This Just Feels Like Spinning Plates

Waiting on some beautiful boy to save you

I had soon left Tori’s apartment after being badgered about moving on and how I shouldn’t compare people to him, and I know. I know I shouldn’t. But I do. So people need to lay off. I walked, keeping that same track of mind, more in a daze than aware of what was going on. I walked through the streets of downtown Manhattan heading towards the park.

I took a sharp turn left into a Starbucks next to a hotel. Standing in line, I gazed at the clear display of bagels, muffins, donuts, and other goodies. This was Manhattan after all, so learning to not only eat, but eat smart, and make it appear effortless is the very essence of. I resisted temptation and ordered my usual, a double chocolate chip frappuccino. Tori often said that was the sweetest I got. Literally and emotionally of course.

I stood by the counter, waiting for my order as I looked around at the people sitting. It was mostly business woman, men, and…unfortunately, someone I did not need to see. He caught me looking at him and I looked in another direction to make it look like I hadn’t.
My order came and I grabbed it quickly but when I turned around, he was standing in front of me.

“Hi, remember me? Ryan.” He extended his hand but I quickly took a sip from my cup and cleared my throat.
“Heh. Lovely. I need to get going now.” I tried to pass by him but he stuck out an arm blocking me.
“Sit with me, I have a party to plan.” Realizing I needed an upper hand with Brody, I mentally slapped myself and followed him leading me to the table he was sitting at. He pulled out my chair for me and pushed it in as I sat down. I muttered a quick ‘thank you’ as I set down my cup and he sat down.
He cleared his throat. “So about last night-” I interrupted him.
“So you need a party planned?”
“Yeah, my friend William’s birthday is in February but we need the party soon, in two days. He’ll be on tour then.”
“Oh I know him. Isn’t he throwing his own party?”
“No, we told him we were leaving today. So can you arrange it?” He put his hand on my hand while I was clicking my nails on the tables. I pulled my hand from under his, stood up and grabbed my cup of coffee off the table.
“Not my job. Stop by the office tomorrow and Jasmine can do it.”
“But…I want you…to.” I sighed out of frustration.
“Fine. Walk with me.” I motioned to the door with a nod of my head. He quickly stood up, got his coat off the chair, and headed out.

We took a left back onto the sidewalk and had walked a couple of blocks before I grabbed his arm and stopped. I turned to face the florist and asked for a single rose. He handed it to me, smiled, and I grabbed Ryan’s arm and started walking again.
“But aren’t you going to pay hi-”
“No.” I smelled the rose. “I do this every Saturday.”
“Do what?”
“You’ll see.”

We walked across the street to the sidewalk next to the park. We were walking near the entrance when I got stopped by someone. “Michelle?”
“Emily!” We hugged before she looked at Ryan. “Oh my god.”
“Em…don’t say anything.”
“Mmhmm, lips zipped. So where you going?”
“It’s Saturday.”
“Oooh alright. What are you doing after, want to have lunch?”
“Sure! Call me later.”
“Alright, bye!”
We parted ways and I started walking again. It wasn’t long before I realized that Ryan was standing in the exact same spot. “Well, what are you standing there for? I got places to be.”