Status: paused

Bloodthirsty Princess

Peep Show

Dark black hair was tangled in a mass of confusion as the two bodies pressed closer and closer together. Pale ivory skin caressed the warm cheek of the half human; red stained lips parted to reveal glistening white fangs that nipped at the paler, human lips, pricking and drawing blood. Upon the taste of a bead of blood, the immortal girl sucked the pale lip in between her ruby ones, and gently licked the blood off, her ice eyes closing in utter bliss.

A moan escaped the bond's mouth, as a pale hand trailed down her side and under the loose fitting blouse, scratching at her back as the immortal pressed closer. Another pale hand trailed up to the long black hair that had been grown out, just as the princess liked it, and tangled itself into the long black tresses. A small tug elicited another delighted moan.

The half-human's back was being pressed against the cold, hard stone of the castle library wall. Cammi opened her eyes and glared at the Bond, her eyes looking, to anyone else, a mask of hatred.

Nonally looked back impassively at Cammi, her breath labored into short pants from the exertions she welcomed upon herself.

Cammi gave a grin, delighted at the game they played as she leaned forward and nipped at Noni's neck, not feeding, just a small love bite, before stepping back and turning away from Nonally to face the approaching guard that she had heard spying upon them for a few minutes.

"What is it?" She asked coldly as the guard, sensing that he had been discovered, stepped forward and bowed low.

"My apologies Princess. High King Mat and High Queen Connie request your presence in the thrown room." The human guard respectfully and un-abashedly announced with no apology for his un-invited viewing.

"Get out of my sight, human, before I decide I'm hungry." Cammi sneered.

The guard looked up, his brown eyes alarmed before he darted off hastily. Cammi turned to Nonally, who simply nodded, letting Cammi know that she was okay to go.

"We will continue this later." Cammi said with no emotion in her voice before she turned and hurried to where she had been requested.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally got another chapter up.
Life happens ya know?
Anyways.. You get to meet Alain Atolia next chapter. :)
So tune in next chapter in Bloodthirsty Princess, thank you and goodevening. )