Sequel: Love Made Us Blind
Status: Done :)

Different Letters


It had been a long first week of November for Alice. The second one seemed even longer. After the fight, the two former friends haven't spoken to each other. Alice hanged out exclusively with the Beauxbatons students since Pansy didn't talk to her anymore, obviously more loyal to Malfoy than her new friend. It taught Addie a lesson to make better friends. She also avoided the Gryffindors at absolutely any cost. It only reminded her why she was fighting with her the boy she grew up with. Rachelle tried to cheer her up but the girl was annoyed that she wouldn't go see Blaise anymore. Addie promised that she'd feel better if she saw her talk to Blaise more often. Which was a lie, since every time she'd spot her best friend talk to the Slytherin boy, she felt a huge jealousy wave inside of her. Why couldn't she walk up to the table and simply sit beside Malfoy. Classes had also been hard. When Alice wanted to sit besides Rachelle, Mad-Eye said he didn't allow the students to change their places during the year. He assured her that she'd have to sit besides Malfoy for the rest of the year. Neither of them was too happy about it as they remained in silence every class after that. The teacher even called her Lestrange and it didn’t matter. In other classes, she kept blowing off the golden trio, and tried to hide herself with her friends. She talked to Madame Maxim, telling her she made her choice and wanted to stay in Beauxbatons. The slim giant didn’t really know what was behind her decision but told her to really think about it. If in a few months she still felt so strongly about it then she would stay in Beauxbatons. Malfoy wasn't coping with the fight either. His mood was down all the time. Blaise and Pansy tried to make him feel better but it wasn't working for them. Pansy tried telling him to forget the blood traitor but that wasn't happening soon in Malfoy's mind. He knew she was proud of her pure-blood status; she'd just been confused for the last couple of years. And forgetting her was out of the question. He just found her again. But when he'd remember that she actually lied to him, as little as it was, it made him mad again. Blaise tried to convince him that he should talk to her but he also knew that wasn't happening either. School was getting harder and so was the homework. The two Slytherin boys were heading off to the library to finish some research. Unfortunately, they weren't the only ones. The whole library was crawling with students and the two boys didn't find any place to sit. They tried to go in the back but only found one table were they could sit. Blaise smiled as he saw two girls sitting there. They seemed more to be in a fiery conversation then studying. From their point of view it seemed the blond girl was trying to convince her friend to do something but the second one was refusing at all cost.

"I was looking all over for you." Blaise said to the blond girl

Rachelle turned to find where the voice came from and smiled when she found the Slytherin boy. Malfoy grimaced when he saw who the second girl was. Addie looked up to look at Blaise and almost threw up from emotions when she saw her former blond friend.

"I need to go." She excused herself

She passed right besides, looking down. Malfoy turned around to look at her walk away. He had maybe hoped she'd turn around to see his sorry face. But the girl kept looking in front of her, trying not to think who was behind her.

"Blaise I am so sorry. I'll talk to you later, I swear." Rachelle got up and ran to catch up with her friend as Malfoy sat at the table besides Blaise.

"This is getting pathetic."

"I agree, she is."

Blaise just gave the blond a glare while spotting something on the table. It looked like a bracelet. He took it as Draco's eye's widened.

"That's Alice's!"

Blaise was about to ask Draco how did he know when he noticed the her name engraved in the heart. He was still curious how come it took him so fast to associate it with her.

"That's her favourite bracelet. She wears it all the time. Her father gave it before getting arrested. Her father loved her so much from what I heard. He's the one who shortened her name to Alice since he thought Marie-Adelaide was too serious." He said, explaining in the mean time why he was the only one to call her Alice.

Blaise was listening to the whole thing as he nodded at some occasions. He handed the bracelet to his blond friend as Draco looked at him weirdly.

"Well go on, you should give it back to her."

"Yeah right I am. Give it to Rachelle; she'll give it back to her."

"So you're going to let them win?" Blaise asked, suddenly landing on a great idea

"Who win?" Malfoy asked giving him a dirty look.

"Potter and Wealsey. They wanted you two to fight and you given them what they want. Did you see them talk to Alice since you two fought? Now that they got what they wanted, they don't care."

Malfoy never even though about it like that. He got tricked. Suddenly mad he got up. But from there, he didn’t know what to do.

"But she's the one who should say sorry."

"But you insulted her back. Apologize for that and she'll be sorry."

Malfoy nodded and exited the library. Too bad for his project, that would have to wait. He ran as fast as he could. Unfortunately, there were too many girls and he couldn't get into her room.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" he hoped that would have been his Alice but no luck, it was Suzanne

"Please tell Alice to come and see me. I can’t get in…"

"You really think she wants to see you?"

Malfoy bid his lips. Of course she didn't.

"Just then lie and make an excuse to get her out. Please, I beg you." That only got the short hair girl laughing

"Choose you over her friendship?"

"Su, who you talking to?"

Draco never felt so happy hearing his Alice's voice. She obviously didn’t notice him as she walked to the source of the voice. When she found the blond, she froze.

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" she asked, icy

This was going to be hard. But he was prepared as he though of a perfect way to tell her sorry while running here.

"I just wanted to tell you sorry for being an ass during the ceremony." She looked at him with an expression that meant go on. "I should have kept my mouth shut."

She looked at Suzanne. "I'll catch up with you soon."

Suzanne nodded and left after shooting Malfoy a dark look, hoping Addie wouldn't fall for any manipulation trick. When she was out of hearing range he continued.

"And ten years of friendship no matter how long ago that was should not be ruined by one fight. We are so much better then that. I mean why do we keep fighting?"

"Because we grew up."

"But that should not be a reason for growing apart Alice!"

He was right; one fight should never ruin a friendship.

"I'm sorry I lied to you." He wasn't the only one owing apologies. "It was stupid. I want to know you can trust me.

He gave back her bracelet, explaining Blaise found it and a familiar crest.

"Do you always have a spare crest?" she asked laughing

"No. I was hoping we'd make up soon."

Alice smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll keep on forever now, okay? I mean we fight like any other friends, no? We'll work it out always, right?"

"Right." Draco assured her, smiling
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the spelling and hope you guys like it (:
If you do don't be shy to tell me ;)
Thanks for reading!