Inevitable Fate

Last Doze.

The last night within the house had to be hectic, it just seemed to be the normal pace put forth by those that intended to leave their life behind. Her family was torn on that aspect though, paces were at drastically different ends of the spectrum. Her father, though he seemed to have been working at a slow pace, progressed throughout the night and made sure any last-minute preparations were made. Kelsey, however, could only sit back and watch throughout the night and occasionally stir the soup she had started making upon her arrival back at the house.

Far into the night her father worked, and he'd often check the clock as if he had timed his efforts. Though, in this case, Kelsey was certain that her father had done this all according to some sort of schedule - that's just the kind of man he was. It took some of her own effort, however, she was finally able to cease those efforts and sat him down to have some soup.

She understood his quiet and quick gestures of thanks, regardless of the fact that he spent a mere 5 minutes at the table. Kelsey, on the other hand, stayed put and ate her soup at a slow pace. Her eyes constantly would flit between the table and her father, whom had entered the room far too many times to count at that point. He was working hard, he wanted this. She only wished that she could put out the same amount of effort as he did.

The table and those few dishes she had used for that night's supper were the only kitchen-related items left within the house. She had been shocked that the oven still remained, along the other large appliances. Her cheeks flushed at the thought of her father possibly taking her into account when he conducted his plans, though she bit her lip and allowed the red upon her cheeks to fade. Whether it had been for her or not, the move was still a factor in motion, and she couldn't stop that. Nothing she'd say could alter this transition and feared the outcome more than anything.

Her fear wouldn't be something she would show to anyone, not through words or appearance. So, despite her efforts to clear up any last remaining traces of their existence, she couldn't help but tremble at the thoughts that brewed in her mind. At those times, her father would find a spare minute to appear and would give her that same knowing look as he had before. It seared itself upon her skull, next to the phrases that she'd seared within herself. It was an odd pairing, due to the fact that whenever she'd attempt to blame herself, her father's gaze would make itself known. This event had happened during the last walk around the inside of the house, though she feared it'd happen much more frequently if her father's gaze continued to have such an impact on her.

Kelsey stopped just before exiting the house for the last time. The box she held added a sudden strain on her arms after she stopped, however she stood her ground and kept still. She couldn't leave the house, not like this. She'd wasted her life, and to just leave and begin a new one seemed unfair. It wasn't something she deserved, and tears finally threatened to accumulate within her ducts. Tears would fall before her final leave, she would break down and beg not to leave. Though, much to her surprise, the begging didn't ensue, though her father could be to blame for that.

As soon as she had stopped, her father began to shout from behind his own box. At any other time, the shout wouldn't bother her, but his echo-amplified voice seemed to breach her security and entered her mind. Kelsey shook her head and kept going. Tears would fall, but the breakdown would have to come much later. She couldn't break, at least, well, at least not in front of her father. He'd find someway to stop her and that wasn't what she needed. In fact, she needed a breakdown, she needed to beat herself up over this. Faults needed to be punished, though it needed to be more extreme when acknowledged by oneself.

Kelsey allowed her father to direct her in placing the box, though her movements were nearly mechanical as she fought herself inside her head. Her father would, without a doubt, realize the fight that was being conducted; however, if he had noticed, he'd let it commence. Her movements into the vehicle were just as robotic, though her father disregarded them once more. He whisked his way back to the house and entered in a quiet manner - though no one had been there to hear.

In fact, Kelsey wouldn't have been able to hear any rustling if she had cared to pay attention. She had already made her way into the front of the truck by the time her father exited the house with a satisfied smirk. He shut the lights off for the last time and walked towards her. Kelsey seated herself in front of the truck and leaned her head against the window. She was certain her father was only giving the house one last look over, however she had wanted to get everything done with. She wanted to move on before she cracked, and he was prolonging this notion. It didn't take long before he, too, entered the vehicle.

Kelsey, though, paid no mind and continued to stare out the front, past the dashboard. Despite how unsafe her actions might be, she pulled her legs up into her chest and angled her body so that she was crooked. Her feet were caught in-between the two front seats and her head remained against the window. Her seat belt, well, that was a different story. Though Kelsey might have found comfort in her position, the seat belt was twisted and conducted through a series of twists to get from point A to point B. She didn't mind though and ignored the lingering sensation of the the belt cutting into her body at different points.

Her father, from the corner of her eye, glanced in her direction before starting up the vehicle. Kelsey jumped a bit at the sudden rumble of the engine, but calmed just as quickly. She knew that from this point on her father wouldn't pay her any mind, the road was the only thing that was to have his attention. However, it calmed her slightly to see continued passing glances being thrown in her general direction.

The sun had begun to rise by the time Kelsey started to drift in and out of a sleeping state, due to the rumbling motions caused by the vehicle. Her eyes squinted shut as a glare reached her eyes - courtesy of the side-view mirror, her body suddenly lurching forward. The airport came into her view, though black and purple spots covered half of the portrayed image.

Her recovery time to the glare was delayed as she tried to wake her dulled senses. The actions were swift, but her legs quickly swung off of the seat and and straightened. Her head shot off of the window, causing Kelsey to flinch in pain as her skin pealed off the once-cool glass. Her entire frame adjusted accordingly and suddenly she was in the position her father was in, firm and pronounced.

Her father looked at her in shock, the movements instantly catching his attention. "Kelsey?" He questioned, his face twisting in slight confusion.

Her eyes met her father's gaze and she smiled lightly, grimacing as any numbed limbs awakened with a lingered intensity. Her face was red in the spot that pealed off the window, and her hand instantly leapt towards that area, gingerly kneading the spot. From her face that screamed in pain, to her limbs that had to endure the dreadful prickling sensation, Kelsey wasn't a pretty sight. The words that tore from her mouth were quiet and unfocused, "Yeah, Dad?"

Her father looked as if he'd been slapped in the face, but he shook his head and focused his attention back on entering the airport parking area. Kelsey frowned at her father's actions. She knew, just as she had expected, he felt guilty and expected her to start shouting at him. However, she thought, embarrassingly, if he had paid a speck more attention to her then he'd know that she didn't blame him. Then again, he had already seemingly expressed his concern through his few words earlier. She guessed that her father knew how she treated herself, but that didn't give him any reason to expect a blow-out.

His need to suddenly move had been genuine; everything he was doing seemed right to him. His job was what kept them afloat, though Kelsey was the one to keep the house together. If they had to move to another country, that was what had to happen. She didn't have to like it, but his reasons were legitimate. If moving to the United States would allow him to pursue whatever he planned to do, then she had no right to stop those plans - just as she hoped her father wouldn't step in against her dreams. Sure, she didn't know what she wanted to do quite yet, but if the time came, she hoped he would let her free as she allowed him.

Her father begged her to stay inside the vehicle as he set this plan into motion. For the next few hours, men would send their stuff to the shipping hold, tickets would be purchased, and the wait would ensue. Kelsey had to do nothing but sit and wait for the ride to lurch into motion.
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Thank you to those few that gave this story a chance. ♥
Even more thanks to those that leave feedback with that 'chance'. You guys make it worthwhile.