arms around Ben and snuggles him. "Not when we were kids, no. Sometime after we got adopted. When he realized that mom and dad made the best meals ever. He pretty much ate everything all the time. Freaking fat ass."

Ben takes his index finger and runs it down Caleb's arm. "I know this is none of my business but I realized last night I just picked up on the fact that you reference them as mom and dad but Corey...he doesn't. He calls them by name. Why is that?"

The brunette sighs. "I'd like to think it's because he's difficult. He's always been that way. He likes to make things more complicated than they already are. But the truth is that Melissa and Robert aren't our real parents and Corey doesn't ever want to think of them that way. They have been so great to us- so amazing. I have no problem thinking of them as my mom and dad. But Corey...he's different. We never knew our mother, and I have a feeling that Corey feels disconnected because of it."

Caleb takes a breath and continues. "I bet if there was any way of finding our father...Corey would want to see him. Me? I don't. I could care less. I'm sorry that my real mother died but I'm not sorry that Corey and I have found a better life for ourselves; without our father. I heard he was scum. And I don't want to meet him, I don't want to be face to face with the man that knocked up my mother and left her all on her own."

Ben squeezes Caleb's arm and looks at him with sad eyes. "You don't...there's not one part of you that wants to just see him? To see if maybe he's not as bad as everyone said. Don't you want to know if you look like him?"

Caleb shuts his eyes. "You sound just like Corey. That's exactly what he said to me. 'Don't you wanna see if we look like dad?' Ugh. No I don't. I don't want to look like that man. He is as bad as everyone told me. If he weren't he'd have claimed us. If he was halfway decent he would feel some sort of remorse and come find us. No phone call, no email, no visit, no contact at all. He doesn't care. But Melissa and Robert? They care. They love us. They are my mom and dad."

Ben instantly feels guilt. He shouldn't have pressed the issue as much as he did. Now he's upset his boyfriend. That was the last thing he wanted to do.

"I'm sorry Caleb, I didn't mean to bring all of this up. I should have just kept my mouth shut. But I can see where you're coming from. I mean, I can't put myself in your shoes because I was brought up differently but I understand your point. But I also understand Corey's point too."

Caleb nods. "It's okay, you didn't make me mad or anything. It's good to talk about these kinds of things- gets a lot off my chest," he smiles. "I've tried to understand Corey, but I just can't. I mean, him of all people, it's just strange why such a hard-ass would care so much about his meaningless father. He's got a father. One who actually means something. One who gave us a home and a life. It must hurt Robert to have Corey reject him and Melissa like that."

"Caleb, I don't think of it as rejection, and I don't think Robert does either. Neither should you. I can tell that he loves you guys so much. Both of your parents love you a lot. Anyone can see that; it's written all over their faces."

Caleb is glad that Ben brought this up. He's never talked about this particular topic with anyone besides his brother, and his brother only had one view about it. It's rather refreshing to hear Ben's opinion on the matter. Especially since Ben is leaning more towards his side and not Corey's.

"Thanks, Ben. You always know what to say. God I love that about you. You're like...a ray of sunshine. I know it sounds stupid and corny but it's true. This is like so totally not going to happen BUT if Corey plans an adventure to find our biological father in the distant future I...I want you to come with me. I mean, only if you want."

Ben smiles cheekily. "Of course I would. Aw, that's so sweet. Thanks for thinking about me like that," he says before kissing Caleb's cheek.

"Well that heart to heart made me starving. So how about that mean bowl of cereal you were talking about? I hope you've got fruity pebbles?"

"I have a 5 year old living in my house; of course I have fruity pebbles."


Kevin has missed Corey so much, and it hasn't even been 24 hours. He feels like such a dork because he's getting butterflies in his stomach just thinking about seeing Corey. He's pretty sure he's in love. And he's almost sure that Corey is in love with him too. Corey said he loved him, but loving someone and being in love with someone is two different things. Kevin knows that better than anyone.

He just hopes that the feelings he has are mutual. It won't really change anything, because he and Corey are already on cloud 9. There isn't anything that can break them apart.

"Where are you going so early in the morning Kevin? Those are my pants by the way." His sister asks while putting in her earrings.

Kevin laughs and shakes his head. "Where do you think? And no Alex, these are my pants. I'm pretty sure they're mine anyway. They ended up in my closet so..."

His sister struts her way across his room. She puts her hand on her brother's waist and turns him around so his butt is facing her. "No these are definitely mine, they have studs on the pockets. Look."

The boy turns his body and looks at where she's referring to. "Ha ha. So they are. Which means that one of you have my pants. I'm missing a pair. I thought these were them. So try to find them, I'm running out."

She folds her arms. "It's summer Kevin, invest in a pair of shorts for Pete's sake. Go tanning and stop being afraid of blinding the world with your pasty white legs!"

As she storms out of his room he thinks that she woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Well at least he's in a good mood unlike her.

He rushes to get ready because he wants to go over and surprise Corey with lots of hugs and kisses before he wakes up. From spending many mornings with the teen he knows he sleeps until noon, so he's got a good chance of having success with his surprise.

"Bye everyone I'm going to Corey's be back later!" He shouts before exiting his house.

He has no idea why he's so happy. He just is. He's happy to be alive and in love. He couldn't ask for anything more.

He's lucky that he lives so close, because it would make him sad if he didn't. Kevin couldn't get too use to that. Once they go off to college it's not going to be so easy to visit. Kevin is dorming at Stony Brook while Corey stays home. It's at least a half hour drive with no traffic.

Kevin pushes all negative thoughts out of his mind as he knocks on his boyfriend's door.

"Good morning, Kevin. Come on in. Corey is still asleep but I'm sure he'd be happy to be woken up by you. My wife and I are on our way out but we'll see you guys later. Have fun, okay?"

"Will do Mr. Sordino. Thank you."

Kevin creeps up the stairs quietly with a smirk on his face. Corey is probably going to be mad at first, but once he gets a kiss or two from Kevin he thinks all will be forgiven.

The teen bites his lip as he opens Corey's door, slowly enough to make no sound.

His dark blue eyes light up in shock when he sees Corey is not in his bed alone.

Kevin's heart sinks. Trevor's arms are wrapped around Corey's torso, just as Corey's are wrapped around his. Kevin gasps when he notices his boyfriend is naked. They look so peaceful; so content. Like they both didn't cheat on people they 'loved.'

The teen backs away and closes the door behind him. He slides down the wood and curls up into a ball.

Kevin can't believe that everything he and Corey had been through wasn't worth it. Corey was still a pig. Still an asshole. Still a cheater. And with Trevor? His best friend? The guy's girlfriend is pregnant, how could Corey sink so low?

It made questions swirl inside of his head. Did Corey pursue Trevor? Had he been trying to sleep with him all this time and finally got what he wanted? Kevin doesn't understand this at all. He knows Corey and Trevor are close but...not like this. Was this not even the first time?

Kevin feels sick. And stupid; he feels dumb.

How could he think he could change Corey? How could he be so naive?

"Why'd you have to do this Corey?" He asks himself in a low whisper.

He doesn't want to cry, but he can't help it. He's beyond sad.

But maybe they didn't sleep together. Corey is naked, or so it looks that way but Trevor isn't. He had his shirt on. Kevin couldn't see under the covers. Maybe Corey wasn't even naked. Maybe it's all in his head.

Or that's what he wants to think. He wants to believe they didn't have sex so badly. But knowing Corey- and using his eyes to see how hot Trevor is...the outcome is obvious.

Kevin shakes his head, trying to clear it. This only results in more confusion.

If they didn't sleep together, why were they holding each other like that? If they had a sleep over, Caleb's bed was empty; Trevor could have slept there. But there they are, grasping onto each other like it's the end of the world.

Nothing makes sense to Kevin. Corey wouldn't do this. The old Corey who lied cheated and acted like a piece of shit was gone- why would he sleep with his best friend? Trevor is straight anyway, if they did have sex, how did it even go down? Corey gave Kevin his virginity with so much apprehension, how could he just spread his legs for Trevor so easily? Unless Trevor was the one on his back. But that doesn't make sense either.

Maybe they just fooled around. But why? Kevin was only gone for half a day. How could Corey forget about him, call Trevor over and...

Unfortunately for Kevin images come into his mind. Images he'd really like to not have in his brain right now.

The teen pulls at his hair. "Oh my god I'm losing my fucking mind." He wipes his eyes, stands up and takes a breath. "I need to get out of here."

As Kevin walks down the many stairs he starts to think even more. Perhaps he should just wait until Corey wakes up and give him time to explain. Kevin has watched enough television to know that things aren't always what they seem.

He's sure there's a perfectly good explanation as to why his boyfriend is sleeping naked or half-naked with his best friend. And holding him. And sleeping with a smile on his face.

But then again, it is Corey. Maybe Corey invited Trevor over and they had a couple drinks or 10 and got carried away. Kevin would be able to understand that- as long as they didn't actually have sex.

If Corey really did cheat on him? Kevin won't be able to forgive him. There would be nothing Corey could do to make Kevin trust him again. Kevin has given him more than enough chances. Corey sleeping with Trevor- or with anyone else for that matter would be a means to an end for them.

It makes Kevin extremely sad, but he'd really like to think better of his boyfriend. He really would like to believe that Corey only had eyes for him. That Corey would never look at another guy the way he looks at him.

Kevin decides to leave, but not before writing a note and placing it on Corey's desk. 'We need to talk. -Kevin.'

Short simple and to the point. He just hopes that Corey won't fabricate anything and tell him the truth. That's all Kevin wants. Even if it hurts. He just wants to know what really happened between them.


Grace wakes up and is worried when she doesn't see or feel her boyfriend next to her. She knows he doesn't start work until later on in the day. He wouldn't leave her without letting her know.

She takes the covers off of her and stands up, putting on her bathrobe.

When her eyes focus properly, she almost has a heart attack.

"Oh no. No no no. No? Oh my god..." She bends down and picks up her folder and the piece of paper that was inside of it.

Trevor knows. He knows the truth about the baby.

She covers her mouth and shakes her head. She should have burnt the results. She should have threw them out, got rid of them somehow. How could she be so stupid and leave them under a desk? She wants to die.

And she hasn't even called Jake to let him know the results. He's been calling her like crazy and she hasn't picked up. He's going to assume the worst- which he should. The worst has happened.

Grace starts to hyperventilate. She can't seem to breathe right. Everything she had she lost. As soon as Trevor saw his DNA not match the DNA of the baby...she lost everything. The love of her life, and everything else that comes with him.

She drops the papers and holds on to her stomach.

"Oh no...something feels wrong. No- I can't lose the baby. Not the baby too I can't lose this baby! I-" She begins to sob and choke.

She tries to call out for help but she can't. She knows that this pain in her stomach is caused by her stress so she needs to calm down- or she will lose the baby.

The tall girl breathes in deep in and out. Over and over again until the pain subsides.

She has no idea what she's going to do. All she knows is that she's going to call Jake- she has to. Trevor is going to kick her out of his house and his life so she needs to at least tell Jake the truth.

There was never a moment she wished she could turn back time until now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been so long =[ I feel terrible!

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miss.maddie.mayhem, joelle, Atychiphobia, Germanizer123, VampireAssassin, SuperOreoGirl, hugs.from.holly, wo0two0t789, Ann Silex, LeadThisFreakShow, DuckieGirl, rawrritsjess, dinosaursgorawr, jjjjeanlovesyou!, MagicalMayhem, lestatlover118, WHOAAA, Satanophobic,L O V E A L W A Y S, koosh ball, kelink, Alyx Khaos, mishasauras, All.Your.Hate., ElyRae, Weasley, LuBearr;, I'm Just A Girl