Inevitable Fate

Little had she known.

Kelsey wrung her hands softly, allowing her shoulders to slump forward as she stared out the window, begging her father to come home alone for once this time. After years of this, it seemed to her that her father cared, not for her, but for every other woman in his life. She wanted to cry and allow the tears to fall, like the raindrops falling down the slick glass window.

Kelsey stopped her hand motions and brought one to the window. She held it there for a few seconds as she focused on the fog appearing. A breath escaped her locked lips, and she stood from her post by the window, watching the fog deteriorate before leaving for the kitchen. He wasn't worth it, she knew he wasn't, or so she told herself constantly.

Ever since she could remember, he's done this to her. All 16 years of her life, he's left her alone by her lonesome and went off into the outside world. Whether it be his never-ceasing job that entailed having him travel the country for meetings, or the women he never ceased to find and bring home for the night. All throughout those years of being alone, she never stopped wanting him to just come home and stay for a moments time. They didn't even have to speak, she reasoned, as long as he was there, she was okay.

He had left yesterday morning though, and Richard Markus was a busy man, so she expected he wouldn't be home for a few more days - if she was lucky and he hadn't ventured far. As she grew older, he'd spend more and more time away from home. There were a few moments when she'd doubt herself and wonder if he was purposely trying to escape her, and that alone would bring anger out from within her. So much anger, in fact, that she'd wind up taking it out on herself. The thought itself was enough to send rage through her - though not directed towards him. These thoughts meant that she was doubting her father, and she couldn't bring herself to do that, not when he was all she had left.

Her mother had died giving birth to her when she was a mere 23-years-old. Since then, Kelsey has been thrown into a turmoil and was forced to grow up much faster than she had intended. She'd have to take on the responsibility of her father, and by the time she had entered school, she was learning how to cook. It was merely small, small things, but enough to get her and her father by - when he was home, that is. Sandwiches and hot dogs weren't enough at this time, she'd eventually have to learn more. Come Middle School, she'd advanced into pasta and such and was able to keep her tiny family thriving. Living in North Essex, England had it's perks because she was able to live a steady life (mainly by herself) and was able to roam the village she lived in without fear, because at the most, she'd end up getting lost. The safety seemed too much at times and she'd stay in for weeks after a venture into the market, though that was merely her paranoia acting up. It cleared as she aged, but she was still startled by small things.

Her paranoia, however, never cleared in the aspect of leaving. As she grew older, her father's job began venturing out farther than the country alone and she knew that soon she'd be forced to move. Her father might not care enough about leaving her alone whilst venturing the country of England, but if he had to move further into another country, this household would be seeing her for the last time.

This thought alone gave her the natural instinct of straying away from personal relationships. Friends weren't an option for her, the pain that would follow would be too much if she grew attached. It wasn't a trust issue, as her peers at school believed, it never has been. Fear of pain brought her to loneliness, but she didn't mind all the time. She had to admit that it did frighten her to be alone, but then she'd bring out a book and would forget about her worries entirely.

The time of leaving must be approaching soon, she feared. This brought along an even more sense of security and self-preservation as she clung to her household, shying away from her neighbors and fellow peers. Little did she know just how correct she had been.
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I had wanted to set up a few chapters to this before releasing, but I'll see how I do this way. Updates might be slow, for which I apologize, but they should come. I hope you enjoyed.