Sequel: Love Made Us Blind
Status: Done :)

Different Letters


For Addie, every day this week was torture. Each day that passed seemed passing slower than the other one before. She waited for the day she'd be flying off to Hogwarts. But she wasn’t the only one who was exited. The eleven student from the forth year were as exited as the next person. Not for the same reasons though. Addie imagined every possible scenario and she was somehow relieved that the positive ones out numbered the negative ones. Once Friday came, she was sitting with the ten other girls listening to the Headmistress talk about the year. When Isabelle asked how the classes would be given, Madame Maxim hesitated, explaining she still needed to talk with the teachers since it was rather complicated. After all, no teacher could leave for only eleven students. Madame Maxim would give out classes to the seventh year since their entire grade was leaving. Following her intuition, Marie-Adelaide raised her hand and before she got to re-think her question, the tall woman called her name, indicating the young witch could speak.

"Well I was wondering…" she started in French as the girls looked at her."This is supposed to be a learning experience, studying in a different place. It just crossed my mind that we could share classes with the Hogwarts student."

A murmur of approval crossed the room, as the student whispered between them as the Headmistress pondered on the possibility. Since she didn't rejected it right away, the girls saw hope and already talked about that.

"I would need permission from Dumbledore and if you ladies promise to behave…"

Some of the girls squealed of joy. All the girls in the room pictured a great year with different faces. Addie too was exited, Draco or no Draco, it would be fun. With that the girls left still talking about the possibility to share classes with different witches and wizards for the first time, for almost a year.

"Marie." The tall witch called as she saw her student turn around as so a couple of her friends. "Can I have a moment?"

The black haired girl nodded and quickly told her friends she'd catch up with them. She walked all the way to her Headmistress who was all smiles.

"I like your idea. You know, I always though you were a smart girl." Addie smiled to show her appreciation. "Yet sometimes I notice your French isn't as good and you loose a lot of points for misunderstood terms and ideas."

"I was raised in English and learned French on the sides" Marie-Adelaide explained.

It was true. At the beginning Christine Voltaire's plan was to raise their only daughter in French after her husband was send away. She was one and after a year, the baby had already started to associate words and expressions in English, so the teaching had to be postponed. And when she was ready to learn French, she quickly befriended Draco and some other kids from England. Needless to say, Marie-Adelaide struggled to learn French and never really got the full hang of it before attending to the French school.

"I know and I'm worried. The OWLs are next year and I'm scared you won't get the grades you should since it's not our teachers that are correcting you." The teachers understood the young witch's problems and tried to cope while corrected. "While at Hogwarts this year I want you to do me a favor. Pay attention and tell me how you like it there. If it suite you just fine, I might have you transferred there."

The shock was so much more then visible on the pale face before Madame Maxim. She had so many friends here and learned to love Beauxbatons no matter how much she cursed it her first year.

"But Madame…"

"Of course you won’t want to right away but think about it this year. I want you to make a good choice. And don't talk about it to the other girls."

Addie nodded and was excused the next moment. She walked slowly before getting at the place where she should have met her friends. They were still going on what kind of year it would be if they can join the students from Hogwarts in their classes while girls you weren't going watched them jealous.

"So you know that Noemi and Therese are cursing at you?" Celine said to her as she arrived

"Why?" The newly arrived asked

"Well they can't say a word in English. They can't come and follow classes." Laura explained

"And I don’t see any other way Madame Maxim can get us a teacher for every subject. Fifth years can't come because of the OWLs and only four sixth years are coming. Without counting the senior year that makes us, thirteen, if Noemi and Therese really can't come." Laura calculated

Addie nodded desperately trying not to mention the possible transfer as they talked how exited they were. Well only three more weeks after all. Addie just wished it could go faster.
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Sorry it's so short.
I hope you still liked it and thanks for reading (: