Status: Active.

Move On

You're Calling Off The Guards

Josephine walked into school like any other day, attended her classes like any other day and ate lunch in the library like any other day. Everything panned out like every single day of Josephine's school life.

After school, Josephine walked home the long way. That was when she first caught a glimpse of a boy, a boy she has never seen before in her life. He appeared to be her age but she's never been good at guessing people's ages. So she could be wrong.

He was dressed in black shorts and a plain white t-shirt, what an odd thing to be wearing considering that it's snowing.

Josephine watched him as he stomped through the snow. He walked behind a tree and didn't come out from the other side.

She looked around but he was no where in sight. Josephine's eyebrow furrowed in confusion before she traveled on to her little yellow house.

"Josephine, honey, is that you?" Emily called out from what appeared to be the kitchen.

"Yes, mom," she replied as she made her way to her room. It was small, but cozy room. The walls were painted a light purple, almost periwinkle shade and they had nothing on them, no pictures or artwork. The only thing really noticeable in her room was the bookshelf, it covered one whole wall and was completely filled.

She placed her book bag on the upper right side of her desk, that gave her a perfect view of the backyard.

There was a knock at her door, it could only be her mother, "Yes?"

"May I come in?" Her mother's voice boomed through the door.

"Yes," Josephine opened the door for her. Emily, her mother, took a seat on Josephine's bed.

"So, how was school?" Emily grinned. If you saw the two together, you would never had guessed that they were mother and daughter, they looked nothing alike. Josephine was blonde, pale and brown eyed, Emily was a brunette, tan and green eyed.

"It was the nice, the library just got a new shipment of books." Josephine could see the sides of her mother's smile twitch. In high school, Emily was a social butterfly, at the top of social ladder.

"That's great, you can tell me all about at dinner." Emily kissed the top of her head before leaving the room.
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