Status: yea, short chapters. but thats how I do it.

Unavoidably Unwanted

I never meant for it to work out this way. I would have loved to simply watch him drown, to stand there, imobile, as he sputtered, gasped, and sank. It would have been enjoyable to see him pay for everything he’d ever done to me, and to everyone eles he’d so greatly harmed in his vicious path to the top.

I never meant to save his life. I knew it would serve him right to die. But some part of my 22 year old brain thought diffrently. Some part of me, likely the part that had been bullied most my life, the part that was a responsible single mother, the part that never drank more that 2 beers a night, that part of me had to save him. That unconditionaly caring part of my brain picked up my feet, and moved them forward, at a rather high pace, towards the fast moving river, slipping off my shoes and jacket as I ran.
My mind was left behind, up on the hill, watching myself dive into the river. My mind, in another place, took no note of the cold, fast current that washed over my body. My mind did not tell me to reach down, swimming towards him. My mind did not feel his hand grab mine, nor did it notice the strength it took to pull him to the surface. My body, acting on it’s own accord, treaded water strongly enough to pull him up onto the bank, before houisting myself on the dry ground. My mind then rejoined my body, and I carried him nearly half a mile home.
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