Sequel: Love Made Us Blind
Status: Done :)

Different Letters


"Addie?" Marie-Adelaide heard as soon as her eyes slowly opened. "Girls, she's alright."

She tried to find the source of the relieved voice and saw her blond friend Rachelle. She quickly realized that she awoke in the infirmary and tried to recall what happened before.

"What am I doing here?" she asked her

"You fainted. Out of nowhere; one minute Madame Maxim is talking about the Tri-wizard tournament and the next you’re on the ground." She explained

Ah, now that rings a bell.

Four other girls, Suzanne, Laura, Celine and Isabelle rushed by her side all at once, asking the girl how she was feeling. Addie smiled weakly and was sort of happy to see a tall and slim woman arrive, their headmistress Madame Maxim, meaning that the five bubbly girls' questions would wait until later.

"How are you feeling Marie?" She asked

"I'm all better, thank you." The ill student assured her sort of embarrassed

"Madame Blanc," the school nurse, "checked you up and seems that you're very healthy. We're very concerned about the cause that made you simply faint."

"I don't know it must have been a rush or something that made me dizzy. I don’t think it will happen again." The black haired witch assured her

"I'm happy to hear that. So must I inform the teachers that you will be attending classes tomorrow?"

Addie nodded as she smiled, turning away. The tormented witch bit her lips trying to shut up. But there was no way that for a second Marie-Adelaide could live in the doubt.

"Madame Maxim!" The timid girl called as the Headmistress turned giving her a questioning look. "I was wondering; will I make the trip to Hogwarts for the year?"

The tall lady simply smiled nodding before answering.

"Your grades convinced us you deserved to be one of the lucky ones. All six of you..." She said including the five witches standing near the bed "Had excellent marks on your finals. A little reward should do you some good. There's a meeting Friday and if you want to go to Hogwarts for the year I expect to see you."

Once the Headmistress was gone, the five girls sat around their friend. Of course they were exited to spend a whole year in a whole different castle with boys. Being an all-girls school really sucked sometimes and meeting some wizards would be so much fun for her friends. She, on the other hand, was stressing about finding one in particularly. Addie knew she why fainted in the Hall; just the though of seeing him again made the girl week. He had become a distant memory, it was hard for her to grasp that she would see him again.

"So we're spending September in the palace but in October we're flying there until June!" Celine said

"So we have less then three months to find ourselves dates for the Yule Ball and nine to find a boyfriend." Laura calculated

Meeting boys hasn't even crossed Addie's head until they all started to get exited meeting finally some wizards; contrary to always being surrounded by witches. Draco Malfoy was her only concern. The only thing Addie was scared of was him ignoring her.

Yet if he missed me just half as much as I missed him, then there was nothing to worry about, he'd be glad to see me and would welcome me with open arms.

While the black haired witch was trying to find sleep in the infirmary, Madame Blanc though it is wise to keep her just in case the girl would feel nauseous, Marie-Adelaide's emotions became a real roller coaster. Exited to see the blond wizard yet scared of rejection.

Impossible, we promised to always be friends.

Yet the girl knew after so long, a whole bunch could change. After a night of reflection, Addie was prepared to fly to Hogwarts, knowing that her childhood friend might just not want anything to do with her.
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Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it (: