Status: new!



How horrible. How could anyone treat someone else like that? I frown as I look into the small pond, trying to ignore the fish swimming behind the image I am looking at. One of my many gifts is the power to make an image of earth appear. But it only works on glass or water. It can be frustrating sometimes.

I watch as the boy laughs at the crying girl in front of him. What kind of sick bastard enjoys other people's pain? The sweet girl practically fell in love with him at first sight, and here he is, breaking her heart. I can just tell by watching him that he has done this many times before. I haven't seen a heartbreaker this bad in hundreds of years. I have to punish him.

I sigh, standing up slowly. I wave my hand over the pond and the cruel boy and crying girl disappear. I walk unwillingly towards my home, looking for my mother. I may be a god and I may be immortal, but I am still a momma's boy.

"What is it that's made you so unhappy, darling?" Aphrodite's gentle, melodic voice comes from behind me.

"A boy. A horrible boy. He breaks the heart of everyone he can. I have to go to Earth and punish him, make him see the errors of his ways." I inform her. She nods understandingly.

"Don't be gone too long. We will all miss you." She hugs me tightly.

I hug her back before entering my bedroom. It's pretty empty; I only have a bed and a mirror. I can make things appear and disappear so nothing else is necessary. I stand in front of the large mirror and perfect my appearance.

"Going somewhere?" My older sister, Adestria, asks from the doorway. I roll my eyes.

"How did you know?" I ask, not actually curious. She loves to act like she is all knowing and it's just best to play along if you want to avoid one of her temper tantrums.

"Well, being the Goddess of Revenge, I could sense your need to avenge the heartbroken from miles away. The Underworld, even. Also, you never bother to fix your appearance unless you are going somewhere." She says in a "I know everything" voice.

"If you must know, I am going to Earth because there is a boy there who enjoys breaking people's hearts." I say.

"What's his name?" She asks. She always asks me this. She likes to know about the new names that parents give their children with each generation. I recall the image of the girl begging the boy to take her back. I think she mentioned his name... Oh, yeah.

"Darryn." I say finally.

"Hmm. Humans come up with weirder and weirder names as time goes on. Oh, well. Have fun. Wreck some havoc for me, would you? No one wants to get revenge anymore. I haven't had any real action in years." She complains.

"Oh, no! Don't do that!" I recognize the soft voice of my younger sister, Hamonia. I sigh. Here we go. Harmonia and Adestria are polar opposites. Adestria is the Goddess of Revenge and Harmonia is the Goddess of Harmony and Concord. They never stop arguing.

"Why shouldn't he?" Adestria asks the younger girl. Her tone makes it seem like she is a mature adult talking to a child who just suggested something silly. Oh, great. Harmonia hates that.

"Because it's WRONG! Just get your job over with and then come back home." Harmonia orders. She may only be thirteen, but she can be scary sometimes. Her voice holds a lot of authority. I don't even want to think about what she'll be like when she's older. She doesn't even bother to let Adestria or me respond. She just stomps out of the room angrily.

All Gods and Goddesses age at the same rate. We age physically one year per every thousand years. So Harmonia looks thirteen but she is actually 13,000 years old. We continue to age like this until we choose the age we want to be forever and stop there. Most of us stop aging young. My mother stopped aging at twenty five, Adestria at eighteen, and my older brothers Phobos and Deimos (who are twins) at twenty. Harmonia and I are the only ones who haven't stopped aging yet. She is thirteen and I am sixteen.

I walk past Adestria, back into the garden. I notice my brothers sitting by an old tree and walk towards them. Phobos is holding a piece of glass in front of him and both boys are observing something that's probably happening on Earth. Deimos is snickering. The both look up when my shadow falls over them.

"What's wrong, little brother? Another big bad evil person hurting others?" Phobos asks me. They like making fun of me. They don't mean it in a bad way, they are just being my siblings.

"What about you, huh? Enjoying a human's fear?" I retort. Phobos is the God of Fear and Deimos is the God of Dread. In other words they love scaring the life out of people, or watching people who are getting the life scared out of them.

"Oh, ho. Someone's not in a good mood." Deimos observes.

"It's just this guy. I don't think I've ever seen someone as bad as him... Anyway, I'm going to Earth. I guess I'll see you guys in a few months."

"Later." They both say at the same time. They are almost always saying things at the same time or finishing each others sentences.

I go back to that small pond and bring up the image of Darryn again. He's not really that bad looking, for a human. He has silky dark brown hair and bright blue-green eyes. He's kinda tan, too. He also has that air of confidence that I hate. It reminds me too much of myself. I don't want a human to be like me.

At least he doesn't LOOK like me. That would really piss me off. I have bright red and black hair and my eyes look almost metallic. I changed my hair as I got older but I was born with the eyes I have now. I have always had extremely fair skin. I would kill any human that looked anything like me.

I watch as the boy walks towards a random house. There are cars all around it. There is music playing loudly and a bunch of drunk people hanging out. Ew. I've never liked those party scenes. I don't understand how anyone would want to be there. To each their own, I guess.

He walks into the overly crowded house and pushes past a group of dancing people. He seems to know exactly where he's headed. He smirks as he approaches a very slutty looking girl in a revealing outfit.

"Hey, Darryn." She says, trying to sound seductive. I mentally gag.

"Hi, Leah. Wow, this party may be even better than the one you threw last week." He says. So this house must be used frequently for parties, then. That would explain how he knows his way around so well.

"You know, Darryn. You've been here many times but you've never been upstairs. Want me to give you a tour?" She purrs. I don't think I can watch this much longer.

"Sure." He smirks. She grabs his hand and drags him upstairs. She pulls him into one of the bedrooms and kisses him passionately. I frantically wave my hand to get rid of the image. I really, REALLY don't want to see that.

But I got what I was looking for. I recall her address, which is already permanently engraved in my mind. Having a photographic memory can be very useful. Even though he could possibly live across the town from her, I just need to be fairly close to him. At least in the same city. I heard someone at the party mentioning their high school, which I'm sure is the same one he goes to. And that's all I need.

I close my eyes, transporting myself to Earth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this is chapter one. This is my new story that I'm co-writing with ToxiicZombiie. She will be writing Darryn's pov. I hope everyone likes this.