The Silent Hill Diaries


Silent Hill. The one place I never vowed to go to, and the only place I had to go to. I stood there, my car crashed into the wall of a fucking cliff. I tried to think about what even happened and I didn’t come to any conclusions. All I knew was that when I woke up, my car was totalled into the cliff, and my head was pounding harder than my bed sheets at times.

When I got out, I found a drawing that looked so much like something my daughter would draw, and pages torn out of her drawing book. On top of it, keeping it from blowing away in the wind was a handgun, and a note. ‘See you soon’.

What the fuck kind of bullshit was that? It gave me shivers like no other.

As I stood at the border of Silent Hill and the normal world, I stared. Stared at the fog; my destination. Fear was crawling in my skin. I never heard anything good about this place. And I knew. I knew I wouldn’t be myself after I left this place. If I left this place.

Closing my eyes, I let a single tear fall as I thought about my daughter. As much as I dreaded going in there, I had to. I had to for the girl who kept my breathing. For the little girl who made life easier. I was mentally preparing myself for the worst time of my life. Gripping the gun hard in my left hand, I opened my eyes, clutching the drawing in the other. Then, slowly, I started to walk forward.

This is where it all really began, wasn’t it? Time to end it, once and for all.

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hope you liked it.