

The cold breeze rushed against his skin as he slammed his car door. He looked down at his outfit, and began to brush the sand off his black button-up shirt. The ocean was an orange color, with hints of black due to the setting sun. He couldn't feel his body, but it didn't phase him- numbness had become apart of him. Crying and screaming didn't help his pain go away as everyone had said. But that didn't help the tears roll down his face. Digging his keys out of his pocket, he opened the trunk of the car to find a brown bag hidden under piles of clothes. He smiled as he grabbed the bag, closed his trunk, and sat himself down on the rocks to prepare for another meeting alone.

He felt the weight on his shoulders increase as he began to drink the vodka by mouthfuls. The taste was extremely awful, but he kept reminding himself it was worth it- it would get her off his mind for the time being. He began to laugh at the ocean as it rushed and slammed against the rocks far below.

He stumbled to his car to snatch the ripped duffel bag in the floorboard. Spilling all of the contents out, he pulled the laptop onto his lap, and began searching for a document. Founded, opened, was the document that full of goodbye sentences to the people he loved. He had made an attempt to re-read what he wrote, but failed as the text jumbled together.

"I'm not good at anything except this, am I?," he screamed with the bottle at hand to the crashed ocean that gave no reply. He finished the bottle, only to still feel numbness. He carelessly stood up and began to mumble a song to himself. He cried and made an attempt to stop breathing, but he couldn't defeat himself.

That's when it hit him- the only way to get rid of the pain was to defeat himself.He needed to cease the feeling of distraught as soon as possible; this wasn't the way he wanted to live- so why live at all? He looked around for the closet escape, and looked down. He saw the ground he was standing on, the rocks- the cliff.

Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he pulled the picture out of the pocket of his shirt. He saw himself; and he saw her right beside her. They were made for each other, there was no denial for that. But she was gone, somewhere he needed to be; the only way was defeating his own soul.

He laid the picture beside his laptop, and looked towards the ocean. As he ran faster and faster towards the drop off, he began to smile to know he'd see her soon. He started to run as fast as his body allowed him to do and took in his last moment with air roaring through his ears.
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I wrote this whenever I was just...down. And to me, it's a poem, but really it IS a short story. Many people don't like this because it's sad, but these are MY feelings, and I'll post whatever I feel like posting. Anyway, enjoy. And please, give me feedback- hate or not hate!