‹ Prequel: Transylvainia
Status: Might have another sequel for this one.

All About You

I'd Answer All Of Your Wishes If You Asked Me To

Anne sat in her room, brushing her hair. Dougie and she had been 'engaged' for a year now. The queen was waiting for the two to reach the age of twenty-one before they got married. Since they met, the two had been inseparable. She had been thinking about the day before when she was sitting with Dougie. The simple thought of his words made her smile. They had truly grown to love each other.
“Dougie, do you love me?” Anne feared that he would tell her that he didn't. After she let all her faith into her lover a year ago, she felt like no one could truly love her.
“Of course, love. Why would you ask that?”
Anne didn't answer, she only looked down, ashamed of herself for even asking.
“Anne, why would you think that I didn't love you?” Dougie got out of his seat and knelt in front of her. He had never loved someone so fully as he loved Anne. He couldn't comprehend why she was so unsure of his love for her.
“I guess... I guess I always had doubt about his love for me, that it's transitioned into our relationship.” She felt stupid for her reasoning. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything.”
“No,” he lifted her chin so she looked him directly in the eyes. “it's alright. Love, you need to know, it's all about you.”
She saw the amount he held for her in his eyes. “You make my life worth while, Dougie,” she whispered, taking the words from her heart, “it's all about you, too.”
He smiled at her. He loved her so much. He never wanted to lose her. “I love you.” He pulled her into a hug.
She nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck, kissing it lightly before whispering in his ear, “I love you, too.”
Dougie pulled back, he had wanted her to say those words so badly. It had been over a month since she said them to him. He was getting worried that her love was failing both of them. “Forever?”
Anne saw for a second the doubt she felt herself. She reassured him, “And always.”

Anne sighed as she ran the brush through her hair one more time. Three months. Three months was all she had to wait for to be married to Prince Dougie Poynter. She would be his forever and never have to worry about losing him to any other girl in the kingdom.
A knock on the door took Anne from her daydreams. She turned to find Tom standing in her doorway, a knowing smile on his face.
“Anne,” he bowed, his uniform crinkling and un-crinkling from his movements. She tipped her head, welcoming him into her room. He took the invitation and walked to the chair to the right of her. “You can't stop thinking about him, can you?”
“No. I can't. He's everything to me now.”
“Can you believe that a year ago--”
“No. I can't even begin to imagine what my life would be like if I had a life with him and not Dougie.”
“Good,” Tom, though only a guard, was very close with Dougie, just like Danny and Harry were. The four had grown up together. Danny, Harry and his father's being guards for the queen in their prime. Tom considered Dougie a brother, no matter his royal standing, he wanted nothing but the best for him. Anne was the best. And the three were as close, if not closer, to Anne as they were with Dougie. It was difficult not to see how perfect they were for each other even without them meeting. So the welfare of both was a concern to Tom.
“I feel like there was more to this visit than to just check up on me, Thomas. Am I right?” Anne had a smirk on her face, knowing that Tom was most likely sent by Dougie.
“Of course. Why would I ever visit you without a prior agenda?” Tom quipped with her, making her scoff in response. “Dougie wanted you to meet him in the South Kitchen. Dunno why there, though.”
Anne smiled, knowing exactly why he wanted to meet there. “It's an inside joke, Tommy. Don't hurt your head thinking about it too much. Not worth it.” She tipped his hat down as she got off her chair and got a small jacket to cover her shoulders. Even though she wasn't royalty, she still had to act like it, being as she was going to be Princess.
Tom laughed, heeding her warning. “I'll escort you there, m'lady.” He stood, straightening his jacket and fixing his hat before sticking his arm out for her to take.
“Thank you, sir.” She took his arm and they headed to the South Kitchen. Danny and Harry passed them, not taking much time for small talk, since they were on duty, unlike Tom. The two gave Anne a smile, like they knew what was going to happen in the kitchen. Anne didn't dwell on it long, since they reached the kitchen not long after seeing her two friends.
“I'll leave you here, Anne.” Tom stopped before the kitchen door. “Have fun with him, hun.” He gave her a soft kiss on her cheek before walking off in the direction of Danny and Harry.
Anne watched him for a moment before opening the kitchen door. “Dougie?” The lights were dimmed and the curtains drawn to keep the summer sun from entering the room.
“Hey love.” Dougie startled her, taking her waist from behind. “Have a nice walk with Tom?”
“Not as nice as being in your arms, but yes.” She rubbed his arms as he held her closer to him. They started swaying back and forth, starting a little dance to music only they could hear.
“I would answer all you're wishes, if you asked me to.”
“I know you would, Doug.” She closed her eyes and put her back on the crook of his neck.
Dougie took the opportunity to steal a kiss from her. “If you denied me one of you're kisses, I don't know what I would do.”
“I could never deny you anything, Dougie. I love you too much.” She unwrapped his arms from around her and turned to face him. She hadn't noticed the candles he had lit until he saw the light flickering about his face.
“And I could never deny you anything, either, for the same reasons.” He pulled her to him again. “All I need is for you to hold me close and say those three words again.”
She tightened the grip she had on his back a little more as she moved her mouth to by his ear. “I love you. I love you, I love you,” she whispered it over and over again as they swayed on the kitchen tiles more.
“I love you too. It's all about you.”
“Always about you.”
“Only about you.”
“Forever and always.” The two closed their eyes as they professed their love for each other more passionately than they ever had. Three months seemed a lifetime away when they were this in love. But it was something they were willing to wait for if it meant that they'd be together forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had fun writing this one. I might do a sequel for the wedding scene, but I'm not sure what song to use. All I know is that I'm going to have "All About You" stuck in my head for a long time, it's been on repeat for the hour or so that I spent writing the story.

Too cutesy? I might try to do a hot steamy sex scene for the "honeymoon" part of the possible sequel. How's that sound? Then again, it might be weird since Dougie is like a sweety in this and not marked as a hot steamy, sexy pervert that I learned him to be in real life. We'll see.
