Growing up

First day of school

I remember the first day of school like it was yesterday. I was holding my mothers hand as we crossed the street to my best friend Brian's house. He was going to walk with his mommy and me because my mommy and daddy had to work.

"Be a good girl for Mrs.Haner and not run away from her and Brian, an don't talk to any strangers." My mom kept telling me as she rang the door bell.

"OK mommy" I said just to make her happy, all I really wanted to do was talk to Brian and see what it's like in kindergarten.

"Leslie!" Brian shouted when his mom opened the door. He ran over to me and dragged me inside. "I want you to see my new backpack."

We practically ran to his room and when we did he showed me his new Tom and Jerry backpack. "Wow it's so cool, a lot better then my bugs bunny backpack." I said admiring his backpack.

Brian and I continued to talk until his mom came into his room, carrying his little brother Brent in her arms.

"You two ready for school?" She asked us.

Brian and I looked at each other and nodded as we grabbed each others hand as we followed his mom out of the house.

"Now one of you hold my hand." She instructed as we stood on the side walk. Brian reached up and took his mothers hand.

There wasn't really anything interesting about our first day of school. Brian and I had different teachers, so we didn't get to play together. But it was OK because I made a new friend, his name was James, but he liked to be called Jimmy. He was really tall, an really nice.

I was glad we only had to go to school for three hours because I was exhausted an all I wanted was to take a nap.
Walking out of the class room I was tackled to the ground by Brian as he ran to hug me.

"How was your day Leslie?" He asked me as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the school.

"It was alright, I met a new friend. What did you do?" I asked him.

"I met a new friend too, except he got in trouble and was sent out of the class room." Brian explained to me. When we were outside we started to look for ether of our parents.

"I see your dad" Brian said and points at him.

"I think your coming over my house today." I said when I didn't see ether of Brian's parent's. Brian looked at me and nodded as we made our way over to my dad.

"Hello princess, hello Brian. How was your guy's day." My dad asked as he took our backpacks.

"It was good." Brian and I said at the same time, which was weird since we never said the same things before.

"Good to hear. Brian your dad told me to tell you your going to come with us to Leslie's piano rehearsal, is that OK?"

Brian nodded.

I couldn't help but to smile, my best friend was coming to my rehearsal.
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I know I have WAY to many storys, but this one wouldn't leave me alone..... PLEASE comment and subscribe.