Status: I want another author or two. Are you interested?



We stepped off the plane, me trialing behind, trying to fix my gaze on something solid. Nothing moving. That would kill me. My stomach hurt deep in it's pit. I moan softly and sat down with a hard thud on a nearby bench. Hanna stopped walking and turned back to me.

"Sitting down already? We've been sitting down for HOURS!" She cried. I glared at her.

"I hate planes!" I announced, wriggling in my seat, happy for something that didn't move under me. Hanna snorted.

"You're just weak in the stomach because you've never flown before..." I shot up and cupped a hand over her mouth.

"Shhhh!" I hissed. "This place is full of people who fly ALL THE TIME!! I don't want to look like a loser!"

Hanna pushed my hand away. "Then don't attack people randomly in crowded airports." She snapped, half laughing. I sighed. Hanna has been my best friend for EVER! I love her to bits and know all her little habits, like her tendency to bite her finger nails when she sees a guy she thinks is cute. Or the way she rolls her eyes one way when she's mad and the other when she's bored. Only I know this.

"Girls, don't fight now. We just got off the plane." Hanna's step mother was standing a few feet away, looking embarrassed. Though SHE was the one wearing a tacky flowery hat with matching shorts. Hanna rolled her eyes the way she does when she's bored.

I didn't feel bored. I was zinging with energy and nerves. Here I was.

In Florida.

Summer rox!
♠ ♠ ♠
long time, not that it matters. There are no subscribers *sob* be the first?