Status: Active, I Promise

We Didn't Start The Fire

Stupid Stupid


The twins are having another party today on this beautiful sunny Friday, but first they have to get through the school day, which is very close to being over. They only have two periods left and that means lunch and then gym for Corey and psychology and then economics for Caleb. Corey loves his schedule and Caleb hates his. All of Caleb's fun classes are in the morning and the last half of the day sucks. Corey took all easy classes for his last year in high school, except for math. He isn't even required to take a math but for obvious reasons he chose to have one more year of it.

Corey loves gym because he likes to be active. He's not really the sporty type, he'd never try out for a team. But he's good at just about every sport his gym teacher throws at him.

"Corey, pass it here!" Corey dribbles the basketball and passes it to his teammate and friend Garrett Milliner. He shoots he scores and they win their friendly match by two points.

Corey gets pat on the shoulder from his friends and so does Garrett. One would think that boys would shun Corey for being gay, not want him on their team or be nasty to him. They are his friends though, and they treat him no different than their straight buddies. Corey likes being respected in that sense. He would not have a problem beating the shit out of 12 guys...he'd just rather not.

"We're all coming to your party tonight is that cool?" Another friend of Corey's asks on account of the whole class.

Corey nods. "Yeah, bring whoever. It's always open house so you don't have to ask. But if you have any hot friends...please I beg you- bring them."

His friends totally wish they could be him only the straight version. For some reason he just has a gift. A strange gift that makes him irresistible to almost any guy. He doesn't mind. But it sucks when he can't seem to get the only man he wants.

They all head into the locker room, all ready to go home. Corey gets a text from his brother that he can't help but laugh at. []i''Ben is on the math team and they have a challenge today. I'm gonna go watch so I'll meet you at home later. -Cale''

Math team. What a joke. The only way Corey would be on the math team would be if Mr. Langhan 'coached' it. And he doesn't. So Corey's out. He's not really smart enough to be on the math team anyway. Come to think of it, only the ridiculously smart kids are on the team. Ben must be smarter than he lets on.


Caleb is on his way to meet Ben in the schools auditorium for the challenge when he hears something out of the ordinary. He hides behind a half open door and peaks out. It's Elliot and his skanky ass girlfriend. He wonders what they're still doing at the school.

"Kimi I swear if you don't do this I'm gonna be so mad! You have no idea how angry I'll be with you if you don't. I need it baby, I really do and if I don't get it...I'll snap. You know I will." He's screaming at her and she looks frightened.

"Elliot I can't. It's too dangerous. I can get them another way. Keep your voice down, please!" she's begging him with her eyes, Caleb can tell. He's done it before, to try and save a relationship one too many times.

"I'm tired of you whoring yourself for drugs Kimi, I mean it's a good way to score coke but it's getting old. Just do what I tell you before we have a repeat of last week okay? I really don't like it when I hit your pretty face."

As scared as Caleb is, he surfaces, sickened with what he just heard. As much as he doesn't like Kimi, she doesn't deserve to get abused by her own boyfriend.

"D-Don't talk to her like that!"

He wishes he could take it back the moment he says it. He wishes he took another route to get to the math challenge. He wishes he wasn't in this position.

"Sordino is that your faggot ass piping up to say something?"

Elliot walks up to Caleb with a sinister grin. "Last time I checked this wasn't any of your fucking business. So I suggest you get the fuck out of here and pretend you didn't hear a damn thing. Kimi darling wait for me in the car, I'll be right there." he motions with his hand for her to leave, and she scampers away.

"You, you need to calm down. S-She's your girlfriend you should treat her better than that. I..I wasn't trying to overhear anything I was just trying to get to the auditorium."

Elliot grabs him by the shirt and pushes him up against the wall. "Don't you EVER tell me what to do EVER again, faggot. I'm tried of you and it's finally time you get the beating you've deserved."

No one stops him this time. Elliot punches the smaller boy in the face and all Caleb can do is try to protect himself. He doesn't try to fight back, he just yells and screams for him to stop. Caleb has always been a lover not a fighter.

He didn't even do anything. He only tried to defend someone he couldn't give two shits about and this is what he gets for it. It doesn't last very long, but it doesn't change the pain.

"Now if you'll excuse me, faggot. I have a deal to make and if you know whats good for you you'll keep your mouth shut and stay the fuck away from me and from Kimi." he shakes his hand off. "Oh and you've got a little something," he points to the red liquid on Caleb's shirt.

After Elliot is out of eyesight Caleb slides down the wall and begins to whimper and wipe his bloody lip. He feels like his face is all bruised even though he knows it isn't. He's never been in that situation before...Corey was always there to protect him. He always made sure his brother was safe. Not this time.

He takes out his cell as he tries to stand up.''Ben, I'm so sorry. Something important came up and I can't make it to your challenge. I promise I'll call later and explain. Please don't be mad. -Caleb.'


Caleb slowly turns around and hopes Elliot didn't come back. It's not Elliot, but another face that he's not happy to see. Jeremy, Elliot's best friend.

"Did Elliot do this?" he asks, pointing to Caleb's face. He nods and looks away. "Caleb...I- I'm not as bad as you think. Come into the bathroom with me and I'll clean you up?"

Hesitantly Caleb listens and follows the tall boy into the bathroom. Jeremy wets a paper towel and starts to get the blood off Caleb's mouth, cheek, and chin. Caleb winces and asks,"W-What are you doing here anyway? Don't you people go home after school?"

Jeremy laughs a little. "I have no clue what Elliot was here for but I have art club. Um...what happened anyway? I mean you don't have to tell me-"

Caleb shakes his head. "It's stupid. I tried to stick up for Kimi and got hit for it. Stupid stupid."

Jeremy looks confused. He honestly doesn't know why his 'friends' were here. He guesses they were waiting for him but then realized he had to stay after.

"Well I'm sorry about him. He's just- I can't even explain it. I would say he's a good person deep down but I'd be lying." he throws out the red towel and shrugs. "You'll have a black eye. You should be fine, though. Again, I apologize."

Caleb is dumbfounded. "Don't apologize for that asshole." he sighs. "You don't make any sense to me. You're Elliot's friend yet you help me and diss him? I don't follow."

"It's a long and complicated story. Just try to stay clear of him...I know none of this is your fault. Just...look after yourself okay? I'd hate to see you in this position again."

And with that he leaves, and Caleb is almost speechless. He guesses he really shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Jeremy Farbour is a good guy despite his friendship with complete lowlifes.

He grabs his keys out of his pocket and heads outside. There's no way he can hide his face from his brother. He goes to Grace's house to buy some time but she's not there. She's probably at Trevor's getting ready to come to his house.

He bites his lip and regrets it instantly. He's gonna keep doing it on accident and his lip is going to keep bleeding. Not good. He needs a plan B.


Kevin definitely plans to go to the twins' party tonight. He wants all the details about yesterday from Corey. He doubts he got anywhere. He doubts either of them will get anywhere but he's interested to see who's going to be blowing who at the end of the bet.

"Can I borrow your pants Kev, please please please?" Kevin's sister asks in a pleading tone, walking into his room while he's straightening his hair.

"Sure Amy, just give them back... Anna still has my other pair, then she's giving them to Ashley to borrow and you know Ashley, she'll probably keep them. So pretty soon I'm not gonna have any jeans left."

Most of his sisters are his size, which is scary for him. They are all so skinny. Maybe he needs to gain weight. They all look the same; tall, pretty, blond, and blue eyed. He used to have blond hair until he dyed it. He doesn't think he'll ever go back to his real color, someone might mistake him for one of his sisters.

"Thank you! Don't worry I'll return them. Hey you look fierce as hell, you're going to that Corey boys house aren't you? Hey can I come? Please?"

He loves all of his sisters to death but they all act like he's some flamer and they all try to have sex with his crushes. And sometimes they do, and he'd never let them know but it hurts him a lot when they do certain things to him that they think is funny.

"Yes, I'm going to Corey's house but no you can't come. It's invite only and he doesn't even know who you are, sorry," he lies, hoping she'll buy it.

"Ugh. Fine," she grabs her brothers' pants off of his bed and struts out of his room.

He laughs internally and continues to get ready.


Caleb arrives home at 9 o' clock when the party is just getting started. He tries to sneak up to his room but of course Corey stops him.

"Where the hell have you been? There's no way a math com- WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!"

Caleb shuts his eyes and frowns. "Um-"

"Do NOT lie to me Caleb Patrick or I-" Caleb hates when Corey uses his middle name. It sounds so parenting.

"Elliot okay? Elliot beat me up!"

Corey's eyes seem to turn red. "I'll kill him. I'll fucking rip his fucking throat out I swear to God. I swear!" he's breathing heavy and he's not even drunk. He's serious and scary and fuming.

Caleb is not excited to see what happens next...
♠ ♠ ♠
I love everyone who is reading this =] here is a list of all the main characters and their info <3
Click here.

Thank you to the following people so much for commenting!
