Status: new!



I know that high schoolers often complain about their classes, and now I know why. This is so boring. I already know everything they are teaching! Do I really have to sit here and endure this torture?

Yes. Why?

Because Darryn is in this class with me. I inconspicuously glance toward my right and see him staring at the ceiling, looking almost as bored as I am. But is he bored because he doesn't find this interesting or because he already knows it, like I do? I'll have to look into his grades and see. He seems pretty smart.

"Now. As you all know, we will be dissecting next week." The teacher says. Ew, really? How could someone do that to a poor helpless animal? It's just disgusting. I think the teacher notices my horrified expression because she tells me to stay after class.

"Brendon, do you have a problem with the dissection?" She asks me.

"Yeah, actually, I do. I'm against that kind of treatment towards animals."

"Well, we passed out permission forms to do an alternate assignment earlier on this year. Usually I don't make exceptions for the deadline, but since you are a new student, I'll give you a break. If you complete this form and give it to me tomorrow, you don't have to do the dissection." She hands me a piece of paper and I smile at her thankfully. And, surprisingly enough, the smile is genuine.

At first I am worried that I am late for my next class, but then I notice that it is lunch. As I walk through the halls, I hear something that makes me freeze in shock. It's something that I never thought I'd ever hear.

Darryn's laugh.

Sure, I've heard him laugh before, but it was always fake. This was his real laugh. It's actually a nice sound. I want to hear it again. I knock that thought out of my head as soon as I think it.

I turn to see why he is laughing, trying to distract myself from that thought. I notice him standing next to a girl. She's pretty, and less slutty looking than most of the other girls. She talking to him and he's smiling, looking like he's actually enjoying her presence. Is this one of his heartbreaking schemes? But he seems so genuine.

I look at the girl again, studying her. She has platinum blond hair that I'm surprised to see is natural. She's wearing a normal amount of makeup that actually compliments her complexion, and her skirt and blouse are the appropriate lengths and sizes. She doesn't seem like his normal targets.

I move closer to them, hiding behind a wall. I listen closely, trying to hear what they are saying. At first it's hard, since there are so many people in the hall. But soon everyone goes their own separate ways and I can hear them.

"Oh, come on, Darryn. That's silly." The girl says.

"It isn't silly, Mel. He's just... different." Darryn says. Who is this guy he is talking about?

"Define 'different'. Strange? Not a whore? Another heartbreaker? Different than your normal victims can mean anything."

"I just... I don't know. But I can see myself actually liking him. And it kind of scares me."

"You? Liking someone? I highly doubt that." Mel laughs. Darryn merely raises an eyebrow, waiting for her to elaborate.

"Darryn. I have known you for.... what? Five years? Six? We've been best friends for four. And in that entire time you have never actually like someone. Is this guy really that special?"

Whoa. Best friends for four years? If he's trying to break her heart, he's taking his sweet time doing it. I think he may actually care about her. I didn't think that was possible for him. But maybe he isn't as bad as he seems.

But that doesn't matter.

He is still a heartbreaker and I still have to punish him. Just because he is unexpectedly nice to one person, doesn't mean I will just let everything else slide. He needs to learn what that kind of pain feels like. But who is he talking about?

"Yeah. He really is that amazing. I can't even describe him." Darryn says dreamily.

"Give me details. What's his name? What does he look like?" Mel demands. Darryn opens his mouth to speak, but the bell interrupts him. Did I really miss all of lunch? Damn.

"I'll tell you later." I hear Darryn say as he walks to his next class. Mel waves and heads in the opposite direction. Sadly, I don't have this class with him. Now I get to suffer through forty-five minutes of American History that I already know.

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Hmm. We are seeing a nicer side of Darryn now. Comments=more chapters!