Sequel: Love Made Us Blind
Status: Done :)

Different Letters


Draco and Alice would spend most of their time together. People around them were fascinated by Blaise and Rachelle and both of them wanted to avoid that kind of attention so they still kept their secret. Marie-Adelaide also remembered the teasing inflicted on her best friend and wanted to stay clear of that. Even if Draco wasn't so for the idea at first, he later realized the advantages. They were always spotted side by sides, except during the second task of the Tri-Wizard tournament. She was instructed to stay with her school group to cheer for her schoolmate Fleur Delacour. But when Harry was announced she still cheered loudly for him. This task was less exiting than the last one partly because they had no idea what was going on. But they did receive the update that Fleur had been attacked and had to resurface.

"So much for Beauxbatons winning it." Suzanne mumbled in French

"She can still do better in the third and win it." Laura, who was too nice to think that way, objected

"What do you think is going to happen with her person?" Addie asked, suddenly worried. They had an hour to rescue the person they cared most about

"It was her little sister Gabrielle, right?" Celine asked

"Come' on girls, she'll be alright. There is no way Madame Maxim would have allowed that if poor Gabrielle was really in danger." Suzanne said

"But what if she was certain Fleur would pull it through? She must have just not care." Isabelle remarked

"Rach, you okay?" Addie asked, looking at her best friend who was just staring at the water

"Yeah I'm fine." She responded weakly with a faint smile

"I bet she wishes Blaise was in the competition and would have saved her." Suzanne teased her.

And this was yet another example why Addie forced Draco to keep it quiet. Alice continued looking at her friend and noticed she wasn't fine at all. She escorted her down and stumbled across, Victor Krum and the first Hogwarts champion while they were just near the boats, behind the stage.

"Hi." She said when she noticed him waving at her "When did you get out of the water?" She asked, surprised to see him already there

"About three minutes ago." He turned to make sure the attention was on anyone but him. "You didn't watch me?" He asked in a teasing way

"No I was helping my friend and missed it. Everyone out of the water?"

"Except Potter."

"What? It's going to be an hour soon!" She exclaimed worried but felt Rachelle fainting "I'll see you later, okay Victor."

"Sure thing." He answered in his thick accent before leaving

She wanted to bring Rachelle to a boat but she could feel the life flying away from her. She screamed out her name, hoping to get her attention and delaying her fainting. She was not so strong and wouldn't manage to drag her all the way to the castle. She looked around but noticed in despair that people were more interested by what was happening in the water and couldn't blame them. She was about to give up hope when she noticed two figures coming right at them.

"Blaise!" she cried out of relief "What, how did you know I was..."

"I noticed you were carrying her away and got worried."

"What, were you spying on us during the whole hour?" Alice asked as Blaise blushed a little.

"No." She knew it was a lie

No matter, she was grateful she had help. Blaise picked a now unconscious Rachelle and Marie-Adelaide finally noticed who the second boy who came to her aid was. She flashed Draco a smile even if the situation didn't need one.

The Slytherin common room was completely empty. Everyone was still at the event while Blaise stayed at the hospital wing with Rachelle. Alice and Draco were sitting on the couch both in silence. Alice placed her head comfortably on his shoulder as he put his arm around her.

"What do you think is wrong with her?" She asked

"We'll have to wait until Blaise gets back to know for sure." Draco said kissing her on the side of her head

"Draco?" She asked to make sure she had his attention "I want to come to Hogwarts next year."

"You do?" He asked, taken by surprise "L-l-like you're certain?"

"While I was up there with my friends I felt so... out of place. I love them, I really do but... I missed you. I kept looking everywhere hoping to find your blond hair. I would miss them but I'd miss you more next year."

Draco took her in his arms and kissed her. He kissed her over and over, overcame by joy she would be finally a part of his life for good. At his age, it was as good as a marriage proposal and she just said yes.

"I like you a lot Draco. I... I remembered before coming here I was so scared you would've forgotten about me."

"At least you knew you were coming. When they said a dozen of fourth year I kept telling myself, what are the chances?"

Alice smiled, lacing her fingers in his. Every time she'd think about it, she'd feel immensely lucky that he only had eyes for her. With his charms he could probably have any girl but he chose her.

"I thought about you often the last years. I was just under the impression it would be too weird if I send you an owl out of the blue."

"I understand." He said while pausing and smiling "When I saw you in my bed that morning I was sure I was dreaming. It wouldn't have been the first time."

Alice smiled before kissing the boy she cared so much about. The boy who was behind her smile for the last two months.

"Don't you think we're making our parents just a little bit too happy? I mean weren't they supposed to match us and we rebel only to fall in love with each other?"

"Where the hell did you think about that?" Draco asked, laughing

"Some of the scenarios I made up if I would have attended Hogwarts from the start." She confessed which made Draco chuckle

"Any more of them?"

"That one's the most romantic one of them all." She said smiling "Stop mocking me!"

"I didn't say anything!" He defended himself

"But you had a look on your face." She said, pouting.

He laughed softly before bringing his lips to hers. The action made a smile appear on Marie-Adelaide's face as she smiled in the kiss.

"For the record Alice, I like you too. More than when we were little and more every day."

"Good. Because you make me happy."

They started making out again, going deeper and deeper. Draco's hands roamed all over her as they took advantage of the empty common room, which they were sure it wouldn't happen again unless they skipped the third task. Alice's hand started playing in Draco's hair as he tried brining her closer. They were getting more passionate after every kiss, after every time their tongues grazed. The only noise in the common room was the noise of their lips touching. Until they both heard someone clear their throat. They jumped from each other and looked near the entrance. A blond girl, in a Beauxbatons uniform was standing, her arms crossed and green eyes sparkling with anger. Next to her was a boy with black hair and blue eyes, a bit taller than her. He looked surprised but was looking at his friend with an amused look. Alice looked at her boyfriend. They didn't have a choice but to explain to their best friends, Blaise Zabini and Rachelle White that they were in fact, dating.
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Tell me what you guys think (:
Thanks for reading (L)

Two days until Poland!