Sequel: Love Made Us Blind
Status: Done :)

Different Letters


Draco rolled on top of his girlfriend which he couldn't get enough of. She giggled gently and he shut her with a kiss. They weren't truly happy unless they were with each other. They made out passionately, exploiting the rare occasion that Draco's roommates weren't present. It was the last Saturday of the term and everyone had studies in their minds except the couple who was too busy with each other to even care about school. Addie had her hands in Draco's hair, pulling him closer to her. She was so concentrated on him; she almost let out a squeal when he unexpectedly pulled away.

"Was Rachelle here a moment ago?" She heard Blaise's voice and understood why the mood was so suddenly broken.

"Not for the last hour." Draco said, looking at Alice, who was still lying down, for confirmation. She sat up, moving Draco from her legs.

Blaise let out a sigh. "I went to her quarters to find her and her friends told me she left to find me in the Slytherin common room..." He explained, sitting on his bed. "But when I was coming here I didn't even met up with her."

"She could have made a detour and stopped somewhere. Grab a book, go to the bathroom or ask a question to a teacher..." Draco suggested, trying to hide his irritation in hopes it would impress his girlfriend

"I'm actually worried about her." Alice said, including herself in the conversation "She's been out of it during the whole week or so. Going to bed early, not eating a lot and disappearing. Every time I tried to approach her on the matter she keeps brushing me off with bullshit that she's in her week."

"She barely spoke to me. You don't think..." He stopped to find courage to say the next words "You don't think she wants to end things with me?"

"Blaise I'm not guaranteeing anything but I don't think that's the case. If she does I'll be the first one who's going to be shocked beyond words. I really don't know what could be bothering her so much and that's what worries me."

Moment later, the door opened and a blond girl was standing in the doorway. She was paler than she usually was, her hair messy and bags under her eyes, contradicting Addie when she stated that she slept a lot. Rachelle pretended to sleep when her friends were present in the room and spend the last few nights sleepless, thinking what was happening to her at this moment. She spent hours worrying about her future.

"Addie, Draco. I need to talk to Blaise alone." Rachelle said with a weak voice

Alice jumped from the bed and walked to her friend.

"Ca va pas? Je suis inquiète pour toi." Addie said believing maybe she was shy to tell the guys

"I promise I'll tell you later, Addie. But right now I really need to talk to Blaise privately."

Alice hugged her and made a sign to Draco to follow her. They walked to an almost empty common room and sat on a couch together.

"I'm really worried about her. You think it's anything with why she fainted during the second task. I knew it couldn't have been just because she's scared of heights. What if it's deadly?" Addie asked, worried about her best friend as Draco tried to calm her down by stroking her hair.

"I'm sure she's alright." He kissed her on the head. "You don't think she wants to end it with Blaise, don't you."

"I don't think so. She loves him and she would've told me about that. I think what's she's dealing with is personal that's why she's staying silent. And if she does break up, it's not because of him but because something's bothering her. And that something will make her think Blaise can't live with."

"I just hope she doesn't break him. He likes her too much." And Draco knew how hard it was for a girl to please him.

To take their mind off their friends' problems they finally grabbed a book and studied together. When they saw the quantity of material to prepare to, they realized they should've got a head start instead of kissing all the time. They didn't bother touching Potions or DADA both of them rather good in those subjects but practiced a few charms and Transfiguration. Addie understood charms a bit better than Draco so she was in the middle of explaining something to her boyfriend, who couldn't resist stealing a couple of kisses every now and then, when Rachelle entered the common room. Addie, who already had a hard time concentrating just because Draco was there, completely lost focus when she saw her best friend. The blond witch looked less distressed but still as sad as before.

"Draco, I'll see you tomorrow." She knew he'd understand so she grabbed the books that belonged to her and kissed him one last time.

"Good night." He said, wishing she didn't have to go

Alice left the Slytherin common room shadowing Rachelle's steps. She thought about what she could possibly say to her but the blond beat her to it.

"Want to go for a little walk. I have lots to tell you."

Addie nodded getting worried how bad could it be. Maybe she was pregnant. She looked at her belly and it seemed totally normal. She scratched that theory when she realized it would've taken more time for the stomach to grow. And she was a bit horrified that they actually slept together so soon. The assumption that she was sick started making more and more sense as Addie got more worried by the second.

"A little more than two weeks ago I send out a letter to my parents that Madame Maxim is giving me the option of transferring since I'm still having some difficulties with my French. I wrote that I'm accepting it. A week later they send me a response... they talked with my grande-mere and informed me that if I attend Hogwarts next year they will disown me."

Addie gasped as she stopped dead in her tracks. How could they... She looked at Rachelle who had a small tear forming in her eye just talking about it.

"No... why, you can't... but your dad..."

"My dad is barely ever there and left my education under my mother's care. I think she's being pressured by her mom to do so. All I know is that if I'm not in Beauxbatons once fall starts, I'm not part of the family anymore."

"That's horrible..." Was all that the witch with black hair could say

"I thought about it all week and more. I didn't know what to do and I couldn't bring myself to tell you what was happening. All I knew was I didn't want to go back to a family that's treating me this way. Not only were they treating me like crap but they were also ignore that's best for me and my grades just because I have to attend a high class school like Beauxbatons. And I didn't want to leave Blaise..." Addie noticed more tears forming "I couldn't handle seeing him a couple of days a year. So I told him everything now. I told him I'm staying at Hogwarts and leaving my family because I loved him. And I didn't tell him this all week because I was gathering courage and thinking of a million ways to tell him."

There was a short silence. "What did he say?" Addie asked, unable to wait any longer.

For almost a week, it was the first time Alice saw Rachelle smile.

"He told me that if I'll leave my family for him... than he's ready to do anything for me because he loves me too." Addie sighed relieved and took the blond in her arms. "He said I'm welcomed and I could live at his place during the summer. He assured me his mom wouldn't mind and promised me he loved me and would do anything for me just so I could be happy. He loves me, Addie, he loves me." She repeated, overjoyed

"And you love him too. I just hope it works out for you Rach. I'm so sorry and you're welcome to stay at my place too! I hope there's not only Blaise in your world."

"You're in my world too, Addie." Rachelle said, finally laughing throughout her tears.

"Just remember, I'll help you anyway I can. I'll always be there for you."

"Thank you Addie. I love you."

"So do I, pumpkin." Alice replied, making Rachelle laugh at her forgotten nickname. The two girls became friends during their first year on Halloween when Rachelle cast a spell and made a pumpkin that was part of the decoration, fall on her head. Addie helped her and defended her when some other girls laughed meanly at her.

"I remember that. I misread the incarnation..."

"To think Madame Maxim waited so long to transfer us." Addie added

"Thank god. At least this way I met Blaise. What would I done if my parents disowned me three years ago?" Alice was sort of relieved she was already joking about it

"You would've had me." Alice reminded her

"True." Rachelle replied, smiling "So now tell me. Where do you think we'll be sorted next year?" She asked, heading towards their room

"I'll be in Slytherin for sure. I'm a pure blood and my father's family have all gone by there. I think you'll be in Slytherin or Ravenclaw."


"You're very smart. But also cunning and ambitious so maybe you'll be more likely in Slytherin." Alice explained

"We already have the crest." Rachelle pointed out as they looked on the emblem on their Beauxbatons uniform

"I'm dying to finally have the scarf; it's so cute."

"The silver and green does match both of us..." Rachelle thought out loud

"I say we steal Draco's and Blaise's for the time we don't have ours."

"Deal!" Rachelle exclaimed as the girls giggled. "But we need a bullet proof plan."

The girls continued walking around their future school, exchanging stories and laughing. Alice was so relieved; her best friend was back to normal.
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Hope you guys like it!

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