Status: Finished. Please comment!

Tasty Treat.


He sat on his little red folding chair and stared into the fire pit, watching as the flames gently came up and licked the wood, turning it into ash. 

A pure white marshmallow fell into place above the flame held in place on a long stick by his four year old brother Jamie. He looked up and smiled at the younger image of him self as the boy concentrated on not burning the now slightly brown treat. As the stick dipped a little too far into the flame, the marshmallow caught fire, blackening before the young boy's eyes. 

The sparkle in the toddler's eyes faded slightly as he blew out the flame on the marshmallow and held it out for the husky on the floor beside him. 

Another marshmallow was placed on the long stick by the young boy's father, seated right next to him. His mother ruffled his hair as he made a second attempt to brown the marshmallow. 

"Alex, would you please watch Jamie as your father and I get dinner ready?" the woman asked from her own small red folding chair.

He simply nodded as they walked inside of the new camp trailer to prepare the food. 

The marshmallow dipped into the flame and began to darken yet again. This time a small pout appeared on Jamie's lips as he once again tossed it to the dog beside him. 

Seeing the disgruntled look on his brother's face, Alex got up and walked over to his brother, picking him up and placing him on his lap. He picked up another marshmallow out of the bag and smashed it onto the long stick. 

He held his baby brother in his lap and helped him turn the treat so every side would be golden brown, not allowing it to dip into the flame and catch fire. 

The little boy watched the marshmallow as it gently turned, his older brother's hand placed on top of his, preventing another burnt treat. 

Once the marshmallow was golden brown on every side, Alex pulled it away from the fire and blew on it to cool it down. He pulled the marshmallow off of the stick and handed it to the young boy placed on his lap.

The smaller of the two grabbed the treat with his already dirt covered fingers and put it into his mouth before turning around and giving the older boy a hug. 

Their mother stood in the door of the camp trailer and beckoned her husband over to see the two boys in a warm embrace. 

The man turned and placed an arm around his wife, pulling her close as they both smiled. "Our boys." He sighed as she lied her head on his shoulder. 

He no longer watches the flame turn the logs to ash, instead he watches the pure white marshmallow turn golden brown, held in place on a long stick by his four year old brother Jamie, seated in his lap. 
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this up camping, while wishing I had a little brother. Comments make me happy. Constructive criticism makes me smile. I'm not too sure on the style, but I kinda like it.