Status: One-Shot...

The Fall

Time To Be Free

Standing this high up. The city looked beautiful. Why couldn't it be beautiful on the streets?? Where everyone walked around, hurting each other, making their way through life like theres nothing to it?? I stand here, watching the small little pieces of dirt fall to their deaths to those crime filled streets.
I want to follow them. My feet shuffling slowly towards the edge. No one would miss me, no one would care. I'll just fly through the air, watch my problems fly away. See my mum again?? I hope so. Watch her fly with wings pure white. Thats what I want to see, not live in this place thats hell on it's own.
Why were we all born?? To create hurt, fill each other with pain and desire to hurt again. I don't get whats made this world so crimal. Why does these lonely streets, fill with murders and villians with different pasts. Everyone used to be good once, but they change...become someone they're not. Why does life change so drastically??
You stand around, and hold onto the little things. Smiles rise across your face, but around the corner, theres someone to pull you down again. Can't you feel the hate in this world?? Can you see with your own two eyes how much pain everyone causes because of their pain. It's stupid. It's pathetic. It's the cycle of life that it shouldn't be. Why does this life have to be so different from all the rest??.

I never thought my life could be so bad. I thought wrong, the moment my mum passed on and left me here, aged 7. I knew from there, life would never be the way it should have been. My life wrapped around the being of my mother, but when her life was taken, by a guy with so much pain filling him inside, he didn't bother to feel the pain it would cause someone else. Someone like me.

You may not care about my name, but I guess I'll tell you that it's Mizzy. Yes it's different, do you think I care?? I don't have a care in the world now. For the past 11 years, my life has been hell. This is where I ended up. Ontop of this building, ready to jump high into the air.

Do you think my mum would come catch me?? Do you think she'll come fly from her high cloud, watch me fall and pull up to her cloud, hold me close and whisper that 'everything will be ok'?? Well I wish every minute of everyday, that she'd do that. Because I hate this place.

If you wonder, I have no dad. No father. No role model to look up to, to hold their hand or fall in their arms when I cry. He left us. Left us for a whore with bleach hair. I comfronted him tonight. Knocked his door, and he answered it slowly. My eyes were filled with nothing, he stared blankly at me, seeing his daughter for the first time after 11 years.

"What you doing here??!" He screams. The whore rushing to the door, giving me the middle finger and stalking back into the house. I stare at her back, then lock eyes with him. The main reason why I'm here right now. Here in this hell.

"I've come to say goodbye" was all my words. Before I turned and walked away. His figure fading in the distance. I hated the man with so much passion. He'd never find out. He'd never care again about me. About anything but that whore.

I'd walked through the streets. Dealers trying to coax me over. I didn't budge. I kept on walking. My life has been filled with this. Guys using me, I may only be 18 years of age, but I've slept with over one hundred different men. To earn my keep?? No. To fill the hole wedge in my chest?? No. To satisfy every low life that drills himself into me?? No yet again. I didn't do it with a reason. I just layed there, waited and walked away. There was nothing meant by the act. Nothing at all.

My feet moved slowly. The slow beat of a dying heart. My dying heart?? I think it's already dead. Pain is just pulling me forward. Nothing more but pain. Nothing can help me. No one would try. I had to break into the building. The guard awoke and stared me down.

He told me to leave. I shook my head. He came to close and I kicked him. I showed him pain. Nothing like the pain that coursed through my veins. Through my dying heart. I took my steps again, walking up the long set of stairs. Right to the roof. To where my life would end. Finally.

I make my hands as fist, and take a swing to the door. It budges slowly open, and I walk through into the cold breeze. The air wiping at my face. At my clothes that keep me 'warm'. Was it my mum telling me to turn around?? I wasn't going to listen to stupid idea's. I was ending this finally. Tonight.

Taking my slow steps. The edge came closer. Here I am watching the beautiful world shine, when I know deep down that nothing is what it seems. If I could warn the new visitors to this place, I'd tell them first hand that it's dangerous. It's a death trap. But do you think they'd listen?? I know they wouldn't.

My life was never going to be perfect. This is my only escape. I'm happy now, can't you see the smile across my face. Of course you can't, your not here right now. Your down there, watching every corner. If you joined me now, I wouldn't fight, I'd hold your hand. Take you with me.

One step further and I'll be free. I watch the small lights fill my vision. Why do I cry now I'm finally able to let go??. My step goes over the edge, and I feel myself fall. The pain I have held has gone. It's dragged itself away, pulled away and left me happy. I'm smiling now. Smiling wide with the tears of angels falling down my cheeks.

I hear a scream. And then another. My life crashing to the ground. My eyes holding those last seconds of light. Before everything goes black.