Status: Active. Might be a little slow :(

Someday My Prince Will Come

Why are you abducting me?

Sam grabbed her coat and began walking out the door. Her step-mother had crossed the line. She would be eighteen years old in a matter of days and then no one could control her life. All she wanted was an opportunity to life her dream, to go to the University of Illinois and become a journalist. She even received a full ride volleyball scholarship so school would cost her virtually nothing. It was just that her step-mother whose main goal was to ruin her life had decided that Sam was useless and didn’t deserve an education. She had forged a letter from Sam saying that the scholarship was going to go unused because she decided to take her life in another direction. Her step-mother had just ruined her life because she was jealous of Sam’s success and her beauty. Sam is not one to be vain and talk about how beautiful she was but she knew she was good looking. Being 5’11 and slim helped too. All through middle and high school guys were always too short for her; she was the awkward girl who hadn’t grown into her body yet. But now as a young woman she had filled out and had muscles that could challenge most of the varsity football players, and she was proud of it.

When she got onto the street, she started walking whatever direction her feet would take her. It was a cold February morning and snow was beginning to fall. After walking for at least half an hour she was to cold to go any further she decided to stop at Starbucks on Madison Avenue right across from the United Center. She went up to the counter and ordered her usual, a vanilla bean frappuccino with whip cream. She paid and sat down at the only available table in the corner of the small café. She had been there for about five minutes thinking about her options when the door chimed and a handsome young man walked through the door. He had to be 6’1 with brown hair and the deepest brown eyes that you would ever see. He went up to the counter and ordered. When he received his beverage he turned around searching for a place to sit. The only chair open was at a table where a young girl was sitting. Despite his best judgment he walked up to her. “Can I sit here, everywhere else is full.”

“Sure” she answered shyly.

“My name’s Jonathan” he added as he sat down.

“Sam” she stuck her hand out for him to shake.

“Nice to meet you Sam” as he took her hand into a firm but gentle hand shake.

“Likewise” she said.

“Bad day?” he asked “You seem kind of down in the dumps.”

“Horrible actually my step-mother decided to tell University of Illinois that I didn’t want their scholarship because she was mad at me or jealous or I don’t know. She’s just not a very nice person. After my mom died my dad married her because of her money and then when he died last year I was left on my own to fend her off until I turn eighteen” she babbled. Why did this guy make her so nervous? She had just practically told him her life story and she had only known him for about two minutes.

“Wow, you’re a modern day Cinderella.” He joked.

“I guess the stories kind of relate, don’t they? Too bad there is no prince in my story to save me.”

“Well, you never know. Someone could surprise you.”

“Hopefully, but the horrible thing is that I was supposed to be volleyball for the Fighting Illi. They were counting on me to lead them to a championship and I abandoned them.”

“I’m sure if you go down there you can explain your situation to them they would be more than understanding.”

“I’ll see if I can go see them later. So tell me about you.” She questioned realizing she knew nothing about him other than his first name. Jonathan.

“I’m a pretty average guy. I’m competitive. I like staying home instead of going out. I have a crazy roommate; I can’t stand half the time. I play hockey for a living. I grew up in Winnipeg but moved to Chicago at 19. I’m 22 now.”

“What was that thing in the middle?” she asked.

“I have a crazy roommate?”

“No, there was something about hockey.”

“Oh. I am a professional hockey player.” He said nonchalantly.

“Wow, that’s amazing. Like the Blackhawks or the Ice hogs?” She questioned.

“You really don’t know who I am?” he asked.

“I have no clue,” Jonathan ... the only hockey playing Jonathan she had ever heard of was Jonathan Toews. Oh crap! She was talking to the Jonathan Toews, but why would Jonathan Toews be interested in her? “Actually I just realized you’re Jonathan Toews right?”

“Yup, the one and only.” He said with a smirk.

“Well, isn’t someone a little full of themselves. I’ll have you know my dad taught me to play hockey when I was little and I bet I could give your little team a run for their money.”

“Oh really? We’ll see about that.” He grabbed her hand and led her out of the café towards a black Chevrolet Tahoe.

“Why are you abducting me?” she asked jokingly.

“We are going to the United Center so you can show me your moves.”

“Then why are we getting into your car? It’s just across the street.”

“I don’t want to have to walk across the street with my hockey bag later.”

“Lazy much?” she concluded.

The ride to the United Center was silent, even though it was like 30 seconds. Jon parked in his parking spot and hopped out of his side then ran over to her side to open the door for her. As she got out he hooked his arm around hers and led her into the staff doors.

“We are going to go to the locker room and get some skates then out to the ice to see what you got.” Jon explained.

Once Jon found a pair of skates that would fit Sam they laced up and headed out to the ice. “I haven’t skated for a while so I might be rusty at the start.” Sam explained.

“Okay, I’ll go slowly for you.” Jon joked.

“Don’t go easy on me. I want to win this fair and square.”

“Fine then, why don’t we put a wager on this?”

“Okay, what do I get if I win?” Sam asked

“I’ll take you out to dinner.”

“and if you win?”

“You take me out for dinner.”

“Sure, sounds good. Let’s get out there.” She said motioning to the ice
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so short. Comments are appreciated :)