Sequel: Love Made Us Blind
Status: Done :)

Different Letters


As soon as Alice stood up from her desk after the DADA class was over, Draco pulled her to him and gave her a gentle kiss. Addie couldn't resist smiling and replied, closing her eyes. They held hands walking down, receiving yet again stares even if it has been over a week the school knew. It didn't bother Alice at all, if anything it amused her. Suzanne was still mad at her and Rachelle for playing with her mind as she spoke to the girls very coldly the last couple of days. Addie didn't notice too much since she was busy helping Rachelle to find courage so she could finally admit her feelings to Blaise or spending her time with Draco.

"Tell me why did you guys didn't tell us before, you guys are the cutest!"

Alice and Draco turned to look behind them and saw Laura and Celine. She rolled her eyes before looking at her beloved boyfriend.

"I'll see you later." He said kissing her cheek. "I have to go and run to the common room. I'll meet you for lunch."

Alice nodded and looked at her loved one run away as she prepared to have the talk she feared of having with her friends. She tried to avoid them all week and hang with Draco the most possibly since now they could hold each other publicly and kiss all the time.

"So are you ever going to answer my question?" Laura asked again

"I didn't want you girls to treat us like you do with Rachelle and Blaise. I was scared you'd butt in for everything, pass comments all the time and... and I liked it when it was just me and him."

"So you don't like us?" Celine asked, mad "Are we a problem in your little relationship?"

"I don't like the way you were with Rachelle when she started dating Blaise, so yeah, I was allowed to keep it quiet."

"So you were planning never telling us that's it?"

"I wanted to tell you girls during summer." She knew that while she was being honest, she might as well tell them about the transfer.

Alice walked in her room and put her books on the bed. Laura and Celine were looking at her, wanting more details. Isabelle overheard the end of the conversation so she was pretty interested.

"Okay so you tell us when you'll stop seeing him. That's smart." Suzanne said who just entered the room. Alice ignored how she knew what the conversation was about but that wasn't on her mind.

"Not exactly." She admitted, looking to find Rachelle. The blond was in the back of the group, ready to see Addie admit her little secret "Madame Maxim is transferring me to Hogwarts. She's scared for my OWLs."

"That's non-sense!" Celine exclaimed

"I'll lose points if I don't understand terms and questions properly. She's just taking care of me and cares that I have the most points as I can..."

"It's just an excuse to be with Draco. If you two brake up you'll regret it so much..."

"It's not because of Draco; Madame Maxim discussed it with me before we even set food in Hogwarts. Rachelle also has the option since she was raised in English but I don't know what she decided..." The four girls turned to Rachelle who was half smiling

"Here's a letter to my parents explaining my transfer... I'm sorry girls but classes in English are clearer. It's easier to understand."

"I won't lie, Draco was part of the reason I said yes but he wasn't the cause. Madame Maxim pushed me to accept and I trust her judgment."

"So we're not going to see you after this year..." Isabelle said, tears forming in her eyes

"No!" Alice and Rachelle exclaimed before Addie could continue "We'll do stuff during the summer! Let's go away for a week or two."

"I can't believe you won't be in Beauxbatons anymore..." Laura said, also on the verge of crying

"I debated so long if I should stay but the Headmistress stressed out a million times I couldn't stay just because of my friends. And let's face it, you girls are the only reason I didn't accept right away..."

"We'll miss you!" Isabelle exclaimed before hugging Addie as hard as she could

The girls kept exchanging their thoughts about this throughout their lunch and forgot to eat. They were all upset when they walked to their next class, they didn't even realize they were hungry. As they waited for a teacher to come, Addie stayed with her friends, trying to talk about different subjects before she felt arms wrap around her. A boy kissed her on the cheek and tried finding her lips from behind as she smiled, no matter how saddened she was seconds ago. Her friends rolled their eyes, amused and giggled as Alice pushed her boyfriend backwards to have more privacy and kissed him on the lips as he never let go of her.

"You really are sweet." She said, thanking him for surprising her so kindly

"Why did you look so upset?" Draco asked in between two kisses and looked sad when she pulled away to answer him

"I told them I was coming to Hogwarts next year."

"Why is that a reason to sulk?" He said looking for her lips but she backed

"Those are my friends; I'm going to miss them as hell next year."

"I know. Sorry for sounding insensitive." He apologized, hoping she'd kiss him again

"You're lucky I like you." She smiled before giving Draco a quick peck on the lips. "Sorry it didn't work out for lunch. Meet me for dinner?"

"I'll pick you up at your quarters."

"Sounds good." They exchanged a few kisses before Alice noticed the teacher arriving.

Next week, after their first class was done, Addie rushed to her quarter realizing she forgot a book for her next class. When she was running back to her class she bumped into Harry and Ron.

"Hi you two! It's been a while since I saw you guys." She said, smiling to notice she wasn't later yet

"You choose to hang out with the worst kind so that leaves us little chances to talk to you." Ron pointed out, indifferent

Addie let out a scoff, disbelieving what she was hearing. Harry and Ron had been nice to her; exchanging words to each other when they would meet in the hallway and even helping each other with some homework. Addie considered them as friends even if they seemed to hate her boyfriend with a passion.

"You think you're so better than him? Having too much fun belittling him all the bloody time?" She asked, in Draco's defence

"Addie..." Harry tried to calm things between the two "Ron should keep quiet but you can't ignore that he's not the type anyone, especially not someone who's genuinely nice, should be with."

"I'll be the first one to admit he's not perfect and his ego..." Addie stopped realizing that there was no reason she should have this conversation with them. "If you can't accept with who I am and especially if you dare say the slightest bad thing about him to my face... then I'm sorry but I can't be friends with neither of you."

Ron just stepped towards the witch. "If you can't see the bad in him, you can't be all that good." He left after that

"How can he say that?" Addie asked Harry, shocked they could hate Draco so much.

"In his defence, Malfoy did so many things in the past..."

"In his defence?" Addie repeated, with fury in her voice. "Of course, he's your best friend; you're always going to choose him over me, even if what he's saying is ridiculous!"

"The same way you're going to choose Malfoy over us."

"And when I'm sorted to Slytherin next year you're never going to speak to me again?" She asked, informing him about the transfer in the meantime

"Probably not; I've never met a Slytherin whose worth trusting."

"Your prejudice is killing me Harry. I thought you were so much better than that."

"Since you're coming here next year... I really hope you get sorted anywhere but there Addie. I think you're better than that and you deserve better than that."

"What does that mean?"

"You're making the wrong choices. I realize it's because you told me that you're a Voltaire and I bet your mom is pushing you to be with other pure-bloods..."

"How dare you say that?! You think I'm so shallow?"

"You told me that's what you grew up in!"

"Yes I did but that is not the reason I'm dating Draco!" Addie yelled, tears starting to form for reasons she did not understand. "And don't call me Voltaire!" She shook her head "You'll know me as Lestrange next year."


"Harry if that's what you think of me, I rather not be your friend. I can't take your obvious hate for Draco and your judgement about me. I'm sorry Harry."

Addie passed him and ran to class, already late. She got in, upset, and apologized to the teacher. Draco shot her a worried glare, telling her it was obvious she was sad. She sent him a weak smile before sitting at a table where Rachelle should've been sitting. She looked at Blaise hoping to find a response. All he did was raise his shoulders with a concerned look.
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