Status: oneshot. finished.

Full Circle


Summer Marie Freedom pulled her mid-length naturally jet black hair in a low ponytail, and was ready to work. Summer Marie had just graduated from Merrick School Of Business in Baltimore, Maryland. Her father, the wealthiest [and only] lawyer in the tri-county area from Hillsboro, Ohio had gotten her a two-levelled flat in the heart of Baltimore’s Downtown area.

The flat was beautiful. Out of the two levels, the top was a huge bedroom painted a deep champagne color with a Harvard red border and curtains that covered the French Doors leading to the balcony. The deep crimson red bed sat against the north wall, only two meters away from the stairs. Down the stairs, one would walk into the back side of the flat. On the left side was the sparking stainless steel kitchen, and on the right, the beautiful marble dining room and her grandmother’s China in a big, brown cardboard box. If you walked forwards, there was a guest bathroom, the living room and the shoe room. All that was fine, but the best part about the flat according to Summer Marie was the musty old used book shop across the street. Summer Marie hoped to own that store one day soon.

Summer Marie sighed and lifted a box labelled ‘Kitchen Supplies 1.’ She lifted the heavy box all the way from the shoe room to the kitchen, where she dropped the square cardboard onto the marble island. Summer Marie wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead to the back of her hand and then onto her Nadeshiko Pink tank top. Summer walked back to the shoe room, and picked up a second box, conveniently also for the kitchen. This box was quite a bit heavier, and she almost toppled over from the weight. Thankfully, something – or rather, someone caught her just in time.

“Woah there, easy!” a deep voice called, grabbing the box from her hands. The voice and the body of the man didn’t work right. He was tall; taller than Summer Marie’s 5”6 – approximately 6”1. He had somewhat medium length shaggy brown highlighted hair, and a very lanky build. His brown eyes looked into Summer Marie’s hazel eyes, who were still giving the man a scrutinizing stare. He let out a nervous chuckle.

“Alex. Alex Porter. And you are…?”

“How did you get into my house?”

“You left the door open, that’s how. I thought I would be a good neighbour, and help you settle in. I live in the flat right next to you.” He flashed her a hundred watt smile, and stuck out his hand. Summer Marie looked behind him and sure enough, the door was wide open.

“Summer. Summer Marie Freedom. I would love some help, thank you very much.” She flashed him her own million dollar smile, and grabbed his hand for a handshake. Alex’s hand was unnaturally cold. She pulled back in shock. He smiled sheepishly.

“Slow blood circulation. My hands and feet are always cold. Sorry ‘bout that.” Summer Marie just nodded, and began dishing out orders.

“You take that box,” she pointed to the box she had been carrying before, “and follow me.” Alex picked up the box and followed the woman. They arrived in the kitchen.

“So Mr. Porter, you can put those dishes in these cupboards, and I’ll put these cups and pots and pans down here. Is that okay?” she said.

“Oh! I almost forgot! I’ll be right back!” she quickly ran up the stairs and grabbed the CD player. Soon, the sounds of the Beatles Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds filled the house.

“No way! You like The Beatles too!?!” Alex exclaimed. Summer gave him a funny look, before nodding her head.

“Yeah. They’re so much better than the mainstream crap we have nowadays. They set the pavement for music these days too!” Alex smiled.

“You just seem like the girl who would prefer The Jonas Brothers more.” Summer Marie made a face, and Alex laughed.


- 6 hours later –

In six hours, Summer Marie and Alex had placed everything in it’s proper place, and had really gotten to know one another. Alex now knew that Summer preferred Charlie Chaplin movies, The Beatles music, and the Marx Brothers comedies. Summer now knew that Alex preferred Matt Damon action movies, almost any kind of music and the comedic stylings of Russell Peters. It was also 8p.m. at night, and Summer’s stomach was growling. She grabbed the phone.

“Hey Alex, what do you want on your pizza?” Alex shook his head.

“Nothing. I’m not very hungry.” She shot him an incredulous look.

“How can you not be hungry after that? I’m starving!” She exclaimed. He chuckled.

“Come on, besides, I owe you! You helped me set this entire place!”

“Rain check? I gotta get going now anyways.”

“Fine, whatever. See you later, okay? Call me or something later.” They had exchanged numbers earlier. Summer got up to give Alex a hug, but he stuck out his hand. They shook, and Summer locked the door behind Alex. She walked over to the DVD stand and picked up Ferris Buler’s Day Off and popped it into the player. She set the television before plopping onto the pale copper fold out couch and picked up the phone again.

“Yes hello? I would like an extra large Hawaiian Supreme pizza please…” There would be some left over for tomorrow, hopefully.

- 6 months later –

Summer Marie and Alex were the best of friends. More than friends, if you looked at it from a strangers point of view. Summer Marie always had to wear a sweater around him though, he was always just… so cold! He had kissed her a couple times, nothing big, but it made the butterflies in her stomach become fire eating dragons wanting blood. Yeah, they were just that intense. Alex had called an hour before, something about needing to talk to Summer.
Summer was confused. Everything was right, but something was… off. Alex never ate, was always cold, and would disappear randomly. The description was somewhat like a vampire, but Summer Marie knew that vampires didn’t exist. The mere thought of something supernatural existing was stupid, according to the pretty girl.

The doorbell rang. Summer answered the door. The two adults walked into the living room, and sat on the opposite sides of the small coffee table.

“Summer, I-I just can’t do this anymore.” Alex looked depressed.

“W-W-What do you mean Alex?” Summer Marie was confused. What was he talking about?

“I like you Summer Marie, more than I should. But the thing is, I just can’t be with you anymore.”

“Alex, you can’t just do that to me! Have you even considered how I would feel ? You’re the only person who I have out here…” her voice had dropped by the end.

“Summer, its against the rules!” Alex was standing now. Summer stood also.

“What rules Alex!?”

THE RULES FOR THE DEAD” Summer Marie was quite confused now. The Rules for the Dead? What was this boy talking about? She thought.

“Summer, I’m dead. I am a ghost. I can touch you, but you would freeze. Ever wonder why you have to wear a sweater around me most of the time? I can’t feel the heat of your body. I can’t taste food. That’s why I never eat. Ghosts aren’t supposed to associate with the living!”

Things made so much more sense now. Summer just refused to believe.

“This is a really sick joke Alex.” She was on the verge of tears. He shook his head. He grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. He handed it to her after a minute.

Westminster Presbyterian Cemetery
519 W Fayette St
Baltimore, Maryland 12485

Without saying a word, Summer Marie grabbed her keys and drove off. Thirty-five minutes later, Summer had pulled up to the Westminster Presbyterian Cemetery. She searched between the rows, and finally, she found it. A headstone confirming her worst thoughts.

Alexander Brian Porter
June 5th 1983 – December 3rd 2006.
Loving brother, son and grandson. You shall be dearly missed.

He had been dead for four years now. Summer Marie collapsed over his grave, tracing the headstone with her right index finger, mouthing the words. She felt a cold hand on her shoulder. She placed her left hand over his.

“Join me Summer Marie, and then we can be together forever.”
Summer Marie thought about it.

“What about my parents? What about my job? What about my friends, and my family? What about my future?”

“What about love?”


“Yes, love. I love you Summer Marie Freedom. I don’t think I could last without you anymore.”

-one month later-

Summer Marie Freedom.
March 12th 1987 – May 15th 2010
Devoted daughter, granddaughter and friend.
““Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.””

Summer Marie Freedom watched her funeral. As she hadn’t mastered the art of appearance yet, she watched as she was placed in the ground, and she touched the faces of her friends and family who wept for her.

Summer Marie was pissed off. She had thrown away her entire life, her friends and family, for someone who claimed to love her. Where was he now? He had usedher.

Summer Marie,
Thank you. Because of your self-sacrifice in the name of love, you have let me go to a better place. Such a gullible child you are. Did you really think someone like me could feel love? That’s a funny thought. You see, we can’t feel anything – emotion, people, nothing. I hope you will soon be able to join me. All you have to do, is take the blood of an innocent man [like I did for you] in the name of love, and voila! Have a nice… life darling.
Never Yours,
Alexander Brian Porter

Summer Marie would have her revenge.

-2 years later-

Summer Marie lowered her already low cut tank top, before knocking herself into the cute blond boy in front of her. She put on an apologetic mask.

“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry !” He smiled at her.

“Don’t worry about it. Are you okay?” She smiled back at him.

“Never better. Summer. Summer Marie.” Her voice was somewhat breathy, as she stuck out her hand for a handshake.

“Zach. Zach Kora.” He accepted her handshake, and backed away from her ice-like hands. Her apologetic mask was back on.

“Sorry about that. Slow blood circulation. My hands and feet are always cold.”
♠ ♠ ♠
shitty ? Yeah
It was for a school project. Someone told me to post it online.
Feedback would be cool :)
