Status: very active. :D

You Shine Brighter Than Anyone


Delilah awoke with a start. She'd had another nightmare. She'd been having them ever since she and Tyler Mathis broke up.

Tyler and Delilah weren't just in love. They were in love. The only way Delilah could get to sleep at night was by snuggling up with Tyler's hoodie, which smelled of him. She listened to the mix CD he'd made her on repeat, nonstop. Her fondest memory, out of all her sixteen years, was being curled up in Tyler's muscular arms, surrounded by the warmth of the campfire.

But, last week, she got a text from him:

Lilah, it's over. I've found someone else.

That's it. No final goodbye, no "I love you", not even a simple "I'm sorry". Three years of commitment, of pure love and care, and she got a cold, heartless "it's over".

The following day, she'd thrown out every last trace of Tyler she had lying in her bedroom. His hoodie, his CD, all the presents he'd given her- everything. But, no matter how hard she tried to hate him, she couldn't. Delilah loved Tyler. She always had, and she always will.


"Delilah Harte, I'm sick of this. You and Tyler have been broken up for a week," Olive Harte, Delilah's mother said, worriedly, "He's not coming back. Now, get out of goddamn bed, and go somewhere. Please. Do something."

"Mom, listen-" Delilah started.

"Don't give me any more of this shit. I don't care if you were 'in love'. I don't care if you were 'happy, for once in your life'. You're not anymore, and you're going to have to get over it. Delilah, I'm not trying to be the bitch that you're making me out to be. I care about you. That's why I'm doing this. You can't waste the entirety of your childhood on one guy. Go out, live."

Mrs. Harte yanked open the thick purple curtains that hung over Delilah's window, letting a stream of sunlight seep through the dusty window. She stomped over to her daughter's closet, and yanked out a pair of faded jeans, a yellow button down shirt, and a pair of worn blue Converse.

"Now, go take a shower and get out of those god awful sweat pants. And, wash you hair for god's sake. You're never going to get another guy with that rat's nest sitting on top of your head."

Delilah sighed, flung the heavy patchwork quilt off of her, and shoved past her mother to the bathroom.

When she got out, she put on the clothes her mother had picked out for her, and dried her thin, caramel colored hair.

"Bye, Mom," Delilah called on her way out the door. She called her friend, Penelope Galarza, and told her to meet her at Bella Terra, Orange County's most prominent shopping center and a favorite hangout spot of Delilah and her friends.

Delilah parked her car, and walked to Bed Bath and Beyond, where she and Penelope had planned to meet. With no sign on her friend, she sat down outside of the store.

After twenty minutes of waiting, Delilah finally saw Penelope's very distinctive bright red curls bouncing in the distance.

"Delilah!" Penelope squealed, running up to her, "Oh my God, I haven't seen you since-"

"Since Tyler dumped me? Yeah, I know," Delilah said, bitterly.

"I'm sorry sweetie," Penelope hugged Delilah, "Are you okay?"

Delilah nodded solemnly. Penelope helped her up, and hooked her arm through Delilah's.

They walked down the long line of shops.

"Come on," Penelope said, grabbing Delilah's hand, "Let's go to Starbucks. That always cheers you up."

Delilah smiled and followed her in. They both ordered a Caramel Frappuccino, their favorite. Sitting down at a small table outside, they talked about everything -everything besides Tyler, that is- while sipping their coffee.

"Holy shit. Look at that guy over there," Penelope pointed out a tall, muscular, tanned guy.

"Eh. He's not really my type," sighed Delilah, "And, I'm not really looking for a guy right now."

"I'm sorry, Lilah," Penelope said gently, called her by her nickname, "I forgot."

"It's fine," said Delilah, standing up and throwing what was left of her Frappuccino away.

Penelope did the same, "You wanna go to the beach?"

"Sure," Delilah smiled.

They walked around for a few minutes, trying to find Delilah's car. After a while of searching, they finally found it. They hopped in, Delilah driving, and headed off towards the beach.

"Carry on my wayward son. There'll be peace we you are done. Lay you weary head to rest. Don't you cry no more," Delilah and Penelope sang along ton their favorite song, driving down the road in a silver Prius, "Aw, I missed this, Lilah."

"I did too," Delilah smiled.

They arrived at the beach, and plopped down in the sand, their toes in the water. For the first time in a week, Delilah wasn't thinking about Tyler.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I edited this chapter quite a bit after re-reading it. In my opinion, it's a whole hell of a lot better.